I Have A Question For Y'all!

(How do you lovelies feel about a band AU where Biana makes Sophie go see her favorite band, they wear masks on stage  and they use code names, so no one knows their identity. Sophie meets Keefe, the band's lyricist and album designer. They start to hang out more. Keefe finally convinces Sophie to bring Biana, who starts to develop a thing for the guitarist.

Roles in the story:

Keefe: lyricist and album cover designer

Tam: guitarist and homeschooled

Dex: drummer and is Sophie's best friend other than Biana

Fitz: lead signer and Biana's older brother, he's also their upperclassman.

Lihn: the band's manager and Tam's twin sister, also homeschooled

Marella: the band's media liaison [the one that deals with the press for the band for those of you who don't know what the word liaison means. It's also pronounced {lee-a's-on}]).

Biana: Fitz's younger sister, the band's #1 fan and Sophie's best female friend

Sophie: Biana's best friend and hates the band, but loves Biana so she goes

So what do you guys think of the idea? Comment and vote to let me know if you want me to do it. Message me if you want to. Thanks my lovelies!)
