Midorima's daughter got picked on

Today was Sunday. This morning, you stayed at home with your hubby while your daughter went to the playground to play with the Kiseki kids. Shintarou had a day off today and finally had the chance to accompany you at home.

Today, Shintarou promised to cook lunch together with you. It was to make up for the cancelled vacation last week, when Shintarou promised to take you and your daughter to the amusement park. Having a doctor as a husband was really a pain in the ass because you lost your precious family time to it.

"Put in the carrots, (first-name). It is good for eyes nanodayo." Shintarou explained in his doctor-like voice. He was concerned that you always avoided carrots all this time.

"Understood, Doctor Midorima" You annoyingly teased. You then reluctantly put in the carrots into the cooking pot as your hubby wanted.

"Wuwuwuwuwu T^T" Your daughter, Midorima Shizuka, came into the kitchen and cried so bad.

"What's wrong, Shizuka?" Shintarou picked Shizuka up and carried her in his arm.

"They picked on me, papa T^T" Shizuka explained, still crying. You turned around to see your daughter and tried to console her.

"What did they do to you, Shizuka?" You questioned after you took off your apron.

"They said our family is like a vegetable farm T^T" Shizuka blurted out. You burst out laughing upon hearing your daughter's explanation. When you think about it again, the kiseki kids were not wrong either. You, Shintarou and Shizuka had the same hair color -green. And that really made your family look like vegetable farm.

"Why are you laughing (first name) !?" Shintarou asked in annoyance. It seemed like he was pissed in the same level as Shizuka was.

"Pfft.. Shizuka, don't you think Vegetable farm is cute?" You teased as you cupped your daughter's cheeks. You couldn't help but laugh at this adorable moment.

"What is so cute about it, mama? It makes us like a family of farmer T^T" Shizuka complained in a cute tone. It took you quite a while to regain your composure back after laughing so hard.

"Listen Shizuka, we are lucky that we are green, even though it makes us a vegetable farm" You chuckled and teased your daughter.

"Why, mama? T^T" Shizuka still didn't understand what you meant.

"Tell me what the color of the Akashi family is, Shizuka?" You asked while trying your best to hold your laughter.

"Red, mama. They are so cool, unlike us T^T" Shizuka pouted adorably.

"If green makes us vegetable farm, what does red make? Fufufuff-" You held your laughter in while kept slapping Shintarou's shoulder while Shintarou could only bear your slaps in annoyance.

"Fire?" Shizuka answered, half doubtful. She looked at you with her adorable puppy eyes.

"That's right, Shizuka. Now would you prefer a house like a vegetable farm or a house burnt in fire?? XD" You laughed so hard while your hubby face palmed for your stupidity.

"O-of course vegetable farm! How could I live in a burnt house?" Shizuka furrowed her brows and confirmed her preference.

" *sigh* Mama is right, Shizuka" Your husband supported your stupid argument, making you jump in victory.

"Next time they pick on you because of this, you should not feel upset again, okay?" Shintarou said in a relieved tone. Then he let Shizuka down from his arm.

"But don't tell this to Akashi, okay? We'd better spare ourselves from future trouble, understood?" You warned your daughter seriously.

"Okay mama! ^-^ I'm going to play with them again!" Shizuka nodded and ran away, leaving you and Shintarou alone in the kitchen.

"Akashi will feel hell offended if he knows this" Shintarou sighed and exhaled heavy breath.

"Daijoubu! It's okay!" You happily exclaimed while nudging Shintarou's arm.

"Wait!!! The soup!!!" Shintarou screamed in panic. You two were too busy consoling your daughter until both of you forgot the soup was still cooked. You could feel Shintarou face-palmed for his wife's increasing stupidity level. Not that you mind though, hehehe.
