chapter 12

Samson and Kopa were now still trying to look for Ryan, feeling really bad and worried for the lost zoo cub.

"Where could he be?" Kopa asked himself.

"Ryan!" Samson continued to call and sighed whenever he couldn't get an answer back.

"Follow your instincts..." a voice whispered.

Samson and Kopa looked around, but found no one. When they looked ahead, a green plant changed into a red color with yellow polka dots.

"What the heck?!" Kopa asked completely confused.

"Follow your instincts..." the whisper came back.

Samson walked up to the plant, looking bewildered. He then took a sniff until the plant suddenly became green again.

Kopa looked around and saw a tree suddenly have red stripes around it like a candy cane. "This is bizarre..." he muttered.

A nearby tree changed into a blue color with bright red violet leaves.

"This never happened in the Pridelands." Kopa said.

"So, you don't know what's happening?" Samson asked.

"Sorry, sir..." Kopa sighed. "This is just as weird for me as it is for you."

"Great..." Samson muttered.

Back in the volcano...

The wildebeests had fallen asleep.

"Let's get out of here while we still can." Nigel whispered.

Kazar looked to them which made them all freeze in their spots. "For centuries we've watched our brethren perish at the claw of the lion," he stated, going to the group of non-wildebeests. "Today, we put our hooves down. No longer will we dwell at the bottom of the food chain."

"That's nice, but we really must get going." Oliver chuckled nervously.

"There were those who doubted that you'd arrive to lead us," Kazar continued. "But I always believed in the Omen."

"Ah, omen, right..." Nigel nodded like he knew what Kazar was talking about. "Now, remind me again so these children can learn too?"

"Sent down by the gods, years ago." Kazar explained.

The other wildebeests then backed up to show one of Nigel's plush toys in a Central Park Zoo T-Shirt with leaves on his head like the Statue of Liberty's spikes.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Nigel exclaimed.

"From the gods, huh?" Larvitar muttered. "You sure a plane didn't drop it or something?"

"Yeah, because that's just a toy." Vulpix said.

"It was a sign," Kazar said before kneeling in front of the toy. "Oh, Great Him, you must lead us in our transformation from prey to predator."

"Hold it," Nigel spoke up. "I am the Great Him?"

"Yes, and these other creatures are clearly your loyal followers." Kazar nodded.

Nigel stormed over to the plush toy that was the vain of his existence. "Ha! So this is all your fault. That's right, you--" he was then about to hit the toy with his torch.

"Kazar!" a voice cawed.

"Who was that?" Larvitar asked.

There came in two flying vultures. They both seemed to be fighting for the head wildebeest's attention.

Kazar strangled the one closer to him. "How dare you interrupt my audience with the Great Him!" he scolded.

"But... But... We found a lion cub!" the vulture choked.

"You did?" Kazar asked, interested.

"Was he with a big lion?" Nigel asked. "With big hair? Well, a mullet really..."

"Did he have a tuft of brown fur on top of his head?" Vulpix added.

"Oh, Great Him," Kazar spoke to the koala bear. "You brought three lions with you?"

"Well, like any Great Him, I travel with an entourage." Nigel gave a small innocent shrug.

"Yeah, so anyway, we'll be leaving." Larvitar said.

"Oh, worry not, friend of His Himness," Kazar looked to his lackeys. "I shall have Blag bring the lions here, and he better not screw this up like he screwed up my dance number!"

"I lost count for once verse." the strongest wildebeest, Blag, defended.

"Step-kick, pivot-kick, walk, walk, walk," Kazar told him while demonstrating. "Ugh, why do we even bother rehearsing?"

Oliver and Georgette looked to that, then to each other in awkward silence, then looked back at the wildebeests.

"A good chorus line is so hard to put together." Kazar chuckled.

"So it is." Oliver smiled nervously.

"Take to the skies!" Kazar commanded his vulture minions.

"We're taking, we're taking!" the vultures then flew off as commanded.

Kazar then turned to Blag. "Find them!"

"Yes, sir." Blag replied before going off.

"Bring us those LIONS!" Kazar yelled, making the volcano rumble slightly and leave an echo from his yelling.

"Whoa! This volcano feels like it's about to errupt." Vulpix said.

"Don't worry," Kazar told him. "The gods celebrate the fulfillment of the prophecy! We stamp our hooves in praise of the Great Him!"

"Holy, moly!" Nigel exclaimed.

This made the wildebeests then chant what he just said since he was a god to them.

"You are our king." Kazar bowed to the koala bear.

Nigel chuckled to this and started to laugh rather evilly, he was going to enjoy this very much.

"Nigel, are you actually liking this?!" Vulpix asked.

"I think the power's gonna go to his head." Teddyursa was even more scared now.

Meanwhile, Samson and Kopa continued their search.

There was a distant call heard.

"Ryan!" Samson cried, then immediately ran to the direction of the call. "I'm coming, son!"

"Now that's the Samson of the Wild I've heard about!" Kopa smiled to Samson's determination and ran after him.

They continued to run until they found Ryan and his paw trapped under a branch. Samson roared once he saw vultures were at his son.

"Dad?" Ryan wondered.

The vultures were afraid of Samson since he was an adult lion and they flew away like cowards.

"That's right, fly away, you cowards!" Kopa yelled.

"Ryan?" Samson found his son and hugged him with a frontal paw. "Oh, Ryan..."

"Dad, Kopa?" Ryan asked in surprise. "What're you guys doing here?"

"What do you think? We're here to rescue you and get you back to the zoo." Kopa said.

"I can't believe we found you." Samson smiled.

"How'd you find me?" Ryan asked his father and new friend.

"Are you all right?" Samson checked for any scars or bruises. "Are you hurt?"

"Oh, no, your paw's caught!" Kopa noticed.

"Let's get that off." Samson said.

"I got trapped in that green box." Ryan frowned.

"It's okay, son." Samson soothed, moving the branch off.

"And then I escaped and ran into the jungle--" Ryan continued about his wild story.

"Ryan." Samson tried to stop him.

"And then those vultures came and tried to kill me!" Ryan went on before nuzzling his father. "I mean, you wouldn't have been scared... I was..."

"Ryan, I, uh..." Samson remembered something his son needed to find out. "I have to tell you something."

"Yeah, and it's very important." Kopa said.

"What?" Ryan asked them.

There was suddenly rustling heard.

Samson shushed the cubs so he could hear what it was. "Listen..."

There came a bunch of wildebeests out at them.

"Get 'em, Dad!" Ryan cheered for his father.

"Run!" Samson told him instead.

"Huh?" Ryan was confused why his dad would say that and not fight the animals back.

"I agree." Kopa said.

"RUN!" Samson told the cubs.

With that, Samson, Kopa, and Ryan then ran from the wildebeests. This made Kopa think of a story Rafiki once told him about when Simba was very young, he just hoped the same thing wouldn't happen to the three of them.

"Dad, you should be chasing them like you used to!" Ryan told his father.

"Those were just stories!" Samson told him back.

"Yeah, now keep running!" Kopa exclaimed.

"But this is my dad's chance to show us for real!" Ryan insisted.

"This way!" Samson panted once he found a shortcut.

The three lions went that way and the wildebeests had gone straight after they turned.

"Dad?" Ryan was curious. "What's goin' on?"

"Not right now, just climb!" Kopa told him.

Samson shoved the cubs up first. Ryan and Kopa then started to climb up the best they could. Once they got to a branch, Samson climbed after them. He had a harder time since he was older, but he made it up.

"Whew!" Samson breathed in relief. "I think we lost 'em."

"What's the deal?" Ryan demanded. "They're just a bunch of wimpy donkeys! You could kick their rumps!" he then called out to the wildebeest herd. "You donkey-chickens, get back here!"

"Ryan, I can't fight them." Samson admitted.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked.

Kopa urged for Samson to come clean.

Samson saw this and took a deep breath. "I was young... Still just a cub... I was actually a circus lion."

Ryan looked shocked.

"A circus lion?" Kopa asked.

"I was a lot like Ryan," Samson explained. "I couldn't roar... When they shipped me to the zoo, I never wanted anyone to know where I came from. Especially those closest to me," he then looked to his son. "I should have told you sooner."

"But... All those stories you tell." Ryan prompted.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan." Samson hung his head, he then held out his paw to hug his boy.

"Everything you told me was a lie?" Ryan grew heartbroken.

"Ryan, I understand that you're heartbroken and hurt that you're dad lied, but he just wanted you to look up to him. Right, sir?" Kopa asked Samson.

"Exactly, I--" Samson was about to say, but there was thumping.

The tree was being hit and Samson was nearly falling out of the tree.

"Dad!" Ryan cried.

"Hang on, son!" Samson called back.

Ryan was knocked to the end of the branch with Kopa and they both fell flat on the ground.

"Leave him alone!" Kopa growled.

The tree was still hit at and the tree was nearly off the rock ledge now.

"Ryan, Kopa, run!" Samson told the young cubs.

Ryan and Kopa looked to each other and decided to go against the wildebeests who were trying to knock down Samson, but they could not, because their tails were being held down.

"Not so fast, Tigger." Blag had his hoof on their tail tips.

"Leave him alone!" Kopa exclaimed before clawing at the wildebeest.

The other wildebeest made the tree fall.

"RYAN!!!" Samson yelled out.

"DAD!" Ryan cried for his father.

"Oh, a tough guy, huh?" Blag glared back at Kopa.

"I'm warning you one last time, leave him alone!" Kopa exclaimed before biting Blag's leg.

Blag yelped out in pain and glared to Kopa. "Why you little--You are both coming with me!"

"Never!" Kopa muffled.

"DAD! HELP US!" Ryan yelped.

Samson tried to save his son and Kopa. He could not move though, he blacked out because the fall gave him a headache.

"Your going to pay for that." Kola growled.

Blag just laughed at him. 
