Chapter 18

Lisa's P.O.V
I stood outside the foster home in a nice black dress, choosing whether to go in or not.

"You're adopting?" I hear someone's voice next to me and I look to see Cecile. I groaned inside my head
"When you say it like that it sounds like we're going to adopt a dog, I would like to think of it more as giving someone a home"
"What do you mean? the kids here clearly already live in a home" she gave me and evil girl and I rolled my eyes
"A real home, now why are you here?"
She laughed and went from next to me to in front of me.

"For a second I thought Jungkook kicked you out and you were putting your self in home, what a pity, I would've visited you"

God I hate her.

"Get to the point Cecile" I rolled my eyes.
"I was sent here by Jungkook himself to file a report. You do know he owns this foster home right?"
He does?
"Wow he really doesn't tell you anything" she laughed.

"I should be getting inside now, don't let those dogs— oh my I mean children trick you into buying them" she laughed
"You can say what you want about me Cecile but don't bring defenseless kids into this, you don't know what they've been through"
She smiled and walked away.

Sometimes I want to attack her but that would be inappropriate........ right?

I went inside and the lady in the front called in for someone. Cecile already killed my mood for the morning I know only one person can cheer it up.

"LISA! You're really here!"
"MIMO!" I yell excited as he ran into my arms and I picked him up.

"You came to visit me!" He said smiling from ear to ear.
"I will never break our promise" I winked at him.

Before Mimo left I made a promise that I would come to see him no matter the circumstances. I saw how his eyes lit up when I said that, so therefore on I told myself I would go see him again

"Your hair has gotten longer" he said pointing to my hair. It's been two months no wonder he's so amazed by me just showing up completely different.

"So when are you going to show me around?" I asked
"Come with me madam" he said leading the way and I laughed.

After he showed me all around the place, I noticed that even though Mimo never really has a place to call home, he has gotten more here then in the past and that is why I am forever grateful to Mimo he changed my perspectives in life. To always live in the moment and enjoy what you have.

"Here is our arts and craft theater room, we prepared a special play and a crown for you" he said and he grabbed my hand and quickly dragged me into the room.

I was in the bright colorful room with a bunch of light shining in. A bunch of kids in costumes running around and getting everything ready. They were mature for their age.

Some kid came and handed me a sheet of paper that had all the scenes of the play in crayon, with doodles in the corner.

"Romeo and Juliet how classic, isn't this a little too brutal for your age" I turned to Mimo and he laughed
"Nonsense there will never be anything brutal about tragic love" he sassed me as he pulled a chair out for me.

"Mimo you forgot to give her the dress" a girl with brown hair that was all over that place and a missing tooth in the front scolded him.
"Hi I'm Mei, I'm the one who hand sewed your dress" she said sticking out her hand. This girl was no more than 10 and she made ME a dress.

"H-hello Mei" I said shaking it
"MEIIII it was a surprise look what you did now you ruined it" Mimo whined
"Did it take you much time?" I ask her and she shrugs
"Time does not matter"
I frowned hearing her words
"How about to pay you back for the dress I'll buy ice cream later?, how does that sound?"
She nodded her head roughly
"Heyyy I want ice cream!!" Mimo huffed
"ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE!" I yell and everyone got up and cheered.

Mei handed me a white long off the shoulders dress.
"Wow Mei you're so talented" I felt a tear roll down my cheek
"Don't worry about it" she blushed.
"GO GO THE PLAY IS ABOUT TO START YOURE JULIET!" Mimo said pushing me to the bathroom
"I'm what!—-" he cut me off by pushing me inside.

I finished and put the long white off the shoulders dress and went outside to see all the kids standing out there expecting me.

"Here" they handed me a red rose and a flower crown. Just a bunch of flowers tied together but it was still amazing.

"I love it" I said staring down at it before putting it on my head.

I heard some commotion coming from behind me and when I turn around I see....

Jungkook's P.O.V

She told me in the morning that she'll be at the foster home. I decided to stop by and pay a surprise visit.

When I entered I saw Cecile standing there grinning at me
"Mr Jeon you should go back to Rubyrose and finish your duties there, why are you here?" She said
"Cecile you don't demand me to get back to work you understand. I am not here for you so I suggest you stay out of my way for the time being. The Mexican drama can wait"
I saw my words made her mad but I pushed past her.

When I entered the room her back was facing me but it didn't matter she looked stunning. She wore an off the shoulder white dress while there was a flower crown around her head. She turned around and I saw she was holding a red rose. Everybody cowers at my presence, but not her. She gave me a full excited smile when she saw me and it drove me crazy. She drives me crazy.

She runs through my mind even when she's not there. All I can think about is.
"Did she get home safely?"
"Has she eaten?"
"I wonder what she's up to"
She makes me weak but I love her for that because she makes me feel again when I'm at my lowest.

Eyes say more than words can ever do. Staring at her right now I know she can feel it too. In this moment she looks like my future wife standing down the isle waiting for me. I knew she thought the same in this moment but she kept her eyes on me. Her eyes that make me fall in deeper love with her every single day but can also make me want to take them out when she sees other men. It is crazy how love works.

But she's mine, I love this woman and I hope every fucking man out there knows it.

Lisa's P.O.V
He was standing at the doorway staring and observing me for a good while. I let him take it all in at once.

Our eyes met up again and he took steps towards me and moved the hair out of my face.
"You look breathtaking my love" I felt my cheeks heat up in the moment but I wasn't quick to hide it because he smiled after.

He was leaning in for a kiss but I stopped him with my rose.
"The children" I said and he pulled away and laughed. The kids around us were also laughing.

Mimo led me to the stage and made me say the most weirdest lines.
"Oh therefore Romeo is our vagines we're collided we will be one with the moon" I said and I heard the audience laughing including Jungkook.

"Romeo why won't you wake, OH Romeo!" I yelled shaking a fake dead Mimo. Mimo then got up and whispered something in Jungkook's ear and then Jungkook came up on stage and faked being dead in my arms.

"KISS!" The kids yelled and told us to hurry up. I laughed at them.
"I might skip the kiss and just get the part where I die" I said and Jungkook opened one of his eyes and glared at me.
I laughed before bending down and giving him multiple kisses.
"MY love! your poison is not rubbing onto my lips" I said and Jungkook laughed a little.

I grabbed the fake knife and stabbed myself in the heart. I fell on the floor and acted dead and they wrapped up the rest of the play

(Time skip)

I got everyone ice cream as they we were all enjoying outside. I changed back into my normal black dress and I've noticed the stares Jungkook has given me.

"Is something wrong" I ask as he smiles shaking his head no and places a sudden kiss on the top of my head.
What is up with him today? He's acting more intimate.

"Did you have fun playing Juliet?" He asks and a huffed
"Not at all, the lines I had to say sounded odd" I said licking my ice cream. He laughed
"What's so funny?" I ask
"Lisa you got played 'Oh therefore Romeo is our vagines we're collided we will be one with the moon did you really think that was part of Shakespeare"
"Those BRATS!" I said and Jungkook was dead laughing.

"Hey you're ice cream looks good can I have" I said leaning forward and going to lick it but instead he smashed it onto my face.
"Oh looks like you go a spot right there" he said
"Do I now? How about you WHOOPS" I smashed my ice cream on his face.
"How clumsy of me, let me help clean it up for you" I said grabbing the hose that was next to me and turning it on.

Jungkook started running but the pressure of the hose was able to hit his back.
"WATER FIGHT!" The kids yelled and turned on the fire hydrant which made water fall down like it was raining.

The ice cream from my face started to drip down as I got soaked. The kids quickly went and started filling water balloons and throwing them at each other. I grabbed one and aimed it perfectly at Jungkook but he dodged it.

"Missed me" he smirked. And I laughed and whispered something to Mimo
"READY! ATTACKKKKK" I yelled and they all threw water balloons at him which every single one of them hit him.

He started to charge at us and the kids scattered but I knew he was coming for me. I wasn't fast enough because he caught me and picked me up twirling me around.

"I'm going to throw up on you, if I'm not on the ground " I threatened and he immediately placed me down with our faces meeting each other.
"This would've been romantic if we kissed under the actual rain and not fire hydrant water" I said
"I can make anything romantic" he said cockily.
He dipped me down with one hand on my back and the other on my waist and he kissed me passionately.

He placed me back on my feet and pulled away and everyone around us clapped.

(Time skip)

It was time to say goodbye and honestly I didn't want to leave, I haven't had this much fun in a long time.
"You'll come visit me again right?" Mimo said with a big smile and I bent down and hugged him.
"I'll keep visiting you every chance I get" I ruffled his hair before standing back up.

"Oh! Lisa this is for you" he handed me a picture and a piece of licorice. I looked down and smiled at it and remembered when we first met and he was handing out candy.

I took a look at the picture and it was from the play, when I kissed a fake dead Jungkook.
"You took a picture?" When I looked up Mimo was gone and I see Mei waving to me at the end of the hall with a bright smile. I waved back.

I went out fo the foster home to see Jungkook outside waiting in the car.
"Here" I handed him the picture of us for him to see.
"Wow who took this picture"
"He's a talented kid" Jungkook said and I nodded with a frown on my face.

"Mimo will be here everyday waiting for you and I saw how much you both enjoyed yourself today. We'll be back" Jungkook said and I looked up at him. It's like he saw my expressions and he knew exactly what I was thinking.

I smiled and grabbed his hand while his other gripped the steering wheel and drove off.

We were driving faster than usual on our way home.
"Are we in a rush?" I ask and he shakes his head no
"It seems like we're going faster than usual, just being careful" I said
"Really? I'll slow down then" he said but then he started to press the brake continuously.

"The breaks are caught off" he said as he quickly tightened my seatbelt. My eyes widened trying to think about what is happening.

He fixed the rear view mirror and we saw a bunch of black Lexus behind us. He grips my hand even tighter and focused on serving the cars on the road

"We were sabotaged, I need you to listen to me carefully......"

I wanted to clear up the confusion about where Mimo is
