After the failed mission of the old units, the SM league became desperate to make sure that after the hiatus of their mission, they would succeed. They recruited and trained their new agents with new technologies and facilities. They established a new unit that will try to infiltrate KWANGYA after ten long years. Under the new unit are the NCT and Aespa and added some mid-units like EXO and Red Velvet to guide the new agents of the league. Other than these groups, the league established a joint unit called SuperM –seven skilled agents from different units merged into one.

THE NEOS – generally, the term for all the clubs under the NCT unit. This unit is considered the largest among other units of the leagues. It is composed of 20 agents. Inside the NEOS headquarters, there are 3 main clubs; NCIT Club, The Phantom Club, and The Glitchers Club.

NCIT CLUB – Neo Culture Institute of Technology Club is composed of nine (90 agents that are currently a college students. They all majored in a degree related to information and technology. They are also known as the "coding crew" of the league. They are not just an ordinary college students, they are agents most of the time. Apart from that, they are all Vampires and are skilled in combat. They are very versatile, but can be chaotic at times.

The Members:

Taeyong Lee / Code Name: TY

- The leader of the club and the NEOS, overall.

- He is one of the hackers and main investigator of the club

- He also took up Chemistry and Biology and became an experimenter

- He always tries to push everyone on their limits so they can surpass it.

- He leads the team well and oftentimes give compliment to his members to motivate them.

Taeil Moon / Code Name: Moon

- He is the oldest among the NEOS. He is charismatic and chill.

- He is the initiator and go through complex plans and strategy of the team.

- He might be calm but puts pressure to everyone to do their job critically (his work mode)

- He is also the main investigator of the club, along with Taeyong.

- He took up Statistics as well.

Johnny Suh / Code Name: JCC

- The tallest member of the NEOS

- With his great physique, he is the top combatant among all the NEOS. He took up Taekwondo, Jui-jitsu and Parkour lessons altogether.

- He is also an experimenter along with Taeyong as they both took Chemistry and Biology.

- He is one of the effective negotiator of the team.

- A crack head and the neutralizer within his team.

Yuta Nakamoto / Code Name: Lion

- The only Japanese in the unit.

- He is the information checker of the team, everything should be examined and proofread by him. He is very particular with small details especially in codes.

- He majored in Computer Engineering. He would always complain about computer but find it fun at the same time.

- He can be very intimidating (his work mode)

Doyoung Kim / Code Name: JM (Jonghari Monster-Calves Monster)

- The genius hacker of the team and the stubborn right hand of Taeyong.

- He majored in Information Security and partially took Chemistry and Biology but got bored and did not finish it.

- He is the one who approves of the data to be kept and organized it.

- He is also a code maker to use for their missions. He is short- tempered, especially when it comes to Haechan. (Ill-fated relationship)

Jaehyun Jung / Code Name: Peach

- The lazy yet effective hacker of the team.

- He is one of the negotiator and code maker.

- He is a combater like Johnny, ranked 3rd.

- He majored in Computer Engineering as well and the sole witness of Doyoung's breakdown when he can't crack a code instantly.

- The most calm member of their team and the only one who can calm Taeyong easily.

Jungwoo Kim / Code Name: Guguma (sweet potato)

- He majored in Information Technology

- He is the Security Hacker of the team especially the surveillance cameras.

- He is chaotic most of the time and would mess with the team at times while at work.

- He is the mood maker of the team.

- He always sticks with Jaehyun even at dangerous and busy times.

Mark Lee / Code Name: Alien

- He is the most versatile agent in the league as he is in more than one unit.

- He is the code keeper of the team and would sneak some information on Doyoung's database.

- Along with Johnny and Jaehyun, he is also a good negotiator.

- He can be busy at times but always present with all his clubs meeting and planning.

- His thoughts can sometimes be helpful, but most of the times, not.

- The unit's representative in foreign partnerships.

Haechan Lee / Code Name: Sun

- He is the youngest in NCIT Club and the most chaotic.

- He majored in Computer Science and the resident technician of the team.

- He handles the documentation of important events and meetings of the club.

- He is also the assigned asset and spy of the team on their missions.

- Likes to bother Mark


