
"How do we move him though" Chan said has he begun to pace around worried as the minutes went by.Lilith stopped and thought for a second.She turned to look at Felix and the barrier and motioned Seungmin over."Since we need to go to the fairy fountain I was thinking what if you can grab him and carry him."Lilith said to Seungmin.He carefully looked at the barrier just as he was about to speak Hyunjin spoke up.

"We are all coming with Seungmin.The final being of the prophecy resides in the forest.We can't not be so careless we are now all on the run." Hyunjin said out loud."I have been away from my kingdom for a bit but we have sent messenger birds.We must tread carefully for these are dangerous waters"Hyunjin said now changing his hair from blond to black.

"I agree me and Hannie are now on the run we must change some of our physical appearance.Jeongin can just transform into a Pegasus and Seungmin a dragon." Minho said sitting up as he was propped against the tree next to Han.

"Ok Seungmin you know what to do" Hyunjin said backing up so he can transform.

With a flash of bright red and a loud crumble once again there stood a mighty red dragon.

Chan watched silently as blood dripped from Felix eyes his once lively doe brown eyes now dull and white.He couldn't stand to stare at someone he cared about maybe love be in this much pain.This is why he never fell in love.All he could hope was Felix can survive this dreadful journey

Felix was awake but not quite awake.He could hear everything going on in the world but he couldn't see or feel what was going on.Suddenly the whole world begun to shake he felt something pick him up.

"What could that be that's causing this"

Felix sighed sitting down looking back at his reflection. He had a gut feeling he knew what this was.He was finally getting his new powers ,finally growing to his full potential. A new rebirth from the ashes is what it is.

"Wait they would have to burn me for me to be finally reborn"

Felix didn't like this idea he experienced it once and it was the most painful thing in the entire world.He thought back to how the others who were Phoenix's had to be drowned.One with their element to be finally reborn.Felix shivered at the thought curling his his legs to his chest.

"Why did this have to happen to me"

He wished he still had his parents they would have helped him.But now he must move on to take back his kingdom.For his friends,people and the future people of Lumeria.It was a big burden Felix wasn't prepared for.His older sister was to take the throne. But now that would never happen there body was purposely away from the water so they couldn't reform.

The barrier Felix was surrounded in was beginning to turn red and darken they ground shook and cracked.Felix was left unfazed he knew what was gonna happen.

Once an heir reaches ones peak they must relive the past lives.Felix must go back to his past lives now and into the future.
(Why this low-key sound like avatar)

Chan watched as Seungmin carefully picked up the barrier Felix was in and grasp it in his claws.He watched as Minho and Han sat behind Jeongin. Hyunjin was talking with Lilith getting more worried.He couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but it left Hyunjin in tears.Hyunjin looked at chan quickly looking away getting on Seungmins back.Channie and Lilith summoned there wings slowly flying up.They hoped this plan would work for Felix it was there only chose.

They all flew out of the arena that was once glorious and shining brightly among the clouds now broken and burned.Chan felt the cold rain drops from the clouds hit his skin as they descended downwards towards the main land.They all gave one last look towards the Sky Palace silently before turning around.

"Prince Felix you have arrived "A mysterious voice said .Felix turned around now in traditional clothing to see over 50 people standing there.They all looked like him but with white hair and fiery red tips.They all had a lotus flower crown on there head.There was woman,men and some who didn't identify as an identity. Felix looked around seeing little kids and older people."Was this the people before me" Felix thought as he slowly walked forward.

"Prince Felix it seems you have hit your peak and are preparing to be reborn into your true form" A older man said as he walked forward. Felix saw this older person was dressed in a white hanbok that had red patterns.

Quick lesson if you wanna write about using a hanbok
Traditional hanbok had vibrant hues that corresponded with the five elements of the yin-and-yang theory: white (metal), red (fire), blue (wood), black (water) and yellow (earth). Colours also symbolised social position and marital status.The upper classes wore a variety of colours.
Traditionally, Koreans incorporated five cardinal colors into many aspects of daily life and tradition. The color white symbolizes purity, innocence, peace and patriotism.
The color of hanbok symbolized social position and marital status. Patterns were embroidered on hanbok to represent the wishes of the wearer. Peonies on a wedding dress, represented a wish for honor and wealth. Lotus flowers symbolized a hope for nobility, and bats and pomegranates showed the desire for children

Felix slowly walked forward to be met with an older version of himself.All Phoenix's are immortal but if they desire to change there age they can."But be warned boy this power is dangerous it killed us all if it is not controlled correctly ".Felix listened intently to all the previous people.There deaths were not a happy one very gruesome and painful." Your special Felix your a white Felix of pure holy fire we have never seen anything like that".Felix was a but confused asking "But my Phoenix is orange like everyone else's ".

" Listen here boy that was before you are reborn.Before you passed out your eyes had glowed white your power is unlike any of ours".The older man said.A young girl ran up with blue eyes and a scar running down her face."Please try to die not to soon we want to live a long life" she said giving him a Jacaranda

Jacaranda represents wisdomrebirthwealth and good luck.

egend says if the flower falls on your head, it means good fortune for you.

Felix felt his eyes tear up.This poor young girl didn't make it far in life and was continuing from him.

"I promise I will I won't ever break that promise"

She frowned a bit he wasn't aloud to see his future so he knew it wasn't good.He smiled before going back to a pitch black room reliving his past memories. He was ready to experience all his past deaths.

"We have arrived Seungmin we must put him into the fountain and pray" Lilith ordered out loud.Chan felt something big was about to happen. It was not gonna be good.

Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter
Hope your having an amazing day if you ever need to talk to someone feel free to✨
Not proof read
My parents are offering to buy me a light stick I got the SKZ one which one should I get?
