Chapter 2

Cleo POV

I heard footsteps coming towards my dorm. Disjointed laughter and the sound of people clashing into the walls told me that my already crazy roommates were drunk. Just great. I just wanted to study so I could get a job and get out of school. A school with a bunch of flipping idiots.

"Cleooooooo! Can you open the doooooor?" On of the yelled through the door. I rolled my eyes and put down my workbook. 

"Pleeaaaaaaase? I forgot how to open the door."

"Of course you don't. You usually can't even when sober," I mumbled to myself.

"Whaaat d'you say?"

"Nothing," I stood up and opened the door. Immediately two people fell inside. I stared, disgusted at the mess they were in. A drought and a hurricane, I wasn't usually one to judge on their type but these two truly were their stereotypes. Doing whatever they wanted. Jaylene, the drought leaned onto Cleo.

"Can you do my homework."

I shook my head at her. Why the hell Jaylene wanted to do Architecture like I do I didn't know

She gave me a pleading look. "Please I forgot to do it."

I kept my blank stare. She pouted and looked to the hurricane.

"Nathan tell her."

Nathan gave me toothy smile.

"C'mon I know you want to do her homework. Why don't you do mine while you're at it."

I pushed Jaylene off my arm and glared at them.

"No you can do your own homework. You're not even in the same class as me Nathan."

Nathan smile dropped off his face. before I knew what was happening he was taking a step forward and grabbing one of my arms and pinning it to wall. Of course I couldn't break away from the hold because unfairly hurricane's were much stronger than other types. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I don't care, do the homework. That's all a mist is good for isn't."

I gave him a murderous look. Leave it up to him to stereotype me. He thought along with pretty much else that mists were the most pathetic type out everyone. I hated it. I myself hated stereotypes, but I wouldn't hesitate to call this hurricane a egotistical prick. I was truely sick of him and Jaylene doing this to me. Even if they were drunk it didn't stop them from doing this sober.

"No," I hissed in his face. He eyes narrowed, he raised his fist.

"You sure?" he said softly. "Cuz I think the other option may be more painful."

I gave him my best 'try me' face. He seized up and drew his fist back. I winced and covered my face. I honestly didn't think he would do it but the influence of alcohol must have altered his sense. I waited for the inevitable...but it didn't come.

"Nathan calm down."

I took my arm away from my face to see a orange arm holding Nathan's navy fist away from my face. I took a deep breath. Going to school with a new bruise wasn't the best way to start the week.

"How bout you guys get to bed. I've got some painkillers for any hangovers tomorrow."

Jaylene and Nathan seemed to consider this before agreeing and heading to their designated rooms. I stood up properly and smiled.

"Thanks Hazel, good timing that was."

Hazel turned back to me. She was a perfect example of someone who didn't conform the stereotype given to her. She was another type that was seen as a egotistical brat but was honestly really sweet with only a bit of a short temper. She was a heatwave, which made sense, she was really hot. 

"No problem. I'm glad I got there in time, Nathan is very much a violent person."  She ran her hand through her short black hair. "I swear that boy cannot go a day without getting drunk."

I nodded. It seemed every few nights he and Jaylene would stumble back to our dorm and wake up with raging hangovers ever since I changed dorms to this place a few months ago. Hazel gave me a sad, almost knowing smile. She sat down one the couch, I decided to join her.

"He honestly didn't used to be that bad. He had a girlfriend, Jaylene was extremely jealous but he didn't care. Then they broke up after many months. He's still not over her."

I stared at her, slightly shocked. Even after all the months since I had been here I hadn't know. I felt sorry for Nathan even if he was being a bit of an idiot by not getting over her.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"A storm, a lightning storm called Arden."

Immediately a scowl was placed on my lips. I had heard many rumors of Arden. Always flirting then breaking their heart the next day. A class A prick. I had my heart broken before. A painful experience, more painful than a punch. Hazel laughed at my reaction

"I'm guessing you've heard of her."

"Yes I've bloody heard of her," I growled. "Getting to people then breaking their hearts. It's cowardly and shallow. It makes her look good,  she couldn't care less about her victims, only her reputation. A clear sky broke my heart my heart once. I thought they were special, then she went and cheated on me with some snow type."

"You're a lesbian?"

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"So I give a small speech about my hate towards Arden and all you take from it is that I'm a lesbian?"

She gave me a sheepish smile.

"Well you're right, but still," I chuckled.

"Sorry bout that. It's just I feel like a bit of a bad friend for not knowing. Though it would explain the looks you've been giving me."

A spurt of laughter burst from me.

"It's not my fault that you're really hot. And don't worry, I usually only let people I trust know about my gay side."

"And how many people is that?"

I thought for a second.

"You, my ex."

Hazel whistled. I could tell she felt appreciated. There was a smile tugging at her lips.

"I'm glad you trust me. That's not many people. For someone who a strong anti-stereotype, you're a very secretive."

I snorted.

"And for a heatwave who doesn't like stereotypes you're very-"


"No!" I slapped her arm. "Well yes actually. But I was going to say sassy."

Hazel burst out laughing.

"Like thats any better!"

As the laugh was reduced to a mere chuckle Hazel put her hand on her shoulder.

"Seriously though, thanks for telling me."

I smiled.

"No problem," I said as I stood up. "Anyway, we'd better get to bed. See you the morning Hazel."

"Alright, see you in the morning Cleo."

Hmm, I wonder which mist Arden is going to decide to hook up with? Aren't I so good at giving surprises.
