Chapter 5: Marinette's POV

"Marinette, stop acting so weird!" Tikki whispers from my bag. "Everyone's going to think you're sick or something."

I sigh. "You're right. I already spooked Adrien."

"If you're going to get Chat Noir something, you might want to hurry up. You're going to forget if you wait any longer!"

"You're right... but where can I get something made for Chat?"

"Well, first you have to decide what to make him."

"Uh... well, I think a keychain is out of the book for now. I want to make him something awesomely unique!" I say, pumping my fist.

"Oh, I know! How about you make him something!"

"Yeah! Unique and handmade by the awesome, amazing and smart Marinette!"

"Ladybug, you mean," Tikki reminds me with a giggle.

"Oh, yeah."

"So what are you going to make him?"

"A cloak. A black cloak that has pockets inside so he can carry around snacks. What a glutton," I giggle, thinking of how Chat's mouth waters whenever he talks about my bakery.

"That sounds wonderful, Marinette!"

"Well, I'd better hurry! I'm meeting him tomorrow, aren't I?"

--  --  --

"Chat better like this," I groan, holding up the finished product. "The fabric cost so much."

"Especially since you got more than enough," Tikki says, motioning to the rest of the fabric covering my desk and some of the floor. I groan again.

"Then I hope he really likes it. I'm so tired..." I put the cloak in the bag I brought up with me and fill it with tissue paper. "Maybe I should wait to give it to him until there's an Akuma attack."

"Then you won't be able to see his reaction! You usually only have two minutes left before you have to go."

I sigh and transform into Ladybug. Grabbing the black bag and climbing onto my balcony, I throw my yoyo and swing to our usual place we meet up. Chat's already there, sitting on the edge of the roof and swinging his legs like a child.

"Hey, Kitty. I brought you something."

Chat looks back at me holding the bag. "Already?"

"Hey. I'm super in real life, not just as a superhero," I laugh, trying to make a joke. "Here."

He takes the bag from my hand and slowly moves the tissue paper out of the way, trying not to rip anything or make a mess. I smile as he pulls out the cloak and gives me a funny look.

"Okay, let me explain," I start, but he stands and gives me a big hug.

"You figured it out."


He pulls back, giving me a big smile. "You know who I really am. Plagg―"

"No, Chat! I don't!"


"I just... I made you this cloak because you always like macaroons and whatever, so I made a whole bunch of pockets inside and you made me something so I decided I had to make something back... a lot of people wear cloaks in real life."

"Wait... so you really don't know who I am?"

"Really. And I'd rather not, seeing as my Miraculous would have to be taken away if I do."

"If no one found out we did―"

"Our kwamis would agree. They would go to Master Fu and make him take our Miraculous back."

"Plagg wouldn't," he says, rolling his eyes mischievously.

"Tikki would. She's not into breaking rules."

"Okay, okay, I get it. You don't know who I am." After a second a small grin floats onto his face. "My turn."

He jumps off the roof and heads, supposedly, toward his real house.

"Chat! I was just paying you back, don't―" but he's already gone. "Blast," I say to myself.

I detransform and sit down behind a chimney.

"I guess this is going to be a tradition now," Tikki giggles. "This'll be fun!"

"No, it won't. Now I have to keep making things for Chat until I die. And that's still at least fifty years from now."

"Actually... the Miraculous keeps you alive for however long you are an owner of a kwami. So it could be hundreds of years!"

"This is not good news," I say grimly, closing my eyes. "Tikki... how do I stop him?!"

"Well... you could always break his heart and say you can't make him anything anymore..."

"I don't want to hurt his feelings!"

"Well, he seems to be having fun doing this. Maybe next time you can make macarons," she says, rubbing her tummy. "And I can be the taste tester!"

I poke her in the cheek with my pinkie finger. "You're a glutton, too, sometimes, you know that?" she giggles and flies toward me, giving me a big hug on the cheek.

"You're the best Miraculous owner yet, Marinette!"

"And you're the best kwami I've ever had, Tikki."

Tikki suddenly freezes. "What if Chat wears his cloak to school. You'll find out who he is."

I laugh and say, "I'm pretty sure he won't. I think he's smart enough to not wear a gift from Ladybug to a school that everyone thinks that Ladybug goes to school."

"Unless he wants to know who you are."

"Oh no, Tikki! I should've given him something like macarons!" I wail.

"No, no, don't worry! You're right, he's probably smarter than... that. We should probably get home before anyone hears you on their roof and calls the police and everyone."

"You're right. Tikki, spots on!"
