~~Christmas & Paopu Fruits~~

             “We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!

Now bring us some figgy pudding,
Now bring us some figgy pudding,
Now bring us some figgy pudding,
And a cup of good cheer!

We won't go until we get some,
We won’t go until we get some-“


            The door made a deafening clatter as you shoved the door shut in the now puzzled caroler’s faces. It was Christmas day, and there you sat alone in front of the door, glumly hitting your head over and over again against the oak material that formed it. There was no way you could deal with all the happy celebrations and cheer tonight knowing what fate planned for you tomorrow. You looked around the very small house you rented and exhaled, depression settling instantaneously upon the sight of the moving boxes full and littering the ground.

            Your parents had moved you out to Twilight Town close to a year ago in order to send you to a renowned prestigious high school that looked spectacular on college resumes. They couldn’t get a transfer from work there, so they just ended up shipping you off unaccompanied to live on your own until your senior year ended.

            Well, that was the original plan, at least. After barely months, midway in your junior year, they booked a plane ticket for you to come back so that you could all move to Destiny Islands. The tickets were dated for tomorrow. Your dad had recently gained a lot of money through his investment in a new hover board that had initially been in development. It had been sold out almost as soon as it hit the shelves about a month ago.  They wanted you to come with them since they could now afford to just send you to some high-status college in the area at Destiny Islands. To any other person, this would be something to be excited about. Unfortunately, you didn’t feel the same way.

            You had made a life in Twilight Town. One in which you had some great friends, classes, and memories. Ten months worth of memories. Something many people wouldn’t want to get away from. But the biggest reason for your reluctance was that you had fallen in love. With someone who was not in Destiny Islands, but right here in Twilight Town. Even now just thinking about his bright blue eyes, striking blond hair and enticing smile, a light shone in the darkness that had muddled your thoughts.

            You were supposed to be spending the majority of your Christmas with him and the rest of your group of friends, but you’d canceled, knowing that you would just be sitting in a depressed ball in the corner in the room, becoming an eyesore during the fun you know they were bound to have.

            They had been pretty insistent on you spending it with them anyway. Especially him, who was stubborn and wouldn't usually take no for an answer. But, you stood by your decision. Even if it meant you wouldn’t get to spend your last day in town with the guy you loved.

            Thinking back to that dreary detail,you couldn’t help the tears that started to leak from your eyes, spilling over and dropping onto your Christmas sweater whose cheerful bright coloring seemed to taunt you and your sadness.

            While you sat there crying overwhat’s to come, a loud knock resounded on the door. It seemed that those stupid Christmas carolers were back again. Why couldn’t they leave you alone and go be happy somewhere else? You cursed them under your breath and groggily got up and opened the door. Eyes irritated and closed, you didn’t even bother to look at them, instead choosing to forebodingly say, “What, didn’t you get the memo when I slammed the door in your face?” Closing the door again, you continued to give them a piece of your mind. “If you even think about coming here again, I will call the police. There’s no way you’re not getting any figgy pudding from me this ye-“ A hand interrupted your threat when it shot out and grabbed your wrist,  effectively stopping you from shutting the door all the way. You opened your eyes, taken aback by the sudden gesture. They were greeted by a familiar pair of dazzling blue eyes looking down at you worriedly.

            “Roxas?” You asked, dazed at his sudden appearance. Seeing your tearstained complexion and general unstableness, he closed the door and sat you down on the floor. “[Name]?” He wiped a fresh set of tears on your cheeks were off with his thumb.”Why have you been crying?” He asked, outwardly sad and disturbed at the sudden moisture on his thumb. You threw on a fake smile in order to spare him from your personal pity party. “Oh, well, you know. Moving day’s tomorrow, and I’m just a little emotional.” He didn’t need to know about your feelings for him. It could end up making everything worse for you than it already was. He looked at you doubtfully for a moment before looking around at the lifeless room.

            “This is how you’re spending Christmas? Geez, you should’ve just stayed with us. Sure Axel was in charge of cooking this year, but burnt food is better than none.” You chuckled, looking at the box that contained your mini fridge. “That pyro!” You turned to face him and tried to lighten the somber atmosphere.“You know, since he’s your best friend and all, you’re responsible for him. You have to start carrying around fire extinguishers. Save yourselves from a future lawsuit, y’know?”

            You half-heartedly laughed at your own humor and stood up by the door once again. You couldn’t keep the charade up much longer. You’d break down again and probably end up telling him everything. “Weeellll, you better be getting back. They’re probably wondering where you went.”

            He followed suit and opened the door to peer outside. Sighing, he closed it again and faced you, placing both his hands on your shoulders. Your eyes widened. “I’m not going. There’s no way I’m letting you be alone on Christmas,” He gave you a knowing look. “More than ever when I know you’re just going to start crying again when I leave.” He dropped his hands from your shoulders and sat against the door, not daring to look you in the eye. “Besides…There’s something I need to tell you. But before that, there's something I wanted to give you. You know, a Christmas present.” He anxiously fumbled his hands in his pockets before retrieving a small object.

            He handed it to you, still not looking at you, as you sat down beside him. You took it tentatively, uncertain of what to expect. It was rectangular and covered in red and white striped wrapping paper topped with a little bow. “Go ahead. Open it.” He pressed. You ripped apart the vibrant covering only to uncover a small box inside.

            Your breath hitched as you opened it, seeing a mysterious small beautiful star-shaped fruit necklace inside. Well, half of one.

            “I made it for you. Five hours at home with Ventus bugging me about it the whole time. I did my research on Destiny Islands to see where you’d be moving off to, and I found this. It’s a very popular fruit there, called a paopu fruit,” He grinned confidently, tugging at a chain around his neck to reveal the other half. “It has a legend to it. If two people share one, their destinies will become intertwined, and they’ll always remain apart of each other’s lives.” He finished, cheeks turning slightly pink. “I guess, in a way, it kind of reminds me of our sea salt ice cream tradition on the clock tower with Xion and the others. Friendship, and, er…stuff, yeah?”

            “Here, let me put it on you.” He grabbed the little necklace and gently lifted it over your head to rest it around your neck. You gathered your hair together in a clump so that he could work on connecting the clasp.

            After putting the necklace on you, his hands froze on the chain and he  hesitated barely before suddenly wrapping his arms around you, embracing you in a hug from behind. Your face was on fire as you both sat there for what seemed like a lifetime until he started mumbling into the back of your hair.“I know you have to leave tomorrow…but can’t we just stay like this? For now, at least? I don’t want you to leave us, everyone… I really don’t want you to leave me.”

            He pulled away from you and gazed sadly at his hands. You stared at him, dumbfounded. “The truth is that I’ve really liked your for a while now. I was always just too scared to admit it.” He laughed bitterly, clearly aggravated with himself. “Like I am now, I guess. I can’t even fully admit it,” He looked you in the eyes and quietly grasped your hand as he continued. “[Name], you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You’re wonderfully unique, kind, and funny.And…” He softly cupped the side of your blushing face with his hand. “Well, I love you.” He closed his eyes and leaned so that his lips collided sweetly with yours.

            A warm feeling overcame your senses and your lips tingled from the unexpected contact. He pulled away shortly after to look at you and see your reaction. A huge grin spread across your face, and you kissed him again before saying, “I love you too, Roxas.”

***            The two of you sat side by side the rest of the night, opening packed boxes and exploring their contents just to repack them again afterward, reminiscing about old memories, and just talking about, well, pretty much everything, until you had both fallen asleep on the ground with the biggest smiles on your faces, side by side.

            The next day at the airport you were in tears at the sight that all the friends you had made while living in Twilight Town had come to see you off. Roxas stood by your side comforting you through all your emotions, making the relationship between you two pretty clear to everybody around. Axel and Hayner saw this opportunity and started doggedly teasing Roxas who jokingly pretended to be angry with them as he enjoyed his last moments with you by his side before your flight. And when your friends pestered you to get to the gate as they announced the last call for your flight and you rushed to find your seat, no heartache like you had experienced the night before pained you. Instead you were filled with captivating anticipation for the next time you would see all of them, Roxas especially.

            Holding your half of the paopu fruit necklace in your hand, you knew it wouldn’t be too long before then. There’s no way you could stay away from your destiny.

~~~~~~~~~Hello everyone! I know that it’s past Christmas, but I have my reasons for posting this late! You see, I made the necklace in the media box for my best friend as a Christmas gift (yep, that’s the one!), and since she’s here on Wattpad, I knew she’d see this if I posted it. It would've ruined everything. I wasn’t actually able to see her until about two days ago, so hopefully that explains the delay! I really hope you enjoyed the story~~Nalxia
