You're perfect

No ones PoV

It was 10.30 am and everyone was awake apart from Lauren and Rylee. Therefore Kim and Kylie decided to go wake them up as they were all heading to the beach. The two sisters walk up to the bedroom door and opened it slowly. Inside revealed Rylee and Lauren cuddled up with half of the bed sheet on the floor.

Rylee had her face squash into Lauren chest and boob area, with her arms around Lauren's torso. Lauren's right leg was on top of Rylee's, while her arms were tangled in her fizzy hair.The two sisters smirks at the couple. Kylie walks over to the couple and gently shakes Lauren

Kylie- Lauren...Lauren...wake up...

Lauren opens her eyes, looking around and smiles, seeing Kim and Kylie.

Lauren- hi, what time is it?

Kim- 10.30 you two are last ones asleep

Lauren nods and then try's to wake up Rylee. She gently stroked her hair while whispering 'Rylee baby, time to get up'. Rylee whined and snuggled in Lauren's breast more. This made Kim, kylie and Lauren all smirk.

Lauren- come on RyRy, we are gonna go to the beach today.

Rylee slowly opens her eyes and smiles at her girlfriend, not noticing her two aunts.

Rylee- good morning beautiful.

Rylee gently kisses Lauren's lips for a couple of seconds.

Kylie- good morning little miss sleepy.

Rylee jumped in shock, turning her head towards the door. The three women laughed at Rylee's shocked face. Kim and Kylie excuses themselves to let the girls get dressed. Soon enough the couple was changed and ready to go for the beach.

Lauren's outfit with a big white t-shirt over the top

Rylee's outfit ^^

The couple walked out hand in hand, with a beach bag (for the towels and sunscreen) towards the outside back, where the whole family were. Most of the kids were in the sea, with Scott, Kanye, Harry, Kendall and Corey. All of the women were sat on the deck chairs with their beach bags, trying to get a tan. The couple sat on a spare sun bed next Kourtney.

Lauren- hey babe, can you put some suncream on my back please.

Rylee nods and sprays some suncream in her hands as Lauren turns her back towards Rylee. After Rylee smothers Lauren in suncream, Lauren does the same to Rylee. Before they both put their t-shirts back on.

Rylee- when are we leaving?

Khloe- umm in about 5 minutes, we just need to dry off the kids.

Rylee nods pulling Lauren in between her legs as Lauren sat back into her girlfriend. The couple watched as everyone dried off their kids or partners. Rylee gently kisses the back of Lauren's neck multiple times, making Lauren have goosebumps on her skin.

Lauren turn her head and smirks at Rylee, who just smirks and kisses her cheek. Soon enough everyone was ready and they left for the beach. They all piled into three cars to drive towards the beach. Eventually they arrived at the beach.

Lauren and Rylee hoped out the car and walked hand in hand towards the beach with the rest of the family. Everyone placed their bags down. The kids immediately ran into the sea with some of the adults after. The women began to take pics. Lauren and Rylee just sat on the sand, farther away from the family.

Lauren rested her head on Rylee's shoulder, connecting their hands together. The young couple breathed in the air and just stayed there with smiles on their faces.

Rylee- this is perfect.

Lauren- you're perfect.

Rylee blushes and smirks, looking down. Lauren smiles and gently grabs her girlfriend by the chin, pulling her into a short but passionate kiss. Once they pull away, Lauren stood up and held her hand out. Rylee took it straight away, with a look of confusion. Lauren then took off her long t-shirt and Rylee got the idea, taking off her shirt as well.

Lauren pulled Rylee into the water. They stopped when they got to shoulder length. Rylee swam closer, making Lauren and her noses almost. Lauren wrapped her arms around Rylee's neck, giving her an Eskimo kiss. Rylee giggle and takes her hand, tucking a piece of hair behind Lauren's ear. Lauren wraps her legs around Rylee's waist, making Rylee grip her legs.

Rylee- you are so gorgeous

Lauren- I love you so much,Rylee Emilia  Kardashian

Rylee- and I love you too, Lauren  Michelle Jauregui Morgado, so fucking much

They both slowly lean in, connecting their lips. Lauren immediately places her hands onto Rylee's cheeks. After a lack of oxygen, they pulled away, lightly pressing their foreheads together. Rylee gently pecks her girlfriend's lips before looking around and noticing a cute little waterfall.

Meanwhile, Kourtney, Kendall, Khloe ,Kylie and Kim were sat on the chairs, drinking cocktails and watching their kids. Kourtney looked round trying to find Rylee and Lauren. The sisters notices this and looks at Kourtney in confusion.

Kim- what's wrong?

Kourtney- nothing, just trying to find Rylee and Lauren.

The women nod, and look around trying to find them. That's when Kim spots them, mid kiss.

Kim- oh they are over there.

The five sisters turn and look over to the young couple. They watch as they place their foreheads together for a moment and then Rylee pecks Lauren's lips. The five women smile at the couple. They then see Rylee pulling Lauren round a corner where they can't see, making Kourtney , Kim, Kendall  raise their eyebrows, while Kylie and Khloe just smirked.

Kourtney- you don't think they know...?

Khloe- you don't sound very convincing Kendall.

Kourtney- well she better not be doing what I think she is doing.

Kylie- why not? She is an adult now.

Kourtney- she is still my baby girl. And I don't wanna think that my daughter does that stuff.

Khloe- you have to get used to it Kourt, she isn't that little girl who used to run round in her dippers anymore.

Kourtney- yeah I will say the same thing to you when true starts doing stuff like that.

Khloe rolls her eyes.

Kendall- look, they probably aren't doing anything like that. Kylie and I will go see.

Kylie and Kendall got up and began to swim towards the young couples direction.

Once Rylee turned the corner with Lauren, they grinned at the site.

The couple swam towards the waterfall. Once they reached it, both of the girl's cupped the water and splash it over their faces. Lauren pressed her back against the water, Rylee copied her. They both felt relaxation take over them.

Rylee- this is amazing.

Lauren- mhm, honestly so relaxing.

Rylee smiled at her girlfriend and slowly swam over towards her, pulling her into a kiss. As if on cue, Kylie and Kendall swam round the corner to see the beautiful waterfall and their niece and her girlfriend kissing under it. They smiled at them as Lauren wrapped her arms around Rylee's neck, wrapping her legs around Rylee's waist.

Kylie- let's just leave them.

Kendall- just tell Kourtney that they are just swimming and splashing about.

Kylie- okay.

The two sisters watch as Lauren and Rylee giggle disconnecting their lips. Lauren gets off Rylee and splashed her with water, making Rylee attack her back.

Rylee- oh I see how it is!

Lauren- lets go!

Kylie and Kendall laugh as the couple began to have a splashing war with the water.

Kendall- wow, they are so in love.

Kylie- yeah, I wish travis and I was like that.

Kendall- wait, are things not going well with you and travis?

Kylie- yeah, this holiday is the last resort.

Kendall- I am sorry Ky.

Kylie shrugs.

Kylie- come on let's go relieve Kourtney from her stress that her daughter is having sex.

The two sisters laugh as the swim away.


It has been a few hours since the two sisters caught the young couple. Kourtney was relieved that they weren't doing what she was thinking. Now Lauren is sat with Chicago in her lap Khloe, Kylie and their daughters in their laps watching all the other kids in the water. Lauren smiles watching reign, mason and Rylee play fighting in the water while playing with Chicago's hair.

Khloe- you know your really good with kids.

Lauren- thanks, I have lots of practice.

Kylie- how do you mean?

Lauren- oh my younger sister had twin boys when she was fifteen and I helped her a lot.

Kylie- aww what are their names?

Lauren- Cruz and Cesar.

Khloe- so they are five now then?

Lauren- no, four but five coming up.

Khloe- you got any pictures of them.

Lauren nods and pulls out her phone. She finds a pic of her and the boys. She passes her phone to Khloe, who shares it with Kylie.

Lauren- the one in front is Cruz and the other is Cesar.

Kylie- they are adorable.

Khloe smiles passing the phone back Lauren, who smiled at the pic and then put her phone in her bag. Rylee smiled and waved at Lauren who waved back and blew a kiss towards her.

Kylie- do you ever want kids yourself?

Lauren- one day, yeah.

Kylie- how many?

Lauren- honestly, I will be happy with just one. I would love to experience carrying the baby in my stomach for nine months. But not yet.

Khloe- I think you and Rylee will be good moms.

Rylee PoV

We arrived back at the villa an hour ago. We are going out to eat as a whole big family. We have 20 minutes and Lauren is in the bathroom finishing up her makeup, while I am putting on perfume.

Rylee's outfit ^^

I had a shower before and now I have my curls out and fizzy. I turn round and hear Lauren walk out the bathroom. Wow. She is so gorgeous.

Lauren's outfit ^^

Me- wow, my girlfriend is gorgeous.

Lauren- well my girlfriend is super sexy.

We both smirk and lean in for a quick peck before walking out of the room hand in hand. We met everyone outside the villa, where all the family stood waiting.

Me- we the last ones?

Kim- yep. Now come on, we are starved!

Everyone piled into 3 cars and drove to the restaurant. Soon enough we arrived at the restaurant. I got out first and helped Lauren out after. We all walked into the restaurant and my grandma told the waiter our last name for the table. We followed a waitress to the back of the restaurant where big long table was.

On the left side sat, Kris, Corey, Kylie, stormi, travis,Kourtney, Scott, Mason, reign, Kendall and harry. On the right was Khloe, true, Chicago, north, Penelope, me, Lauren, Kim, Kanye, psalm and last but not lest saint. Everyone sat looking through the menu. I helped Penelope choose something to eat.

After ordering our food, everyone began chatting. There was lots of conversations going on so it was hard to concentrate. Therefore I just pretended to listen as I grabbed a hold of Lauren's hand, tracing patterns on the band with my thumb. Lauren looks at me out of the corner of her eye and sends me a small smirk.

Kim- so you up for it Rylee?

I look away from our hands and are met with basically all the women in my family's eyes on me. Especially Lauren's, who was smirking at me, knowing I wasn't listening.

Me- sorry, up for what?

Kylie- ugh, the spa day tomorrow.

Kendall- it is gonna be a kid free day.

Me- umm sure, is just us girl or the guys coming?

Scott- oh I am deffo coming, I need some relaxation.

Kourtney- yeah, all the adults are coming. We have people to look after the kids.

Me- awesome, can't wait.

Everyone goes back to their own conversations as Lauren whispers into my ear 'me too' before nibbling it a bit. I smile and rest my head on her shoulder, waiting for the food to come.

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