Mixing it up

After Olivia left and I went to take a cold shower, to get my body back to its normal temperature and not the warm feeling I felt all over. Although, I kind of liked it.

My parents went back to their usual routines; on their phones, thinking about themselves, and ignoring me.

And as usual I couldn't care less. It's sad really because they're my family; I should care about rather or not they wanted to spend time with me but after 17 years, I got over it.

My sister told me she was going out (same old same old). When I asked her where she was going she gave me some cryptic ass answer. I thought about her answer for the first five seconds then shrugged it off five seconds later. Like I mentioned before I no longer care.

The cold shower left its expected effect. I was freezing so my remedy was to curl upon the couch with a warm blanket and pop in 'Beauty and the Beast'. I did have my snuggie at first but then I tripped, because that thing is way longer than I am, before I could even get out my room with it so I tossed it back in my closet.

I snuggled deeper in the couch, eyes focused on Beast and Belle dancing in the ballroom. On the outside, their world seems as perfect as Disney movies portrayed. But I knew on the inside they were miserable, and only their love for each other was a cure.

In a way, as I stared at Beast as he look at Belle, I realized Beast and I were alike in some aspects. Both of us rejected by society because of our appearances and hard yet shy exteriors. The difference between us though was he had found love, and I have not. Oh and that he is a giant hairy monster with conceited ways and a temper.

Maybe all I needed to do was find my Belle and life would get better. My mind drifted from the fairytale couple to Olivia.

She was always so forward and confident. Not afraid to show everyone who she was. Olivia was able to like whoever she wanted when she wanted. She was so beautiful and yet so humble. Olivia was the best of both worlds. And yet she bothered to be near me. It was a mystery.

Olivia was able to turn me into a nervous stuttering mess with just one look. And for some reason it wasn't like my scared nervousness I get around others, it was more like an excited jittery feeling. I sort of even liked it.

"What you thinking about so hard kangaroo? I'm sure a Disney movie is not that philosophical." I turned my head away from the screen. I could see a smile on my Grandma's face due to the illuminating TV screen but in her eyes shone with slight concern.

"Nothing important."

"Fine. Do you mind if watch with you? There is nothing to do around here." My grandma said before plopping down next to me on the couch not waiting for an invitation.

We sat in silence staring at the TV.

"So what's up with that Olivia girl? She seems like a little snob." Grandma said breaking the silence.

"She's not like that!" I defend quickly with vigor. My grandma stares at me in shock, because I rarely ever raise my voice. I blush heavily under my grandma's gaze. "I-I mean she is not a snob. Olivia really nice, I g-guess."

"So she is your friend then?" I nod and return my gaze back to the TV, trying to avoid the conversation all together.

"I don't think she is your friend." Grandma spoke again bringing up Olivia again. I sighed; she apparently wasn't going to let my outburst go.

"But she is."

"I think there is something is going on between you two, but I won't say anything because you haven't figured it out for yourself yet."

My eyes widen, catching on to what she was implying. Did she think I liked Olivia, in that way?

"I d-don't-" She cut me off raising her hand in a stop manner. I shut my mouth quickly.

"I do want you to know that I will support your decisions no matter what happens. Okay?" Grandma said with kind eyes. I knew she would be there for me always, but in this instance I didn't know exactly what she meant.

"Okay." I answered anyways not even putting up a fight.

"Well now that is settled, I don't think I can stomach anymore of this Disney garbage any longer."

"It's not garbage, its magic." I said stubbornly. How dare she insult my Disney?

"Whatever you say kangaroo. I'm going to sleep; this old bat can't stay on her feet any longer." Grandma leans over and kisses me on the forehead, before getting up and heading to the guest room.

I slouched back into the couch, no longer tense from the conversation I just had. I was about to start watching the film again but then I began thinking.

Did she only come into the living room to talk to me about Olivia?


When Saturday, the day of the mixer, had arrived my large spacious backyard was milling with all types of employees. Bartenders, waiters, caters, musicians, you name it they were there.

I could see tables with white table cloths and decorative flowers set on each one from my window. Slow classical music along with my mothers voices floated up to my window. My mother was running around, frantically shouting orders at people left and right.

I had already been dressed in a white strapless flower print dress. It was paired with a pale pink cardigan, so I wasn't too exposed, that matched the array of light blue, green, yellow, and pink flowers on the dress.

My hair was pulled up into a messy bun, with stands over hair loose around my face and the base of my neck.

As usual I was uncomfortable as hell. This mixer would be just like the carnival, maybe even worst. There would be tons and tons of high society families and their children everywhere. I would be on full display because my mother is the hostess. She would take every chance she could get to brag about how glamorous her life was.

At least Neal would be there, there was some comfort in that. He would be there for me if things got too overwhelming.

Oh and let's not forget Olivia would of course be there, adding on comfort as well as pressure.

Looking out the window once more, I could see clusters of people arriving. I knew I had better get down stairs, knowing my mother wanted me to stand there and be bragged about.

I slipped on some white sandals that had been set out for me before making my way down stairs. I slowly walked down the stairs, continuing on my way to the foyer when I heard someone calling my name.

"Joey!" Neal yelled through the halls. I followed his voice and found him standing in the kitchen, stuffing his face with little finger sandwiches that were on the many plates on the counters. When he saw me he cackled with laugher.

"Again? When do you think your mother will get tired of playing 'Dress up with Joey'?"

"Soon I hope." I said stealing a finger sandwich from his hand and taking a bite. "Where's your mom?"

Neal cringed at the fact that I was talking with my mouth full. "She's around. Close your mouth!'

I shrugged, eating more food from the other plates.

"So..." Neal dragged out, mischief dancing in his eyes.

"So what?"

"So Olivia was here, having dinner with you and your family. Was she able to keep her hands off your sexy bod?" A familiar a rosy scarlet color spread over my cheeks, remembering the fact that is really didn't keep to herself.

"Nothing happened." I mumbled, no longer interesting in eating any longer since my stomach was now full of butterflies.

"Just you saying nothing happened, clues me in on the fact that something happen."

"Can we talk about this later? Possibly, when the whole damn county is not in my back yard."

"We will talk about this Olivia thing later." Neal said with a serious voice, all jokes aside.

"Yes, we will." And we would. I needed to talk to someone about her. The situation was all so confusing; my emotions were all over the place. I need to get them out and get honest insight in return. I knew Neal would give me just that.

"Good. Now let's go find better food to eat and bother rich stuck up aristocrats."


It's been at least 2 hours already and I'm ready to stab someone with one of the sterling silver forks. I can't tell you how many times I had to shake someone's hand with an overly fake smile.

I was dragged a couple of times by my mother, to meet whoever she wanted to impress at the time. I was told at least 50 times to stand up straight. 10 times some polo wearing douche bag tried to look up my dress.

Neal ditched me halfway through the meet and greet, running off saying something about wanting to see somebody. Some help he is.

I was ready to crawl in a in a hole and die. To make it all worst I hadn't even seen Olivia yet.

Now, I sat at an alone at one of the tables staring up at the sky. I was glad I was finally able to get a break.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Neal leaning on the white fence that surrounded the backyard talking to some girl, who was leaning awfully close to him. I curiously raised an eyebrow trying to see who the girl was. I almost fell out of my chair when I noticed the girl had identical blonde hair to mine. Gwendolyn reached out and grabbed Neal's hand holding it in both of hers. He smiled cheerfully, eating it up.

What the heck! When did this happen? I can't even right now. I could feel a small headache creeping up into my head. I would definitely talk to him about it, when we had our serious talk later.

"Already tired of the high society scene are we." A melodic voice spoke from behind me. I quickly whipped around to look in the face of Olivia. She stood there a vision in a light blue vintage dress with large pink roses everywhere.

A large smile stretched over her tan face. The light was shining in her eyes so she was forced to squint her eyes but I was still able to see her honey brown eyes. With the light shining on them, I could also see green bursting from her black pupils. I could sit there and stare at her for days.

I smiled an identical smile, I would even admit to the fact that I was so happy to see her.

"Where have you been? I was looking for you everywhere." Olivia said taking a seat next to me, propping her elbow up on the table and putting her head in her hand. Her shiny brown hair flew gracefully onto her smooth arm.

"I've been around. Shaking hands here and there."

"Sounds like tons of fun." She said mocking me.

"It's really was, but I had to take a break from all the excitement." I said sighing loudly rubbing my temples.

"If you really do need to rest I can leave." Olivia said rising from her seat a little. I rose with her placing a hand on her arm. Her eyes left my eyes to look at my hand resting on her arm. A small smile slowly comes onto her face.

"No!" I said in a high pitched voice. Olivia looked at me in an amused grin. "N-no, you can stay I'm fine."

"You know I have noticed, you always say that you're fine when you're not. How come you never let someone worry about you?" My face harden, as we both sit back in our chairs. I look around my backyard trying to avoid answering, staring at everyone milling around, chatting, eating, and drinking.

"People don't worry about me." I said in short, not really wanting to continue talking about this topic. Olivia seemed to get it well enough even though she still looked curious.

"Did I forget to tell you look lovely?" As usual Olivia could make me go from slightly confident to a nervous mess. I ducked my head to hide my blush from her. She let out a soft laugh, ducking her head to trying to catch my eye.

"T-thanks." I say looking at her through my eyelashes shyly. Olivia stares back boldly shifting closer to me.

"Am I interrupting something?" A confident voice spoke. Olivia and I slowly dragged our eyes away from each other to look at the intruder. I was surprised to see Danika standing there with her hands on her hips in a black lace dress and red pumps. She was probably the only person in my backyard wearing such dark colors.

"Yes, you are." Olivia bites out, clearly annoyed. She stood to her full height squaring off with Danika. Olivia's nostrils flared and her eyes flashed with anger as she looked as Danika. Danika just stood there smiling innocently, like she didn't know what she was doing. What was she doing?

"Well golly, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I just wanted to see what you two kids are up to." Danika said flashing her pearly whites again.

"Nothing of your concern." Olivia said rudely, still staring Danika down. I just sat there beneath them as they had their showdown, for whatever reason.

Danika, rubbing her arms in a chilling manner, said. "Burr, chilly today aren't we. Really, I came over here to invite you to the after party." She said fixing her gaze on me, making the question directed at me. But I sat there confused.

"There is an after party?" I spoke up finally.

"Yeah, at Nolan Grace's house. You in?" Nolan Grace was one of the big shot all star super hottie lacrosse player at Cranbrooke High school. Who threw huge parties at his house/mansion every so often. Nolan was almost as popular as Olivia. Almost.

"Well......" I start off. I didn't really like parties; Well come to think of it. I have never been invited or have gone to a party. How would I know if I liked them or not?

"Would you like to go?" Olivia asked me. I paused for a moment. I guess I could try it. I nodded confirming my answer. Danika squealed a little, clapping her hands.

"Great! I'll see you there." She said directing her excitement towards me. You know, I have noticed that Danika really doesn't talk to Olivia when she is around. She left soon after, swinging her hips as she walked away.

Olivia wiped her face in her hands mumbling what sounded like the word "Bitch." But I wasn't sure.

She sat down again next to me, brown eyes now seeming calm now that Danika had left. "Looks like we're going to a party."

A party could be fun, I guess.
