| 007 | i'm sorry

"i'm sorry, so sorry
          that i was such a fool"
                                                           - brenda lee

        EVERYONE LEFT AND it was only you, wyatt, gary, lisa, matthew, hilly, and deb. hilly went with gary upstairs, wyatt in some room, while you, hilly, and matthew talked for a bit.

"um, i'll be back, guys. alright?" hilly said with a small smile. you and matthew nodded and watched her walk away.

"fun night?" matthew joked.

"it was interesting," you laughed. "anything happen with hilly when you talked with her?"

"a little, yeah," he smiled.

"that's great! offer her a ride home since ian ditched her as always." he nodded. "i'm going to find wyatt, i'll talk with you later. bye."


you walked to the empty living room and saw wyatt sitting on a chair. before you could walk in, you noticed hilly sitting on the floor talking with him.

"i was wondering if i could ask you something kind of strange?" you heard hilly ask. it was silent for a bit until you heard her speak again. "would you kiss me?"

you didn't want to eavesdrop anymore, so you walked outside to the backyard and leaned again the fence on the porch.

how could i trick myself again into thinking he actually likes me? it was always obvious, it was hilly.

you felt someone stand next to me. you looked to your side and saw wyatt looking up at the stars. "oh. hey, wyatt. how'd it go with hilly?" you asked while nudging his shoulder trying to be a supportive friend.

"um, good, i guess. she just left with matthew."

"was she a good kisser?" you asked with a little hint of sadness in your voice. wyatt looked at you in the eyes and shook his head.

"i didn't kiss her."

"but you like her?"

"no, i never did."

"what do you mean?"

"i've always liked you. i just said i liked hilly so you wouldn't find out," he laughed.

"really?" i smiled.


a comfortable silence fell for a few seconds and you looked at each other. you two leaned in, and his soft lips fell onto your's. your hands cupped his face as his went to grab your hips. you pulled apart and smiled.

"thanks, for saving me tonight."

"anything for you," wyatt leaned back in and his lips were back on your's.

.___. .___. .___. .___. .___.

the next morning, you and wyatt were woken up by the sound of a gun being fired. you quickly sat up in chloe's bed and saw an angry chet storm in. "oh, hi, chet," wyatt greeted nervously.

"what the hell is going on around here?" chet asked while grabbing wyatt by his shirt.

"chet, i'm sorry, it was an accident."

"an accident? an accident? do you realize it's snowing in my room, goddammit?"

"some real weird shit happened, chet. some real weird shit."

"you don't have to be a genius to figure that out, monkey dick." chet pushed wyatt onto a chair. "start talking, little man."

"look, chet, it's a real long story. we were messing around on the computer friday night, and we decided to make a woman. and when we did, she went crazy and messed up the whole house."

chet grabbed wyatt again and pulled him into a headlock. "don't smart-mouth me, you wormy little shit!"

"why don't you leave him alone?" you yelled.

"stay out of this, bimbo. this is a family matter."

"chet, just let me find lisa. she can explain everything. she'll clear everything up, chet, i swear. chet." wyatt begged. "you can have my college money and my social security, chet."

the older donnelly let go of the boy who then fell to the ground.

.___. .___. .___. .___. .___.

you, wyatt, gary, and deb stood in a line in the kitchen. chet marched back and forth in front of you while giving you each disappointed looks. "so, you guys think you can pull one over on me, huh? huh?" he yelled in your face causing you to flinch. the older donnelly turned around to look at lisa. "you got everyone synced to the same bullshit story."

"this isn't bullshit. this is a pershing missile, chip." lisa sassed back.

"it's chet. my name is chet." deb and gary started laughing while you and wyatt tried not to laugh. "and i didn't think it was a whale's dick, honey."

chet began to walk to the closet and your heart raced. when he opened the doors, you and wyatt looked at each other with nervous looks. "hi nanny. hi grammy," said chet as he grabbed something from inside.

he then closed the doors and turned to look at all of you. "i'm not a moron, you know. i-" his eyes grew wide and he gulped. "was that my grandparents?"

lisa nodded in response with a small smile. chet opened the closet once more.

"are they dead?"

"oh, no. they're just resting."

"what are they doing in here?"

"i put them in there. i didn't want the kids to get into trouble. quite frankly, they weren't having a very good time at the party." lisa chuckled.

"not having a good time? do you think they're having a good time being catatonic in a closet?" lisa pretended to think about it by moving her head and making a face. "do you have any idea how disrespectful that is?" this time he was yelling at you guys while pointing to his grandparents.

chet looked at wyatt and placed a finger on his chest. "boy, i wouldn't give a squirt of piss for your ass right now." he pushed wyatt to face the other direction and grab onto the younger boy's underwear.

"that's enough, asshole. leave him alone already." you demanded chet, only making him laugh and continue to give wyatt a wedgie. ouch. he pulled wyatt back around and slapped his face.

"okay, that's quite enough," lisa spoke up as you watched wyatt groan in pain. "guys, get the girls home. wyatt, take the porsche. gary, you take the ferrari."

"the ferarri?" gary asked shocked.

"i wanna be alone with chet, here."

you all started to walk out of the kitchen and heard gary speak again. "it was nice seeing you again chet."

"get outta here!" the older donnelly yelled. "c'mon, take your little hussies home. their parents are probably worried sick."

wyatt wrapped his arm around you and led you out to the front of the house. he opened your door to the porsche with the license plate 'wyatt' on it and let you get in first. once you were both settled in the car, he started drving towards your house. there was comfortable silence between you two as you listened to daryl hall and john oates quietly playing on the radio.

my friends wonder why i call you all of the time

what can i say?

i don't feel the needs to give such secrets away

"i think this weekend was the best weekend of my life," wyatt spoke up with a smile on his lips.

you looked at him with a smile of your own, "and why's that, wy?"

"cause i finally got the girl, my girl."

"wait a minute there, you haven't even taken me out on a proper date," you teased, noticing the car was now parked in front of your house. you two walked out of the car and stood on your front lawn, facing each other.

"well, how about i take you out?"


"yeah, how does friday sound?"

"i mean, i'll have to see with my parents. i'll probably been grounded then," you sighed with a laugh.

"i'll wait for you. i've waited since seventh grade for this moment, i can wait a few more weeks."

you pulled him by his loose tie and kissed him. your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. his were sliding down your back slowly until they reached your butt, causing you to let out a small squeal in surprise. he took that as an opportunity to deepen the kiss.

after a few moments, you eventually broke the kiss and smiled at each other. with a sigh, you walked up to your front door. before you could open it, wyatt called your name making you turn around. "i love you!" he yelled.

to his luck, the sprinklers turned on and he stood there admiring you while getting soaked. "i love you, too, you dork." you said as you opened the door.

