Fri. Dec 8th. 7:06 AM

Zerkaa: who's ready to kick some tiger ass tonight?

Miniminter: I sure am

Tbjzl: yeah boi

Jide: can't wait to rub it in my bro's face

Miniminter: I can't wait to rub it in Airey's face

Miniminter: last game before the final so will better give a 100 percent boys.

Jide: yes captain *salutes*

Tbjzl: *cringes*

Zerkaa: *rolls eyes*

Miniminter: you guys can't see me but I'm facepalming

Tbjzl: really off topic but where's Vik?

Miniminter: he's asleep

Jide: and how do you know that?

Jide: do you have a secret camera in his room?

Miniminter: okay first, no that's creepy asf. Second he wakes up at 7:30

Tbjzl: Simon when are you going to do the ting?

Zerkaa: ?

Jide: what are you guys on about?

Miniminter: soon

Jide: are you guys seriously ignoring me again?

Tbjzl: jide, Josh I'll fill you guys in just meet me at my locker

Miniminter: I got to go guys. See you guys at school.


'The ting' is in motion. Simon grabs his keys to his Ranger Rover, holding a rolled up jersey in his way outside to where the vehicle is parked. He sets his duffel bag that contains his football necessities in the back along with his backpack. He put the rolled up jersey in his pocket.

Today Simon is going to take Vik to school. Course the blonde let Vik know last night about wanting to pick him up. Vik accepted the ride offer.

Simon opens the Kik app, clicking on the chat he has with Vik.

Fri. Dec 8th. 7:34 AM

Miniminter: morning dumpling,

Miniminter: on the way to pick you up

Vikkstar123: good morning :)

Vikkstar123: okay it shouldn't take me long to get ready

Miniminter: take your time.

Vikkstar123: Simon stop texting! You're driving and that's not safe!



Simon chuckles but smiles fondly at the younger's caring. He did what he was told and put away his phone. The drive to Vik's house isn't long. Being the gentleman he is, he gets out of the car and walks up the front door. Few seconds after knocking he can hear Vik's voice nearing the door. " That's for me, bye mum have a good day at work, love you!"

When Vik is finally outside, Simon motions to his car. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah," The two boys walk to the car. Vik tugs Simon, stopping to a halt. Vik stands up on his tippy toes and softly smacks Simon upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" The blonde asks surprised.

"Don't ever text while driving! You could have died!"

Hearing Vik scowl him in person then in text made the blonde alittle guilty seeing how genuinely worried Vik was. Simon really hates seeing the boy sad.

"Vik I promise I will never text and drive again." The blonde vows. If promising this will make Vik happy, then so be it.

"Pinky promise?" The smaller rises his tiny finger.

"Pinky promise." The blonde wraps his much bigger finger around Vik's smaller finger. If the guys hear about this he'll never hear the end of it.


Vik could feel the lingering gazes from individuals walking inside the school as Simon parks the Range Rover in a parking spot.

Cheeking his phone, noticing twelve miniutes before first bell, Vik unbuckles and grabs his backpack.

"Hey Vik." The blonde speaks up.

"Yeah?" Vik smiles sweetly.

"I was wondering," Simon trails off. "The team have this big game today, I'm sure you saw in the group chat- anyway I'm hoping you could come to the game?" Simon been completely nervous about this part of 'the ting'.

Vik on the other hand is elated. His crush had just invited him to his game! "Sure I'll go support you," He grins but frowns, remembering he had nothing to wear to support the team. "I don't really have anything school spirit wise."

Simon smirks and digs into his jogger's pocket, pulling out his away jersey. On the back of the jersey it reads 'Minter', along with his jersey number '7'. Vik blushes knowing where this is heading.

"Wear this." Simon hands the jersey to Vik, whose eyes are as wide as an owl's.

"Are y-you sure?" Vik stutters.

"Of course, I want to see you cheering and wearing my shirt when we win the game against the Tigers." The blonde saids, feeling alittle more confident than before.

With a blush forming the smaller let out an audible "okay".

Noticing they have four more miniutes before first bell, the two boys grab their bags and walk side by side into the school.


(A/N): I'm just going to leave this here :)

Relationship goals be like, representing my boyfriend!

I mentally cooed when watching this video. Vik is too precious.

Q: Heads or tails?
A: heads for life :p
