8:24 pm tell me we're not over because of something stupid kitten ):

9:53 pm we're not

9:57 pm okay good

10:05 pm I'm sorry Mikey

10:09 pm it's okay babe

10:12 pm no it's not. I was being a little bitch. I just got pissed because I didn't know if I could believe you about the family problem thing since you never told me what was going on.

10:13 pm then that Luke kid from our table said he knows what's happening at your house and that it's not his place to tell but that it's really serious. He also said to just give you time.

10:17 pm Luke's a good friend

10:21 pm yea he is. Just promise you'll tell me what's going on soon?

10:29 pm I'll try

10:37 pm but I promise I'm not doing drugs

10:42 pm good (:
