Only Pecks Lately | Aomine |

[Alert: Adult Content (Swearing/Suggestive Language)]

Aomine rests his head on his palm, elbow balanced on knee, as he sits cross-legged across from you. You and the basketball team were lounging in the warm bask of the sun on Touou's rooftop during your lunch period. Having the last lunch period of the day and it being Friday, the atmosphere was very lazy and unproductive. The whole school itself, as if on par with the students, seemed to helplessly wait for the minutes to tick themselves out.

Aomine was worse than usual. He was very drowsy, halfheartedly urging himself to listen to the conversation. He lost track awhile ago and was slowly getting annoyed at the constant rambling. He resisted his natural instinct of just saying "Shut up!" but found it all to tiring to even say it.

You try to get a response out of him but only received a grunt instead. You didn't mind his lack of response. Besides, you had Momoi and the others to chat with.

Aomine's interest is only peaked when he hears Imayoshi make a comment about you.

"Nee, (Your Name)-chan, what's that in your mouth? Mind if I take a poke inside...with my tongue?" Imayoshi always seemed to have a good time teasing you, knowing it would rile up Aomine. You've gotten used to his jabs and yet, Aomine still falls for the bait. He hits Imayoshi upside the head. Imayoshi hits him back, all the while keeping his pleasant face.

You panic, holding his hands up. "It's just - just candy, that's right."

Imayoshi watches you with a smile and an eyebrow raised. You know he knows.

"Hmm...Is that so...?"


Aomine stared at your face for the remainder of the period. The scene between Imayoshi and you definitely peaked his interest. He wasn't too discreet about it either. He gaped at your lips forming words, biting his own lip in frustration when he cannot solve the enigma that is in your mouth.

"Oi, if you keep looking at (Your Name)-san's mouth so intently, your eyes are bound to fall off your head!" Wakamatsu finally had enough.

"Urusai..." Aomine mumbles.

You scratch the back of your neck and nervously laugh. "Hehehehe...."

You were careful not to speak to loud, or anything that opened up your mouth wide enough, for fear that they would find your little secret. You were beginning to wriggle under Aomine's gaze, a slip-up bound to happen soon.

Then it happened. You giggled at one of Imayoshi's obscure jokes. You caught yourself before you guffawed, instantly shutting your mouth. Imayoshi winks.

Aomine's eyes widen.

Oh fuck... She did not.

Aomine managed to catch the tiniest glimpse of it. When you giggled, your mouth parted ever so slightly so he could see a glint of metal in the afternoon sun. Crazed with knowledge of this, he became restless.

Shit. That's so hot.


Aomine walks you to your next class with his arm around your waist. He'd been quiet since your little slip-up and you wondered if he knew. You wanted to keep it a secret just for a while, enjoying your little freedom before people found out and started asking multiple questions about it.

You and your boyfriend turn the corner and find the hallway deserted. Aomine uses this as his chance and swiftly backs you up against the wall, pinning you down with his hips.

He begins attacking your lips, holding your head in place with the grasp of his hand so that you wouldn't try to turn away.

His tongue prods for entrance into your mouth. You, enjoying this little experience, decide to tease him. You refuse entrance, making him whimper, leaving him to want you even more. Suddenly, he bites your bottom lip. You gasp and curse at yourself for falling for something so overdone.

He immediately inserts his tongue into your mouth, invading and searching for his prize. Your tongue slides against his and he feels the cool metal ball of your tongue piercing against his tongue. Aomine smirks into the kiss and plays with it, the taste of metal finding a place on his taste buds. You feel him get hard against you.

You push him off despite being secretly pleased that it was you who caused him to be this way. Besides, you (or anyone else for that matter) weren't supposed to mess around with it as you just got it.

"A-Aomine, I just got it - I can't!" You gasp for air.

Aomine licks his lips. "Fuck, that's so attractive. Is that why you've only been giving me pecks on the lips lately? Damn, I wonder how it would feel to have that tongue go up and down my-"

You blush a deep red. "AHOMINE!"
