
"They've got a fucking ship now?! This is BULLSHIT!!!" Kiera yells, looking over towards the anthropomorphic wolves and their leader sailing parallel to their ship.

The one-eyed leader speaks with a taunting smile, "What's wrong, princess? I thought it would be a great idea for an ambush!" He chuckles darkly.

"Son of a bitch! Fuck you John!" Kiera shouts, flipping the wolves off.

"These guys again? What's up with them, Keeks?" Veo questions.

"Don't worry about it!" Kiera yells, clearly in a pissed off mood as Veo raises his paws in defence. Kiera pulls out her sword, knowing a fight is about to break out between them and the wolves. Sure enough, a wooden plank comes falling over to their ship, giving the wolves a clear path to run over.

Swords are raised as wolves come running over, their leader, or as Kiera calls him, John, being right at the front! Everyone prepares themselves for a fight, Kiera charging at John with great speed! Many wolves get across before Captain Plague has the opportunity to knock the wooden plank down, taking out every wolf on it with it, many screams heard, followed by loud splashes!

Most wolves go straight to surrounding Kiera, as her sword continues to block John's attacks. Veo, attempting to prove his worthiness, runs over and tackles John to the ground, giving Kiera a chance to take out the others. Captain Plague joins in the slaughter, fighting alongside Kiera as Veo keeps the leader busy. Pipit and Bolt coward, Pipit protecting all of the others and Bolt just simply not knowing what to do, while all of the kittens are more focused on fighting each other than the wolves.

Trooper tries to run over and help, but immediately falls due to his injured leg. Veo and John roll around on the ground, throwing punches and clawing at each other in a desperate attempt to beat the other. After fighting with himself on it for a few seconds, Bolt decides to try and help. He takes a deep breath, trying to focus his energy.

A lightning bolt appears in his hand as he gasps softly at the sight. As some wolves approach him and corner him, he closes his eyes and whips the bolt around, knocking the wolves down and sending them flying! Bolt's smile brightens as he opens his eyes to see, gaining some confidence.

Kiera gets surrounded by a bunch of wolves by the edge of the ship as they pull out their guns on her, beginning to shoot! She spins her sword in a circle as quickly as she can, the sword now acting as a shield and being enough to stop the bullets!

Seeing her struggling to keep it up, Bolt rushes over, trying his best to help. He focuses his energy, a ball of lightning slowly starting to form in his hands, but not quick enough. One of the wolves shifts their attention over to Bolt, aiming their gun at him. Kiera quickly catches sight of this, seeing the bullet fly towards Bolt in what feels like slow motion to her! Without thinking, she swings her sword in front of Bolt to shield him from the bullet, doing so just in time!

But in doing that, she leaves herself as an open target...

A bullet comes flying towards her, hitting her right in the stomach, the force being enough to send her off the edge of the ship! She lets out a short yelp of pain, quickly realizing that this just may be the end of everything...

Until a hand grabs hers. She opens her eyes, not even realizing that she had closed them when she began to fall. Looking up, she sees Captain Plague, panting as he keeps a firm grip on her wrist, clearly having run over mid-fight to catch her.

He pulls her up and into his arms, holding her close as if afraid of losing her. Bolt finally manages to create a big ball of lightning, using all of his force to launch it at the wolves, knocking them all over like bowling pins! Veo manages to win his fight with the leader, throwing him off of the ship and into the water!

As the fight slowly comes to an end and everything settles down, Kiera quits her 'I'm fine' act and goes limp in Captain Plague's arms, using him for support. Without wasting any time, he quickly picks up Kiera as if she were a princess, rushing her limp body over to his lounge, as everything slowly becomes black for her.


Muffled shouts of panic are heard, the sound of people yelling at each other to keep calm being a lot of them. There's a stinging pain, along with a sticky red substance splattered all over black clothes.

The voices seem to be in a panic, and albeit blurry, an orange blob of colour can be seen rushing around to find equipment. They seem to shoo all of the others off, carefully laying the injured cat on a bed and tending to the bloody bullet wound. Just like that, everything goes dark once more.


Through blurry eyes, muffled voices are heard, along with a ringing sound.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Veo can be heard saying.

"I sure hope so...she's quite a tough one to be able to make it this far." Captain Plague is heard responding.

"This is my fault...I shouldn't have got in her way..." Bolt says sadly, his ears visibly flattening, even visible with the blurry vision.

"She may have took a bullet, but you did manage to knock out all of those scallywags. You've done good, matey."

"We should probably give her some room for when she wakes. Kiera doesn't seem like the kind of person who would be too happy with being crowded when hurt." Veo explains. The last thing seen before everything goes dark once more is everyone except for Trooper and the Captain leaving the lounge.


On one side, she feels a furry being snuggled up to her, hearing the sound of a whimper from that direction, though not one of a physical pain, but more of a mental one formed from worry.

On the other side, she feels someone rubbing her arm, the feeling of a leather glove running through her jet black fur. Soon after, she feels a soft paw touching her arm, whoever it is having removed their glove to make it more comfortable. All vision fades as the darkness returns.


Kiera's eyes slowly blink open, her vision finally being clear and her hearing no longer sounding like she's underwater. The stinging pain in her abdomen has gone down, though it hasn't fully disappeared. She looks to her side, seeing Trooper asleep next to her.

Feeling something on her other side, she turns her head, seeing the Captain sitting there on his knees by the bed, his head resting on his crossed arms, which sit right beside Kiera as he sleeps.

She smiles, shifting slightly, which causes his eye to shoot open as he jolts up slightly, slowly waking. The second he notices Kiera's awake, he pulls her into a tight hug, being sure not to hurt her. She seems surprised for a moment, before wrapping her arms around him and patting him on the back, trying to reassure him that she's okay.

"Don't risk yerself like that...Yer a new friend of mine, I don't want to lose you so soon..."

"Well, wouldn't be my first time getting shot. I've dealt with those wolves quite a bit..." she says in a weak voice, "only difference is this time I had someone to help me out..." she smiles softly.

"That's shouldn't be continuing this mission like this..." Captain Plague says with a hint of sadness.

"Can't do that. I said I wound do it, I'm gonna do it."

"You've gotta rest,'re injured..."

"I have the time on the ship to rest."

Before he can argue, a loud boom of thunder is heard, causing Kiera to yelp and cover her ears, squeezing her eyes shut out of fear. The Captains eyes widen, getting Kiera to lay back down as he rushes out, slamming the door to the captains lounge behind him.

All of the others are looking up at the sky in worry, the clouds now grey and the seas becoming rough. He rushes over to the wheel as the ship gets tossed back and forth from the waves, getting a good grip on it and trying to steer them out of the storm!

The rain comes down hard as the ship rocks, the others falling over and trying to catch a grip with their claws.

"Get inside! It's not safe out here! Veo, go keep an eye on Kiera!" The captain shouts, spinning the wheel as he tries to regain control of the ship. Everyone nods, all of them heading down to their sleeping corders as Veo goes rushing to the captains lounge.

Captain Plague looks up at the raging storm in fear, knowing just what the outcome could be...
