
"Honey, you almost ready?" He yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
"Almost. Just a minute love."

I walk down the stairs in his favorite thing.
That silk black dress.
He smirks.  "You look good."
"I know," I retorted. "now where are we going?" You can hear the smile in his voice. "You'll see." He says, opening the car door open for me. As he's driving to the place I realized where we are.
"Don't tell me, don't tell me!" I say in excitement. "It's my grandma's house, it is!?"
He laughed at how happy I was. "Your cute when your happy. Almost there sweetheart. Only five minutes."

You walk through the red gate and look at everything. The same chair grandpa always sat in, untouched since his death. Grandma's show playing. A rose engraved in the gate, a sign for our mafia members. The L.E.D lights from my old room shine a vibrant purple.

We get into the house and see my room.
"Wow, this was your room." He breaks out in sudden laughter.
He see's a Taemin poster that said
"Taemin my love" under it.
"I was a big fan of him when I was young okay. I'm out of that phase."
"Baby I'm sorry but this man's face is plastered onto every single wall in this room."
I laughed. "Like you have SISTAR posters in your old house."

We walked to my old school, Yeongsang High School. Then, he got down on one knee.

"Florence, will you—"
"Yes a million times yes Jeon Jungkook yes!"
He smiles.
"That's my girl."


Honey.That's you.  Sweet, kind, compassionate, gorgeous, monotone, serious.
Your all I want, all I need. To give you my last name, my whole life.

Florence's Vows

You fascinate me.  Not because of how we met, but because I have so much to learn about you.
You call me honey cause you say I'm sweet. I'm the queen of a mafia, your my assistant.
I'm so madly in love with you Jeon Jungkook it hurts. Your eyes, those doe brown eyes..I love them. Your touch, gentle. Your kisses cherry sweet. Your mine and no one else's.

I sit in his lap at the reception. The room is filled with the Jeon Family and the Lee's.
All of my uncles stare Jungkook. I shoo them off, I know they want my safety. But I am safe with him,
He gives my neck soft pecks as I watch a gift being placed in front of you: guns, Won by the stacks, silver, and hundreds of white roses.

"Why can't we go home..." he says sleepily.
"Only a couple more minutes baby. Not too long."

In a meeting, two weeks later.

Ateez's leader Wooyoung sits at the opposite table from me.

"I'd like to apologize for how I acted. It was inappropriate and it won't ever happen again."
I nod. "Better not. Now about the money from the wedding—"
Jungkook walks in. "Baby is everything alright?" I shoo Wooyoung out.  He sits down and wraps his arms around me.

"I just missed you." I sigh sarcastically.
"Oh my god...so you stopped a meeting just to tell me That you missed me?"
He nodded, extremely confident in his disruptance "Mhm, pretty much."
I sighed, but remembered that I'm married to him. "Your lucky your cute." Then I remembered, oh my husband is still my assistant.
"Oh right, remember that you work for me. So, get me Wooyoung, then if you get my drink order right I might kiss you~" "Okay, okay. Jack Daniels, iced, lemon. Right?" I nodded.
"Yes, good boy. Now go."
