chap-ter three

"Do you want a ride?" Xander asked me, as he slipped on his leather jacket. Everybody else had filtered out after I had given my toast, but Xander had stayed for some inexplicable reason.

"No, I think I'll just crash here," I told him with a shrug, a smile poised on my lips. His expression soon mirrored mine, as he leaned in and brushed his lips against my cheek.

"Okay," he nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Definitely," I grinned.

"Happy Birthday," he smiled, opening Sage's door and stepping out into the cold night air. I watched him as he climbed into his car, and gave him a final wave as his vehicle backed out of Sage's large driveway.

Closing the door, I leaned back with a sigh and closed my eyes.

"Girl, you are so whipped," Sage smirked, walking up to where I was standing. "I don't blame you, though. He's fucking sexy."

"He is, isn't he?" I grinned, slipping my arm through hers. As we walked up the stairs towards Sage's room, I could feel the surprise in her eyes.

"So, what actually happened?" she asked me, sitting back on her bed. Her head rested against the elegant headboard of her bed, an aura of tiredness hovering around her.

"I went outside-"

"Why? Did you not like the party?"

"No," I shook my head with a small smile, "I was just feeling a little claustrophobic. Anyways, he came outside too after a few minutes."

"Was he watching you?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "So, then we talked a little bit, and he just ended up closer than I imagined-"

"A hell of a lot closer," Sage quipped, with a smirk.

"And then, you walked in, or out, on us kissing," I ended, glaring at her.

"Well, by the way it was going, I'm going to say that was a good thing, given the fact that I know how much my mother would hate having her petunias ruined by your bodily fluids," she told me with a wink.

"Oh, shut up," I chuckled, shoving her playfully. "Now get me a large t-shirt and all of the Harry Potter movies. We're not sleeping tonight."

"Your wish is my command," Sage saluted, getting up from where she was seated. "For today only, though."

Three Harry Potter movies and two ice cream breaks later, Sage and I were both fast asleep on her black duvet. As I woke up groggily and swept a hand through my messy hair, I realized it was midday. Sunlight filtered in through Sage's large windows, and I could barely see as my eyes landed on Sage's familiar digital clock.


Letting out a small sigh, I got up, leaning over to Sage's desk to write her a note. She was still sleeping soundly, and I didn't have the heart to wake her up.


I went back to my apartment in preparation for tonight. I borrowed a pair of yoga pants. See you tomorrow.


Grabbing my heels from yesterday, I crept down Sage's staircase and slowly made my way to my car. As I climbed into my black mustang, a chill crept onto the nape of my neck, almost as if I could feel someone watching me. I turned my head inconspicuously, but my eyes caught no flutter of movement. Shrugging it off as paranoia, I slammed my car door shut and stuck my key into the ignition. Slowly, my car rumbled to life, and I backed away from Sage's grand house, making my way back to my own home.

"Patrick!" I greeted cheerfully, as he opened the door for me with a smile. Patrick, both our apartment complex's so-called "watchdog," and doorman, had long since become a close friend of mine.

"Marcella," he grinned brightly, his shoulder pad slipping off a bit, "Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks, Pat," I smiled, giving him a quick wave as I stepped into the lobby of my apartment complex. I pressed the elevator button on the side, with a slight impatience suddenly overwhelming me. Thankfully, the elevator doors soon slid open, releasing both an old woman with a chihuahua stuffed in her purse and the smell of musty books. Stepping into the elevator, I was immediately met with the scent of the library, which for some reason, didn't soothe me as it always seemed to. Once I finally made it to the 23rd floor, where my apartment was currently situated, relief clouded my thoughts.

However, this relief was short-lived, as my eyes then caught sight of a small parcel, tucked neatly by my door.
