I'm Sorry. (Akaza X Fem! Reader)

requested by @yalls_queen ! sorry for the LATE LATE LATE STORY! ๐Ÿ’™.



Being an Upper Moon isn't as nice as it sounds... sure you can be at the top of demons and hold so much power but that means you are involved with the lord of demons.

Muzan was disappointed in Y/n for not completing his request. "You failed me Y/n. You are one of my favorites, and yet you were to weak to even finish your part." Muzan said lowly glaring at Y/n who was bowing down.

"I'm sorry my lord, I will do better. I have no excuses..." Y/n said keeping her head down. The other upper moons were beside her not daring to look at Muzan.

Muzan harshly grabbed Y/n's face and made her face him. "Keep your word before i make it your last. You failed me, and yet you come here like it's nothing."' Y/n remained quiet and she didn't look at him, his nails digging deep in her jaw. "Look at me and explain yourself." He spat. Y/n looked at him her dull eyes showed no emotions "If that means the end of my life so be it. I serve you and i cannot thank you enough for letting me live. I respect your wishes...so if your wishes means end my life. So be it." Y/n said.

Muzan looked into her eyes and let go of her face. "Do not fail me. This will be the last time" Muzan said before disappearing.

Y/n had her way with words, she could get through any problem without losing her life in the process. That's how she managed to survive in the real world. She was a survivor.

"Wow Y/n-chan! I almost thought that would be the last time I'd see your cute face!!" Douma cood going close to Y/n's face. Y/n just stared dumbfounded at Douma and before she could respond Akaza was quick to shove him away from her.

"Akaza-dono, don't you think the same? It would be so so sad if you couldn't see her beautiful face." Douma said. Akaza just glared at Douma and looked back at Y/n.

He looked at Nakime and she played one Biwa string making them all go back to their original places. Y/n and Akaza both ended up in the city.

Akaza gently grabbed Y/n's face and looked at the face where Kibutsuji marked. It would have healed in an instant but this is Muzan we're talking about.

The marks were slowly healing and she looked down. Akaza sighed and said "You need to be more careful. He does not care who you are or where you are. If you fail him he will kill you."

Y/n looked back up at him "I couldn't kill him...I couldn't kill that man..." Y/n said lowly. Akaza cupped her face "Couldn't kill who?" He said gently.

"...The Flame Hashira...I could have. He just reminded me of someone and...I couldn't." Y/n said looking away. Akaza pulled Y/n into a hug, he knew who she was talking about.

Y/n had a brother who became a demon along with her. He had a passion in helping others, he wasn't a "normal" demon. He killed anyone who was doing the wrong thing, demon or human it didn't matter. He just wanted this world to be at peace.

When Kibutsuji found out about the two siblings, Y/n's brother fought against him and actually almost
one. As Muzan was about to kill Y/n's brother, Y/n's brothers last words were "Do what h-he says in order to survive..." and he died being eaten by a creature from Kibutsuji's arm.

Y/n saw the whole thing and when Muzan came
down to her she showed a blank face but her eyes showed a different emotion. Her brother was gone she had nobody.

He bent down and looked at her with red glowing eyes, "You heard what he said. Follow my order or
you'll be in the same place as him."


Y/n closed her eyes and hugged Akaza back. Y/n isn't weak Akaza knows that, she became an upper
moon quickly after her brother's death. Even as a demon she remembered her human life. Her Blood Demon Art was quite powerful and in use in combat.

Akaza whispered sweet things in her ears to calm he down as ran his hand up and down her back gently. "You will be okay...I promise ill do anything to protect you..." Akaza whispered and Y/n just leaned more into his warm hug.


Akaza went onto a train hearing there was a Hashira there and also hearing there was a lower moon attempting to finish it off. Lower moons are weak so he was already doubting the demon so he took it in his own hands.

But when saw the person his eyes widened for a moment. It was the Flame Hashira...the one Y/n didn't have the courage to kill...

'I'm sorry Y/n...' Akaza said in his head as he leaped towards the Hashira.
