just a quick reminder that their kids' names aren't based on real life people oKay? and also we're gonna go back for some few years unlike the book 1's specials, please do enjoy!!


"Make it fast Choi Yena!!"

"Okay okay!"

Yena ran inside the car, even bumping her head as she entered. She inserted the keys before finally starting to drive.



Yena stopped the car before dashing inside the house again.


"Alright alright, I'm here. Just relax, breathe." Yena started instructing Yuri to breathe properly.

"Stupid duck! Drive!" Yuri yelled again.


some more bickering later

"You can do it, baby. Just like Yuna, just like Yuna." Yena said, trying to calm Yuri down, who's having a hard time giving birth to their second child.

She caressed Yuri's hand with her thumb as she whispered some nice things, she'll probably not tell Yuri at some normal time.

As much as Yena wanted to laugh at how Yuri's face is so scrunched up, she can't. She knows the her wife is having a really hard time.

(excuse me for the things to come, i ain't no doctor or smth, u might want to skip as it gets much more cringey)

"Congratulations, you had a daughter on 8:43 PM." The doctor said, letting the couple take a look at the newborn baby before giving it to the nurse for further cleaning.

"You should rest." Yena told Yuri before giving her a kiss on her forehead. After that, Yuri fell unconscious.

Yena went near to where the baby was. Just like her, and their first child, she has a cute duck lips. Yena kinda got jealous at first, since she had more of Yuri's looks. But considering that Yuna looked almost like her, it's just equal.

"Hi baby Yeri,," Yena cooed, adoring the cute baby. They had already planned a name ever since they knew what the baby's gender was. "Isn't your momma cute?"

As if on instinct, Yeri started crying which made the nurse near her laugh. Yena is such a fool for herself.

"You're just like your mom." Yena pouted. "But who cares, aren't you the cutest baby on earth, hm?"

Yena smiled at how Yeri stopped crying after, and stared at her with eyes just like Yuri's. "Yuna's gonna love you, oh gosh. Look at how cute you are."

Yena interacted with the baby for some time. The nurses took the baby again for tests, while Yuri was transferred to another room to rest.

"You okay?" Yena asked Yuri.

Yuri just hummed and nodded.

They talked for a while before until Yena heard her phone ring. She went to get it, and saw her mom's contact.

"It's mom." She answered the phone and her face got even brighter when she saw her daughtet on the screen. "Hi Yunaaa."

"Let me see." Yuri said. Yena showed her the phone's screen. "Hi babyyyyy."

"Wanna see Yewi!" Yuna said with such a cute Busan dialect she obviously got from Yuri.

"Yeri's not here yet, baby. But we'll go home as soon as she's ready, okay?" Yena said.

"Okay momma."

"You should sleep now, Yuna. It's your nap time." Yena said. "We'll come home soon!"

"Bye bye!"

Yena waved her hand, so as Yuri before they hung up.

"I miss her." Yuri said. "She'll probably get confused why my tummy got smaller."

"Yeah, she loves your big tummy." Yena giggled before putting her phone aside. "You too, should rest."

"Yen, I just woke up."

"Oh right."

"Still the same stupid duck I know." Yuri chuckled.

"What?! Says the one who eats pizza with pineapples."

"That's so out of topic but, says the one who forgot the baby's things earlier."

"Gosh don't even, I was panicking." Yena rolled her eyes, not forgetting the way her heart pounded so bad from nervousness when Yuri told her she's about to give birth.


The two stopped bickering when they heard the door open. It's the nurse, and she's carrying the newborn.

Yuri had a smile on her face before she slowly sat up, with Yena's help, of course.

Yena was the one to take the baby. She felt something was wrong with the atmosphere, but she just shrugged it off.

She carefully handed the baby to Yuri.

"Gosh, another baby that looks like you. Why is the world so unfair?" Yuri complained.

"Eh? I thought she looked like you earlier." Yena said. She looked at the baby, and it's true, the baby looked just like her. "Maybe they don't wanna look like you."

"Who cares, hi Yeriiii." Yuri smiled at the baby. "You're so cute, oh gosh."

"Is that you, indirectly calling me cute?" Yena asked.

Yuri heard it but just decided to ignore it and continued interacting with the baby.

"Like mother like daughter." Yena sighed.

got too excited to publish, so yeah
