Chapter 19: Family Reunion

Astrid pulled Zakir away. She smirked at him. "C'mon, I know you want it," she said seductively. Zakir mounted Astrid.

Kion was happy that Rani wasn't forcing him to mate her again. "You should probably go see your family," Rani said. "Oh right I forgot! Kion shouted. He started to walk off. "Are you forgetting something?" Kion turned around.

"What?" Kion asked confused. Rani slid her paws up his chest, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Oh right," Kion smiled. "You can go now," Rani chuckled. Kion ran off.

Kion ran into his parents cave first. "Mom, dad?" Kion asked. He heard crying. Suddenly, he was pinned to the ground. He looked up, it was his mom.

"My baby!" Nala nuzzled him. "Mom, I'm 17!" Kion groaned and got up. "I know, I'm sorry," Nala apologized. Kion chuckled, "Don't be."

"Kion, you were exiled, why are you here?" Simba asked. "I saved Rani from death, so King Sahasi let me back in," Kion explained.

Nala smirked at Kion. "What?" Kion asked. "Are you and Rani mates?" Nala asked. "Yes," Kion smiled. "My son has a mate!" Nala hugged Kion. Kion chuckled.

"I have to go see Kiara now," Kion said. Nala and Simba nodded. Kion ran off.

Kion went into Kiara's den, but there was another scent to, a males scent. Kion walked in deeper. "Kiara?" Kion asked. He saw his sister, cuddled up with a male.

"Kion!" Kiara ran up and hugged him. Kion hugged her back. The male walked up to Kion. Kion recognized him, it was Kovu.

(Kovu 18, Kovu means, "Scar")

Kion growled at Kovu, "What are you doing here!" "I'm Kiara's mate," Kovu replied. "Oh so you just waited until I was kicked out, and then decided to make a move on my sister!" Kion shouted.

Kion roared at Kovu. Kovu roared back.

"Kion stop!" Kiara shouted. Kion stopped. "Kion, I love Kovu, and we were mates before you were exhiled," Kiara explained.

"Oh." "I'm glad your back," Kiara hugged him again. "Me too," Kion hugged her. Kion approached Kovu.

"Sorry for lashing out," Kion apologized. "Your good dude," Kovu smiled. They paw bumped.

"So, Kion, I heard you had a little 'fun' with Rani," Kiara smirked. Kion's ears pinned down, and he backed away. "Is she your mate now?" Kiara asked.

Kion nodded. "Awww my little brother has a girlfriend," Kiara chuckled. "Kiara!" Kion groaned. Kovu laughed. "Any Cubs soon?" Kiara asked.

"Woah woah woah!" Kion shouted, "Way to soon for cubs!" Kiara looked at Kovu. Kion was confused. "Then I guess we broke a law," Kiara chuckled. Kion raised an eyebrow. "Kion, I'm pregnant," Kiara said.

"What!" Kion shouted. Kiara and Kovu nuzzled. "So, I'm going to be an uncle!" Kion shouted. Kiara nodded. "Congratulations!" Kion hugged Kiara and Kovu. "Do mom and dad know?" Kion asked. "They don't even know Kovu is my mate," Kiara replied.

"You didn't tell them!" Kion shouted. "Well, no," Kiara sighed. "You have to tell them!" Kion said. "Ok we will, now go back to your girlfriend, maybe I will be an aunt soon," Kiara smirked.

"Like I said, we are to young," Kion replied. "Kovu said the same thing, and yet here I am, pregnant," Kiara looked at Kovu. Kovu looked away embarrassed. Kion quickly walked out.

"Bye little bro!" Kiara shouted. Kion was in to much shock to reply. Kion walked back to Rani.

Rani and Kion found a den to share. "I love you Kion," Rani nuzzled in his chest. "I love you too Rani," Kion rested his chin on her head. They fell asleep.

Astrid and Zakir walked back. They slept.

The next morning, Astrid felt weird. She immediately knew what happened. "Zakir!" She nudged him awake. "Huh?" He looked around confused. "I'm pregnant!"
