Chapter Eighteen.

Chapter Eighteen.
Nick's POV.

Looking down at the vulnerable girl in front of me I smirk. Well it's true he did find his Mate, a human. She stares up at me wide eyed, and I can see the confusion and conflicting emotions as she tries to work out who I am. "What a pleasure to finally meet you." I say sarcastically. As if he leaves his Mate unprotected. "Who are you?" She asks with an emotionless voice. They're better suited than I thought. "Just an old friend of Isaacs. Well my Mate is." I say and she frowns in confusion for a moment then suddenly hey eyes widen as if she remembers something. "You see your Mate hurt mine, so I'm going to hurt him." She gasps and opens her mouth slightly and her bottom lip quivers. "How?" She asks then her eyes connect with the people around her before falling on the needle that is being pulled out if her arm. "You." I say as she fades into darkness.

Picking her up I carry her towards the car and we quickly drive before we get caught.

"Place her in a cell and guard it." I order two rogues. If you haven't guessed I'm Nick, Alpha of a small rogue pack. "Alpha she's awake." One of the members say and I nod going to get the packs Luna, my Mate, Dakota. "She's awake baby." I say and she smiles and grabs my hand. She snarls slightly at the scent. "God I can't wait to never smell that scent again." She growls causing some guards to jump back. "Calm down baby, we have our fun first." I say kissing her Mark. She spots Anissa and snarls at her, but she seems unphased by it all. "So you're the whore he's been Mated with." She growls out in disgust and Anissa laughs. "And you're the whore he banged and dropped. How funny is that, he kept me about... because I'm better." The cold emotionless tone sounding nothing like I've heard before. Yes we've been watching them, and she always seemed so full of life, nothing like the one in front of me. "Oh no you fucking didn't!" She leaps for the bars and I have to pull her back. "Dakota, wolfsbane." I say and she sighs. "Look at you, hung up on some guy, using your Mate to get back the guy you fucked. What happened he get you pregnant and now you think he should be yours. Wake up sunshine he's forgotten about you." Dakota growls out angrily glaring at her. "I'm pathetic? You follow him around like a lost mutt! You have no place as Luna! You shouldn't even been in this godforsaken country." Dakota growls while giving the guards a signal to open the door. The doors open and Dakota struts in, her hand clasping around Anissas neck, lifting her up off the cot and throwing her against the wall. "Don't worry honey, I'll make this longer for you, to give you longer to beg for your pathetic life." Dakota spits and I lay a hand on her shoulder. "Take it easy, we want this to last a few days." I tell Dakota, she simply nods then kicks Anissa in the ribs. The sound of a bone cracking fills the air followed by a grunt. She's a tough one I'll give her that. We walk out leaving her in the corner with a broken rib or two. "She's going to pay, that fucking bitch." Dakota growls as we walk to our bedroom.

Anissa's POV.

Holding my ribs I take a deep breath and grunt feeling a tear slip down my cheek. It hurts to move, to breathe, to do anything really. I won't back down, I have to pretend this doesn't phase me, pretend I'm not scared to my witts ends. I'm hoping Isaac realised I'm missing now, because I need him more than anything right now. Tears leak down my face at the immense pain rushing through my torso right now. God Isaac hurry up. Whimpering I manage to pull myself onto the cot and lay on my back in hope of easing some pain from my ribs.

I'm not sure how long I've been here, my guess is only a few hours as through the bars above me I see the sky morphing into a dark abyss. My hopes of Issac saving me a like nonexistent right now. Has he even realised I'm missing yet? I've been gone enough time surely someone will have noticed my absence.

I'm so pathetic, just sat, well laid here feeling sorry for myself, instead of trying to work a way out. Lets face it though, I'm human, they're werewolves. I'd never out run them, and when they caught me, I'd be beaten within an inch of my life. A warning. Escaping is out of the question, survival will only prolong my pain, but death is not something I'm welcoming with open arms right now. What over options do I have? Act like I don't care that I have an inevitable fate?

The door screeches open, before slamming shut, but I don't flinch. Frozen to the cot, paralysed by thoughts and feelings. "An-anissa?" A familiar voice gasps quietly. One I've become fond of over my two years here. "Kelsey?" What's she doing here? "Anissa, what happened?" She asks sitting cross legged on the floor. Before I have the chance to say anything she gasps quietly. "You're with Issac." She states sadly. "Yeah." I say breathlessly. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea." She whispers, her eyes glazing over slightly. "I wouldn't have let this happen, had I known. I would have stopped them." She gasps, the odd tear trailing down her cheek. "But you didn't. So it's not you're fault." I say though my chest tightens knowing she's with these, these... monsters. "He's my brother... I'm with his best friend, I'll get you out, I promise. I know this looks bad, mainly I know that it was her fault, wasn't it." The way she spits the last bit, makes it obvious theres some conflict here. "You know..." What was her name again? Did they tell me her name? "Dakota? The whore my brothers banging, unfortunately." I notice her caution. "I know about werewolves." I say and she sighs in relief. "He's her Mate, she's hung up over Isaac but as long as she's fucking him, he doesn't care. You know they used to be friends, like best friends. Then when he stopped fucking her because he found a new girl she ran away. Sorry, I forgot you're Mates with him." She says and I just shrug. "Anyway it's rumoured that she turned psycho bitch and killed like a group of girls that attended their school from the pack. So he had no other choice but to banish her and make her a Rogue." She says sighing. "I heard something about that I think, not completely sure what was said now." I say and we lapse into a comfortable silence. "Does Isaac know you're missing?" She asks and I shake my head. "Are you able to shift into your wolf, before they dosed you with a blocker?" She asks and I shake my head. "You haven't Mated yet?" She asks and I shake my head again. "Not yet." I say. "Then I'll have to move quickly." She says. "Give me a day or two to work this out. I'll bring you food, so expect me here a lot more. I'll try keep Nick and Dakota busy so that you don't get hurt." She then comes close to my ear to whisper. "I'm going to go against my own for you, because you were there for me. We're close to another pack Alpha Nate or something like that." My eyes widen. "Nash." She nods. "I'm going to tip him off, so be ready." She whispers and hugs me. "Thank you." I whisper while returning her hug. "I'll be back soon with some food. If any guards ask I gave you a beating but you didn't scream because I said I'd make it worse." She says and walks to the door. "I'll be back bitch." She says loudly before winking at me and shuffling away. Who'd have thought, Kelsey my old roommate would be helping me out of a werewolf cell.

True to her word Kelsey is back with a tray of food and what appears to be some painkillers in her combat trousers. "I brough some chicken noodles and some sprite, along with some painkillers. You're the best fed prisoner." She says with a slight chuckle. "Thank you." I say and begin to eat up the noodles and take a gulp of the sprite to take the painkillers. They might take a while to kick in, given the bruises showing." She says, her eyes focused on my torso, where my top has risen revealing the blue, purple bruises. "Plans in motion, be ready tomorrow evening. My Mate knows, and he's helping. He's on guard on the boarder so he'll let us out and follow us." She says and I smile. I've always like Andy, he's always been sweet and respectful, to an extent.

She wanders out with my now empty tray and slams the door before I hear retreating footsteps. Issac will be getting an earful when I'm done with him. It's obvious he hasn't noticed, which unusually, offends me greatly. I'm his Mate for christ sake!


The time has come, Kelsey's plan has effectively worked and Nick and Dakota have stormed on an early mission to Nash's territory, after a warning came in that they knew. Of course they also know about this one, but it's been kept on a need to know basis. Only those who are on guard will fight have been told to stop the spread of information. He trusted Kelsey and Andy to guard the cells, theres only me and some other male in the cells so it shouldn't be hard to get away as the guys been drugged to be knocked out. Kelsey comes flying down the corridor, key in hand and unlocks my cell door, ushering me out. I follow her as she runs with my all the way to the boarder where Andy waits. He smiles at us and kisses Kelseys cheek before shifting. Kelsey shifts too and motions in wolf form to get on her back. With hesitant moves I get on and gently clasp the furr in my hands as she takes off sprinting towards what I can only presume is Isaacs territory.

Isaac. I'm more than unhappy with him, I'm just about ready to beat him withing an inch of his life.

They run for about two hours before slowing down near the territory. The members on patrol unphased by our appearance as they continue their rounds, running quickly past our shielded bodies.

We enter the grouds cautiously, a howl followed by a growl resonates close by and suddenly I'm surrounded by an unmistakable scent. Issac.


A/N: hey guys. I'm not happy with how this chapter turned out but I didn't want to rewrite it and leave you Zambaes any longer.

Do you guys think Issac noticed? And what about Kelsey huh, bet yall thought she'd disappeared.
I didn't want to do the whole hero comes and saves the day and she falls deeper in love with him. So this is what you get instead.

Anyway, time to get writing the next chapter... maybe do a little of Nicks POV and Isaacs POV.
