creepypasta special part 4

You've tried everything, from talking to bribing to scaring him when you try to lift the bed or try to get him to come out with a net. You didn't want to scare him but you really want him to come out, poor thing should be hungry and cold under that bed.

You gave up and sat up at the foot of the bed hugging your legs, you tried talking to him again "(m/d) is sorry for scaring you sweetie...." you said to him, He didn't say anything as always but you knew that he forgave you.

You didn't bother to ask him what's wrong...
Because every time you ask him he either never said anything and do a small gesture to show you that nothing is wrong or mummbles "I'm fine..."
You always knew it wasn't the case but you never make him tell you what's wrong, always keeping things from you and Oswald But you cant force him to do what he dosent want to do...

As you had before you tried to give him help all kinds of help, like therapy and such.... it never works...
You try.. so hard to make your son happy, to let him open up or smile.
Nothing ever works...
Sometimes you think that you weren't a good enough parent, that maybe you where cut out to raise 2 children alone but you looked at the bright side of things and at the end of the day you realize that those where just lies.

You are a wonderful parent and you are capable of raising 2 kids by yourself and even if you don't succeed you have did your best.
"Mickey... plz come out... I'm worried about you" you said quietly, it was a long silence.
Then you heard some movement and the floors creaking, you see mickey slowly crawl out from under the bed and looked at you with the same sad eyes.

You picked him up from the floor and hugged him, he was limp in your arms like he was a rag doll. You heard a sniffle from him and he mummbles "I'm sorry....." you gently pet his head in a comforting manner "shhh.... it's ok mickey..." you soothed your child as he moved his arms and hugged you got up from the floor with him still in your arms "do you want to help me make dinner...?"You asked in a sweet tone

He nods.
