
Hey!! So I have two questions for you guys real quick.
One has to do with this book and the other is just a general one. You don't have to answer if you don't want to I just want to see how you guys feel.

1. Since this book is discontinued, should I delete it or would you like for me to keep it up so you can read it again (?)

2. Earlier, I told you guys that I was thinking about writing another book. I gave you guys two options but since then, i've thought about other shows more and have thought of some new options:

- Teen Wolf
- Criminal Minds
- Stranger Things
- Harry Potter

I think it might be easier for me to write about shows that already have a majority of their seasons done with so that way I won't have to wait to update. These are also the things that I have been reading lately so I have interest in them currently.

If you have any other suggestions I would love to hear them.

Also, if you guys have any other questions that you want me to answer, you can put them here

That's all BYE! 😁
