Chapter 5

Jack's POV

"you want me to go back to the field?" William Graham, a teacher and a retired cops/investigator, ask me again. "yes, Will. I need your expertise, your vision. We manage to get a clue on the kidnappers preference but we have a match for 15 other girls.

We need to point out the kidnapper accurately to minimise the casualties." I told him. Nathaniel has done a pretty good job with pinpointing the girl's similarities but the problem is the same kind of girl is too many for the FBI to keep an eye on.

"fine, I'll pinpoint it but this is the last time I'm stepping in." Will then left. I stared at him, conflicted on his problem. I think a psychiatric is needed. Let's see if Dr. Bloom can help me out. However, when I asked her, she refused and instead, recommended me to another psychiatrist, her mentor.

'Dr. Hannibal Lecter......'

Third person's POV

"I can't believe Jack is making me do this....." Will is currently sitting in his office, a corkboard with clue and pictures of the missing girls is in here as well. 'they have a lot of similarities in the end but there's something similar to them that makes it a game. A golden ticket for the end.....'

A sudden knock interrupts his monologue. "Jack, we might be able to get a clue on the girls in their homes...."

"N-Nathaniel?!" Will stammered out. "William?!" Nathan was shocked. From the previous owner's memories, Will and himself used to be close friends simce his father owns the dock that Will's father works in. They were very close until Nathan had to move away when he was 12.

"what are you doing here?" Will walked up to him and gives him a hug. "I'm working here. I ran off when I was young and got a degree in medical. I worked in Belgium as a crime scene investigator for 6 years before moving back to America. I came back 2 days ago and I wanted to contact you but I don't have your number. I'm sorry. "

Nathan felt really excited to meet Will Graham but it was way too soon. There's only three victims right now, last he remembered there was more than 5 of them missing but he's going to pull through it, "here, let me show you the progress we're getting......."

Will's POV

I can't believe he's here. My childhood crush, Nathaniel. I've missed him for so long. Whenever I felt a panic attack coming, his face always calm me. But it's not enough for me now. I want more. I want him for myself.

I kept myself locked on him as he continue to ramble about the case, until Jack comes in. Jack asked Nathan to leave which upsets me but it was worth it when he hugged me before leaving. I was upset to see him leave but I guess it was fine as I already gave him my number beforehand.

"do you know each other?" Jack asked, looking through the case folder.

"we're childhood friends. Anyways, about the case, it seems like the kidnapper is building up to a climax. His golden ticket." I glide my hand across the board. "none of this girls are his golden ticket. He's going to find more." I quickly left afterwards, stressed with the vision of this kidnapper.

However, my exit is stopped by Nathan, who looked worried about me. "Will are you ok? You look sick."
I was about to tell him I'm fine but I decided not to, i want to keep his attention on me. So, i made my headache more dramatic.

Immediately, he panics. Bringing me to his office and left a bit to get some advil from his car. I looked around and there's a lot of things that makes me feel like him. It's homey but with a slight edge to it. I opened one of his upper cabinet and a safe was in it.

I don't know the password but it's worth a try. I trt to put in his birthday but it didn't work. I wanted to try again but Nathan already came back. He hands me the advil and some water. We chatted for a bit before I had to leave for another lecture.

'today is a good day....'
