๐Ÿ‘‘Chpt 26๐Ÿ‘‘

EunWoo POV
I woke up and sighed looking at y/n through the camera. I was too deep into this now to let her go. I was too obsessed with her to let her leave. So I continued. I opened the door to her white jail room and smiled as I turned off the video. She looked like she was crying all night. Lying the the bed sleeping. Lifeless. I stroked her hair and kissed her.

"If you had loved me this wouldn't have happened... I'm sorry." I stood up and closed the door. One of my men came up to me.

"Her sister is almost here." I nodded.

"Good. Let them see each other and let her convince y/n to love me."

"But... you promised to let her go now-" I snapped.

"Are You Question Me!!?" He froze and shook his head leaving. I nodded and smiled looking at her resting face.

"Don't worry. Your sister will be here soon. Very soon." I laughed then walked out to make some food for us.


Yoongi POV

We soon arrived to an abandoned factory in a random forest. I watched her hop out the car and an idea struck.

"Guys. I'm going out alone." They disagreed.

"Yoongi... your chances of survival... or small. You won't be able to make it-" namjoon said. I shook my head.

"I need to see her."



"Y/n? Y/n!?" I woke up and saw my sister. I rolled over not wanting to see her.

"Leave me alone. I have no sister." She sighed and sat down in a chair.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I just wanted you to be happy with a good guy. And I KNOW who's good." I scoffed. And sat up.

"Yoongi was good! He protected me. Cherished me. Made me feel like I wasn't a poor girl living in a hell hole!" Before I knew it tears were flowing out.

"But now thanks to you... he hates me." The wall was white but I could tell eunwoo was watching.

"EunWoo. I will never love you. Just let me go please." I started shaking with anger and sadness. Suddenly the door opened. Eunwoo walked in.

"That hurts y/n. You know... I loved you before that thug came into your life. I knew you first. You were mine first." I continued to look down.

"Boys. Handcuff her." He said. I prepared for my arms to be handcuffed. But no. I looked up and my sister was handcuffed.

"What's going on!" She yelled.

"You think we didn't know about you and your new buddy." Suddenly someone was bought into the room. Yoongi. My eyes widened and I attempted to run to him. Eunwoo held me back. Painfully. I was weak.

"Y/n. It's okay." Yoongi said. Eunwoo chained me to the bed.

"Your sister is just as bad as Yoongi. And now... they will both die."

"No... the sister isn't apart of this. If she was you'd be dead!" Eunwoo nodded.

"Fine. Kill him now!"

"Wait!" I yelled. Yoongi shook his head.

"Don't do it y/n." I ignored him.

"I... will marry you. I'll do what you want but leave Yoongi alone." EunWoo smiled.

"I knew you'd come around~" He unchained me and hugged me.

"F*cking bastard. Don't touch her!" Eunwoo just smiled.

"First we have to get on my private jet... then I'll let him go." I cried at his words.

"Can I have a few words with him alone... please." Eunwoo smiled.

"Fine but you both chained up." He chained me again then chained Yoongi. Everyone left the room.

"I'm sorry y/n. This is my fault. If I-"

"Don't say that. I... before I leave. I wanted you to know that I love you." He shook his head.

"Listen... as soon as you leave my guys will come and we will get you. Don't worry okay." My eyes widened. I looked around and he threw his phone at me. I put it in my pocket.

"I'll track you. Don't worry." I smiled in relief.

"Don't... hurt yourself." He nodded then the doors opened as we acted sad. Eunwoo carried me to the car. I sat down and looked out the window.

"I'm sorry y/n. I really didn't want to do this to you. I love you. I promise I'll give you a good life." He smiled gently and held my hand. I sighed.

"You don't love me... you love the idea of me." He looked at me confused.

"If you loved me... you wouldn't want to see me hurt. See my cry. Beat me up. Rape- Yoongi... he's kind. I liked you as a friend Eunwoo but you don't love me." He smiled.

"Your wrong. I love you. More than him!" He snapped. I nodded and left it at that. We arrived at the plane and I stopped for a second.

"What's wrong?" I sighed.

"I'll forgive you. If you let me go. If you let me go we can be friends again. But if not... you might be unhappy." He started at me seriously for a second as if rethinking the whole decision.

"I... won't be unhappy if I'm with you." He grabbed me and pulled me into the plane. The plane started flying. I looked at the plane waiting for Yoongi to come. But... he didn't. After a few hours... the plane landed. Eunwoo was sleeping. He woke up and smiled at me.

"Time for our love story." He held my hand and he opened the door to the plane as I walked out. I looked around. I smiled started to for on my face. We were... in Yoongis backyard. Eunwoo must've known because he grabbed me. He pulled a gun and put it to my head.

"I'll kill her! She'll die with me!" My eyes widened. I looked around and a bunch of guys came out. Jungkook. Namjoon. Jin. Everyone except Jimin and Yoongi were there holding guns towards us. I smiled but heard the gun click.

"Forgive me y/n. We shall die together because of your exboyfriend." I closed my eyes. But nothing happened I slowly opened my eyes and EunWoos grip had loosened. The gun that he confidently held slipped from his hand. I turned and behind him was Yoongi who used an electrical tazor to paralyse his nervous system making him weak. I ran down the stairs to jungkook who had hid me behind him.

"You... can't do this to me. You know how many men I have on my side!?" Eunwoo yelled. Yoongi smirked.

"You mean. The men who helped me fly the plane. Or them?" Behind me all of eunwoos friends had come out. They sighed.

"Sorry EunWoo. We are forever on your side. But what your doing is wrong." EunWoo looked so betrayed. Then he looked at me and collapsed.

"I... just wanted to be with y/n. I wanted to protect you. Make you happy. But she liked someone else." Yoongi put the gun down and handcuffed him.

"Do you know her favourite colour? Do you know that when she likes a song she replays it over and over again she hates it? Or when she sneezes she looked to her right twitches her nose then closes her eyes? Did you know that she struggles through so much but hides it because she's scared of being abandoned??" Eunwoo nodded.

"You two really are in love. The only thing I know about y/n is she's weak and needs protecting." Yoongi laughed and stood up.

"You know nothing about her then... because she's a strong girl." He looked at me and I smiled. EunWoos men apologised to me and went and took him away. I looked at Yoongi and he smiled sprinting towards me. I jumped into his arms and we tightly hugged. I missed his scent. He let go and immediately kissed me.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I smiled and hugged him.

"I'm just happy your back."

"As an apology the landlord gave the building to you. The whole thing." I smiled.

"I don't care about that... I love you my king." He smiled.

"And I love you my queen."
