Chapter 11

Moments with Derek in this warm secluded cave are almost magical to Stiles. It's like they are in their own world and anything else out there does not exist. Stiles is aware that what they share together here is so privately intimate, no one but them will ever know about it.

And Derek is just so dear, tirelessly making sure Stiles and their unborn baby are well and happy. Just the fact that the man has gone this far to prepare this perfect den for him, Stiles wants to kiss him forever.

Had Stiles mentioned Derek also managed to buy him curly fries before they got here? Stiles bursts into manly tears when Derek presented him the huge take-away box after Stiles woke up from his nap that first day.

Stiles is never leaving this man.


Stiles spends most of his times in his nest sleeping, saving his drained energy from carrying a werewolf baby that now is getting more active in his womb.

Derek dedicatedly sees to his needs, answering to every Stiles' whim, but his favorite is when Derek simply lies with him in the nest. Stiles loves snuggling with him, pliant to the man's undivided attention. Stiles' belly is now so heavy and swollen to its limit, Derek is unbelievably gentle and careful with him.

There is no day or night spent without protective strong arms around him, keeping him warm. Some nights when the wind gets too cold and Stiles shivers, Derek will hide him beneath layers of thick covers and shift into his giant black wolf form to engulf Stiles in his warm fur.

Stiles loves Derek's kisses too. Derek kisses Stiles like Stiles is the air that he breathes, with those soulful green eyes looking at him, raspy voice whispering sweet names and love before taking Stiles' breath away again.

Sometimes, Derek is playful, pulling him close to tease him with his cheesy one liners, whispering naughty suggestions that burn Stiles' ear, stealing ticklish kisses that make Stiles giggle, speaking so seriously to the baby bump that makes Stiles smile so wide that it hurts his face.

"What should we name you, Pup?" Derek asked adorably, ear pressed on Stiles' bellybutton, protective arms hugging the big bump, thumbs rubbing in soothing motion, "Your papa wants a polish name, what do you think?"

Their son kicks the stubbly cheek from inside the Stiles' womb. Derek's eyebrows frown in confusion. "Is that a yes or a no? Stiles, help me translate."

Stiles chuckles, lovingly runing his fingers through Derek's disheveled hair and gently scratching the scalp, "What I know for sure is that he loves hearing his daddy's voice."

Derek turns to kiss the taut skin around Stiles' bellybutton, and starts humming a lullaby tune softly.

How easily, this man makes Stiles fall in love with him all over again.

"His last name should be Hale," Stiles said.

Derek looks up, checking if he heard wrong, "What..?"

Stiles cups Derek's cheek, soothing the confused frown on his mate's face, "And I want to take your name too, after we're married. My cousins will carry Stilinski name, I just— this pregnancy must mean something, Der, it's like the universe is telling us that they don't want to see the last of the Hales just yet. And I know how much your family means to you, so if you'll have us," Stiles guides Derek's hand to his baby bump, "we want to be part of it, part of you. I mean, if you're okay with it."

Derek gapes in disbelief, "Okay with it? Sweetheart, I'd be honored," Derek kisses him, "I—Stiles, thank you." Emotional tears are in the man's eyes as he presses his lips to Stiles' again in deep gratitude, "My family would have loved you. I wish they could meet the both of you, and see how lucky I am."

"They do," Stiles smiles kindly, putting his palm above Derek's heart, tears in his eyes too, "they're in here all the time, my love."

Derek looks deeply into his eyes with such wonder and leans in. The couple shares a sweet kiss.

"We should honor your family too," Derek said, engulfing Stiles in his arms and dropping kisses beneath Stiles' jaw line.

Stiles hums contently, "We can still call him Mieczysław Jr."

Derek stops and shortly whimpers, looking down to Stiles' baby bump in horror, "My poor pup."

Stiles laughs, smacking his mate's arm. "Hey!"


Derek brought tons of storable food, and what he couldn't manage to bring, the pack drops them for him. Stiles is just simply impressed how the man manages to feed him meals like smoked salmon sandwich or arugula salad in this wilderness, on daily basis.

Just like now, Stiles is sitting next to Derek, their back supported by thick fluffy pillows on the cave wall. And Derek is feeding him beef stroganoff, with actual chunks of real beef.

"Mmm," Stiles moaned, leaning to peck Derek's cheek in appreciation, still chewing the tender meat in his mouth, "Delicious, Babe."

"Here, some mashed potato." Derek offers a spoonful of smooth mash to his mate.

"You're not going to eat any?" Stiles asked as he opened his mouth for the offered spoon.

"Yeah, later." Derek offers him another spoon of mash, now joined by a chunk of meat.

Stiles rolls his eyes while taking a mouthful of food offered. Derek is always so focused on tending to him, Stiles has to watch out for the man ignoring his own needs.

Stiles grabs the fork to stab a beef chunk and offers it to Derek's mouth, "Share with me," brown eyes pulling out pleading look.

Derek looks at him, sighs in defeat, and ends up letting Stiles feed him too.

"What's for dessert?" Stiles asks after they finish their meal.

"Chocolate pudding." Derek gets up to put the container away and open the ice chest.

Stiles approves, "Derek, yes."

"But," Derek turns back around to face him and Stiles sees a bottle of a certain familiar green-like smoothie in his hand, "you finish this first."

Stiles whimpers, "Derek, no."


When Stiles is not sleeping or eating, everyone might assume he's busy spreading his legs and fucking.

And they are absolutely right, every single one of them.

But Stiles refused to take all the blame for their night of debauchery, alright? Seriously, have they seen how inhumanly gorgeous his man is? And it's not like he's the only one that wants it.

Stiles honestly just lies here in this lovely warm bed, naked of course, because clothes are unnecessary in this hidden sanctuary. Eventually, sometimes he feels like stretching his back or idly rubbing itchy taut skin of his swollen belly.

Derek is the one who stares. And Stiles can see it in the Alpha's flashing red eyes, how turned on the man is. For whatever reason, Derek loves Stiles' pregnant body. Derek looks at him like he wants to eat him, bunny teeth visible from his open mouth; the only thing missing in the picture is his drool.

And the only thing that actually stops the man from jumping Stiles, is his adorable devotion to put Stiles' need first. Fortunately for him, after Stiles has enough sleep and enough food, what Stiles needs next is the capital D.

He doesn't know if this is normal. Sure, Deaton said it's totally fine, but should he hate the sex? He read some pregnancy blogs, good percentage of expecting mothers are too uncomfortable to have sexual intercourse. But nope, not him. His asshole does not just shyly twitch at the intrusion of his mate's glorious dick, it gapes open and swallows the whole thing.

Their den reeks of so much sex, that no wild animal would even consider taking over this place when they leave. Sure, Derek is diligent with his post-cleaning duty, but who knows where the stray cum goes.

Moreover, now there is another new interesting twist in their sexy times, a temporary development on Stiles' body that Derek seems to literally milk while it lasts.

As the day of the baby's birth comes closer, Stiles' hormones shift and his mammary glands start to produce mother's milk. Without any release, Stiles' pectorals become taut and slightly swollen. His perky nipples painfully erect and are so sensitive. The situation leaves Stiles restless due to soreness and annoying itch.

One night, he just can't take it anymore. His chest is in pain from the tightness. Stiles' face is burning red as he shyly murmurs his predicament to Derek, who is way too willing and excited to offer his help.

The man-breast, as Stiles called it, is meaty enough for Derek to cup and squeeze them. Stiles gasps in surprise as Derek gives a little experimental nip on the soft flesh near the nipple. Derek hums that sounds like appreciation, and kisses the other side of the swollen pectoral, now taking a mouthful biting kiss and soundly sucking the supple flesh.

"Mmm Der," Stiles loves it, surprisingly.

He knows from the pressure of his mate's kisses, there will be bite marks all over his chest. He never figured Derek would also be this enthusiastic.

Derek now starts to pay attention on Stiles' nipples.

"They're a little bit swollen, Baby, do they hurt?" Derek asked, rough fingers rubbing the hard pink nubs.

Stiles whimpers, loving the way his nipples are scratched, twisted, and tugged. He can't help but react beautifully, not able to control his expression and voice.

Derek leans down to lick and suck one of the erect nipples, and Stiles shamelessly moans.

"You like that, Baby?" Gentle hands massage the milk-filled man-breast, circulating the rich nectar toward the two outlets.

Stiles nods, face flushing, "Feels so good, Der."

Derek takes the sensitive bud in his mouth again, obscenely sucking it while squeezing the full pectoral, coaxing the milk to come out.

"Derek!" Stiles mewls in relief when the breast milk finally bursts out.

Derek gulps a mouthful of the sweet creamy milk and moans, "Baby, you taste amazing."

The wolf then practically attacks his leaking tits, driving Stiles out of his mind. The lactating mother writhes under his mate's body, sobbing from foreign yet much welcomed pleasure, as the man sucks his milk dry like a madman lost in a desert.

How thirsty is Derek?

The man in question drops butterfly kisses on the sore breasts he emptied, licking all the bruised spots to heal, murmuring compliments to his beloved mate, "my sweet mate, so perfect for me," he gushes, "perfect mother for my pup, feeding him strong and healthy," and finally latching his greedy mouth on the swollen nipple sucking hard for the last squirt of Stiles' sweet milk.

With the tightness from his man-breast finally relieved and his milk temporarily spent, Stiles intends to succumb back to his slumber once more.

But then he sees Derek licks his own lips to gather stray milk drops, blissful satisfaction written all over his stupid horny smug gorgeous face.

The man leans in, innocently smooching Stiles' rosy cheeks, yet Stiles feels his hard dick rubbing on Stiles' also interested dick.

Stiles' lips twitch into a smile.

God, they have no restraint at all.

He looks up at his mate, considering should he make love or sleep first because pregnant life is so difficult.

Derek is looking back expectantly at him, grinning as he teasingly shoves his hard dick, leaking with precum, on Stiles' crotch again.

"I feel like I should provide you with my milk too," Derek whispered in his ears.

Stiles laughs in giddy affection. He leans up and kisses his silly wolf, who never fails on making the most terrible innuendos.

Derek, The Hornywolf of Beacon Hills, of course takes that as a yes to the lovemaking.

The man kisses him back wet and hot while manhandling him to lay on his side, with his back to Derek's chest.

One arm curls around Stiles' chest, warm hand cupping his man-breast tenderly, sensitive nipple caught by a calloused thumb. The other hand gently strokes the taut skin of Stiles' swollen stomach, up and down, before reaching lower to stroke Stiles' hardening cock.

Stiles' body comes alive from the abrupt stimulation. Derek's palm is torturously slow in jerking him and it feels amazing, three more strokes and his erection starts leaking. Stiles' gasping breath is silenced by Derek's tongue dancing with his as the man deepens their kiss, bruised lips wet with each other's spit.

Stiles feels so, so good, he won't last long. And he plans to come with Derek's knot in his ass. Said erection is now pressing hot on his ass cheeks. Stiles can't resist reaching it with his wandering hand, touching and feeling how long and thick it is.

Derek breaks their kiss to groan, "Stiles."

Stiles uses the opportunity to whine to Derek's jaw, "Babe, 'want you."

Stiles wants him inside him like yesterday. He recklessly shoves his ass back, attempting to just let the thing penetrate him without proper preparation. He is too far desperate.

Derek grabs his ass and urgently stops the movement, hushing softly when Stiles whimpers his complaint.

Derek presses a soft kiss on Stiles' sweaty temple, "Careful please, my love."

"Hurry up," Stiles whined.

The hand on his ass disappears and Stiles hears a bottle cap's opening.

Stiles sighs when Derek pushes a lubed finger in him. Some action, finally.

Derek chuckles, "Satisfied already? It's just a finger."

Stiles smirks and turns his head to look at his mate to tease back, "Because you act like you're fucking a piece of antique china, I'm lucky I'm getting anything in this ass at this point—Ah~!"

Stiles cries in agonizing pleasure as Derek shoves in three digits at once and twists them in retaliation.

"Getting anything now, Sweetheart?" Derek grinned in mischief, but his fingers are slowing, once again careful and patient in stretching his mate's tight channel.

"God, I'm marrying a sadist," Stiles grumbled with a raspy voice, his hand blindly reaching out to grasp Derek's ebony hair. He pulls the man closer, "the good news is, you're marrying a masochist," and kisses the smug smile out of his mate's handsome face.

He pulls away after he's out of breath, gasping softly to his lover's lips, "make love to me, my wolf?"

Derek gently pulls his fingers out and moves to line his erection's head to Stiles' opening. The arm around Stiles curls pulling him into Derek's body.

"You okay? Comfortable?"

Stiles nods. "Babe, please..."

Derek groans as he slowly pushes in.

"Mmphh yes," Stiles gasped, as he feels the head deliciously stretch his tight muscle and impale his way through, feeling every friction of inch after inch of his mate's hard cock stroking and pressing every nerve bundle on his inner wall until there is no space left in the passage. His ass is literally, in every sense of the word, full with Derek's cock.

"Fuck, Baby, how come you're still so tight after all these times," Derek whispered to his neck. He slowly pulls out and pushes back in.

"Oh," Stiles mewled.

"You like that, Baby?" Derek cooed, slowly but surely pacing his hips to Stiles' ass.

Stiles answers with a moan. Derek feels so good inside him.

"Harder, Der, harder."

Derek shakes his head, still pacing his speed torturously slow. His self control is truly sensational. Stiles', on the other hand, is a stretched rubber band on the limit of snapping.

"I can take it. Please, Derek, please!" Stiles begged, no shame at all, hooking his thigh over Derek's, shoving his ass back on Derek's crotch desperately.

Derek growls in frustration. His hand hooks beneath Stiles' thigh and carefully raises it higher. The other is gentle where it wraps protectively around Stiles' swollen belly. In contrast, his big cock finally, deliciously pistons harder, deeper, and faster inside Stiles' tight ass. Obscene slapping sounds come from where the base of his manhood smacks Stiles' flushing ass cheeks.

Stiles loves every second of it. He's a sobbing mess on the floor, drool trickling down his gasping mouth.

It's official.

Stiles is a certified cock slut, and Derek is his living sex god.

"Der—Der, I'm—I'm—" Stiles cries loudly as he reaches climax. His dick shoots strings of cum up, some caught on his swollen belly and Derek's arm over it..

Behind him, Derek roars and his knot emerges.

Stiles spasms, eyes rolling under the half closed lids, overwhelmed by the sensation of his inner wall stretched to fit Derek's fat knot.

Then the swollen member starts to fill him with generous load of cum.

Derek's protective arms hold Stiles' trembling body from behind. His possessive mouth renews the bond mark on Stiles' neck, while he floods Stiles' inside with his breeding juice.

What exactly is the wolf trying to achieve? Stiles is already pregnant.

"Mmmlove, watchadoin', 'm full, no room," Stiles slurred, exhausted body going limp.

Derek answers with a deep growl, "Mine," and pushes his knot impossibly deeper to the hilt, shooting more, filling into Stiles' already drenched hole.

"M'kay." Familiar already with his mate's primal behavior and now feeling sated from a great session of sex, Stiles just let Derek do his thing, sleepily kissing the man goodnight, and falls back to his deep slumber.


A couple of days pass by, and outside the hidden den, the snow is thinning. Sprouts start growing shyly, signs of new beginning, a new hope.

Spring has finally come.

And inside the hidden den, Stiles is woken up one peaceful morning, by a terrible cramping in his pelvis. Stiles waits for it to pass, but the cramp is only getting worse, now spreading along his lower back. A sudden contraction sends Stiles grunting in pain.

Just like that, the warm body behind him moves in alert. Gentle palms urgently move to cup his cheek and baby bump.

"Stiles? Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Derek asked in worry.

Stiles can't explain how but he simply knows, "Der, the baby, the baby is coming," Stiles hissed between deep breaths he thankfully learned prior to his nesting period. Another wave of strong cramps attacks his lower back and Stiles cries in pain, one hand gripping Derek's arm real tight while the other palms the baby bump. "Oh, fuck! I really felt that one!"

"Oh, fuck," Derek cursed, "okay, okay, you're gonna be okay," he kisses Stiles' temple, "I'll be right back!"

"What? Derek, where the hell are you going!? Derek!" Stiles called his mate in a frantic shout as the man hastily got up and left their den in a flash.

How dare he leave him in this state!

Stiles angrily growls. Shakily, Stiles gets up in struggle. Another contraction comes, and Stiles stumbles to support himself up with his hand on his cave's wall.

"Derek!" He called for his mate again, taking careful steps toward the cave's mouth. Then he hears a loud howling wolf from a distance outside. Oh right, Derek is calling for the cavalry. "Stupid wolf, should've just told me so," Stiles grumbled to himself.

Stiles turns the other way to come back to his nest. But he makes the sudden move too fast, and something in his body pop, followed by something gushing from his asshole. Stiles looks down and see some sort of clear liquid wetting down his legs to the floor. "Uh, oh."

Just in time, a flustered Derek makes his way back into the cave running, "Stiles, I'm sorry, I—" The man's eyes widen in panic as he sees so much liquid generously flows from Stiles' bottom to the ground.

"Derek," Stiles' shaky voice is ready to shoot some angry notes when a deep sharp contraction attacks, making Stiles cries in pain instead.

"Stiles!" Derek runs to catch Stiles in time as the human's weak knees give up under him. The werewolf lifts him up bridal style, carrying him like he weighs nothing, and gently puts him down on the nest.

"You're okay, you're gonna be okay, just lie down, help will be here soon," Derek soothed.

Stiles punches him on the chest, "Don't just suddenly leave, you asshole!"

Derek pulls him close and hushes, "I'm sorry, Sweetheart, I know you're in pain..."

"No, you don't."

"...But it'll be over soon, and we'll finally meet our son." Derek swipes Stiles' damp hair off his sweaty forehead.

Another cramp that Stiles takes a deep harsh breath through it, "You did this to me. You and your stupid, gorgeous, fucking knot."

Derek is spectacularly failing at trying to hide his smug expression, "You're doing great, Babe."

Stiles' glare could melt a glacier. "Keep smiling like that, I will punch you."

Derek just takes every jab willingly. With a soft private smile on his face, he patiently tends to his suffering mate. Palms dutifully absorb pain from his mate's body, black tendrils running along his arms. He also coaxes Stiles to finish a bottle of water and two energy bars.

Feeling hot and suffering from the pain, Stiles is drenched in sweat.

"A swim would be nice," He wondered.

"Don't be ridiculous, Sweetheart, I'm not letting you jump in that ice cold lake."

Stiles hisses, "Easy for you to say, you're not the one in labor, I'm sweating bullets here."

Derek ends up wiping him with a cold wet towel.

Fine, this will do. Stiles sighs, raising his hands up so his fiancé can wipe his hairy armpits. The man knocked him up, so he asked for this. Stiles is certified to be a whiny brat, especially today. Derek better still love him the same after this.

Unless, Derek decides that he's too much of a fuss to be with.

"Der, I'm sorry, I'm being such an ass to you." Stiles blinks the sudden tears in his eyes. What the hell, hormones? "You can wait outside, I'll call you when the baby's here. I don't," Stiles sobs, "I'm being a burden."

"Hey. Stiles?" Derek drops the towel to cup his mate's face, "Ssshh. Hey, listen to me? You can use me, hit me, curse at me," Derek wipes the tears on Stiles' cheeks, "I'm still exactly where I'm supposed to be, right here with you. Do you understand? Sweetheart?"

Stiles nods, "Der—" a wave of intense contraction suddenly attacks, "Aargh! Oh God!" another sharp pain runs through his lower back, Stiles grips on his mate and shouts in pain, "Fuuucckk! Der!"

"Breath, Baby, breath," Derek leads him to the deep inhale-exhale pattern, maneuvering them so the man's back on the cave's wall and Stiles lies back on his chest between his legs. The man doesn't even leave the cave this time, straightforwardly howling. Stiles can hear the urgency in the calling. And Stiles gets it, this is it. Stiles can feel it. He wants to push.

A chorus of answering howl comes not far from the cave's entrance, the whole pack has arrived.

"Derek! Stiles! We're here!" Scott called from outside.

Stiles whimpers in protest to another wolves' presence near his nest.

"Scott! Stop right there!" Derek growls his warning, "Do not come in!"

"Alpha Hale, how do you need my assistance?" Deaton called back with a calm voice.

"Hold on!" Derek answered. Then he cups Stiles' cheek to have his full attention, "Stiles?"

Stiles cries from another contraction, he's barely coherent enough for anything else around him.

"Der, it hurts."

"I know, Baby, can Deaton come in? He can help you. Sweetheart, please?"

Stiles only has one condition, "you'd s-stay?"

Derek kisses his sweaty forehead, "Not going anywhere. Please, let Deaton in?"

Stiles, finally, nods weakly.

Everything is a blur after that.

There is a ruckus, a lot of movement around him. Somebody moves him into a position, legs spread wide apart, pillows under his hips to support certain angle. Dripping sweat is wiped from his hot flushed skin, as he shouts in pain from another contraction.

His only constant anchor is Derek staying by his side, Stiles' back on his chest, their hands clasped very tightly. Stiles spews curses at him in his agony, yet the man doesn't move from his spot, stable as a rock, just as he promised.

Somebody commands him to push as a major contraction comes hitting and this time, it doesn't leave.

Stiles screams, and he pushes with all his might.

And push.

And push again.

Feels like dying, yet he keeps pushing.





A loud wailing.

It feels as if time stands still. Behind him, Derek is as still as a statue, mouth gaping, green eyes following a small fussy movement in Deaton's arm as the vet cleans the birthing residue.

The wailing gets louder, and Stiles' dam is broken down. Nothing exists but the crying bundle. All his pain is forgotten as he raises his hand in absolute demand.

"Give him to me."

A few seconds later, the fussy baby is in his arms. Deaton silently steps back and leaves the cave but Stiles is barely aware, because nothing else is important but this.

He's holding his son.

"Oh," Tears running down Stiles' face, "Hi, Baby," His son hiccups, and just like that, he becomes the most precious thing in Stiles' world, "oh look at you," Stiles leans down and kisses the tiny head, "you're so cute," Stiles laughed in tears.

A bigger hand hovers close but doesn't dare to touch. Stiles looks up to see his mate's teary green eyes lock on their son. Stiles smiles lovingly. He takes Derek's hand, and guides it to meet with their son's tiny hand.

Derek gasps at the first skin contact, a single tear making its way down the man's face.

Stiles pretends not noticing, cooing at their son, "Look who's here! It's daddy."

Tiny fingers curl around Derek's forefinger. And Stiles' heart melts as Derek very tenderly caresses the soft baby's cheek, whispering, "Hi, Baby, Daddy's been waiting for so long."

Stiles kisses the man's stubbly cheek, "He's beautiful, isn't he?"

Derek smiles, "He's perfect," Derek turns his gaze so they look at each other, complete gratitude and adoration in the man's green eyes, "just like you."

God, the love Stiles feels for this man can cure all kinds of evil. Stiles coos at their son, but shooting his kind smile at his mate, "We love Daddy so much, don't we, Baby? He'll never be alone again," Stiles promised.

Their son wiggles, moving his tiny head and yawning. He is adorable.

Derek huffs a laugh, happy tears in his eyes. He whispers, "Love you both so much," and cups Stiles' cheek, leaning in for his mate's lips.

They share a sweet kiss, laughing into each other's lips when they're interrupted by the baby's crying in protest to the lack of attention.

"Alright, alright," Stiles guides their son to his chest, and the baby latches on Stiles' waiting nipple right away, "I hope I do this right, okay wow, he definitely has a wolf's appetite."

Derek chuckles, watching his son hungrily drinking his mother's milk, but he also worries for Stiles. "You must be exhausted. Here, just lie back on me," He guides the tired mother to lie back on his chest and rest Stiles' head on his shoulder. He wraps his strong arms around him so Stiles doesn't have to tense his arm muscles to constantly support their precious bundle.

Stiles sighs in relief as he relaxes his body on his mate. He is honestly more than ready to pass out, but not being able to abandon his hungry baby, "'M fine, Babe, but thank you, this is comfortable."

Derek kisses Stiles' cheek in answer and tightens his hold protectively around the two most important things in his life.

The Alpha, his mate, and their newborn bask in the peaceful moment, happy and together.

Outside the den, a chorus of whine starts to sound.

Stiles grins sleepily, "Your other pups demand for your attention."

"Actually, we wanna meet the little tyke!" Erica yelled from outside.

The Alpha rolls his eyes and speaks to the direction of the cave's entrance, "They can wait."

Someone boos.

"Hey, do you think he'll have Derek's judgmental eyebrows?"

The pack giggles.

Just for that, Derek will make them wait outside until the next morning.
