53| Aftermath

"Is your back really fine?" Trixie asked.

"Don't worry about me," I said as I walked down the underground hallway with Mia and Trixie. Strange perched on my shoulder, gleaming as she tried her best to seal up the wounds on my back.

"How many men have we lost?" I asked them.

"Guess," Trixie said with a wobbly eyebrow. She has been very hyper every since we won the battle, and I can completely understand.

"I do hope the answer is none," I chuckled at them.

"Correct!" Mia exclaimed and I widened my eyes in disbelief. "For now, we haven't loss any men, but we lost a lot of slugs. A lot of our more inexperienced slingers just fired their slugs at lavas and monsters to defend themselves, and that resulted in the slugs being killed, sacrificing themselves for their slingers, even though they've known each other for only three weeks."

I nodded softly.

Slugs are truly selfless, and I love them more because of that.

"Where's Tad and Junjie?" I asked, recalling the fact that they did not come into the citadel with the rest of the group during the war. Eli was sent to the medical room the second he stepped foot into the underground hideout, receiving the medical services he needs with Pronto and Kord by his side, answering his questions.

After the Elementals saved Slugterra, the Shadow Clan and the other creatures left us and retrieved to their own habitats. We then led the people back to the underground hideout. There were tears of joy when the soldiers were reunited with their families, after knowing that their loved ones were safe and we won. Everyone then started packing their stuff, ready to get out of hiding and start over with their new lives.

"Tad is in the slug's healing room with Pieper. She's healing fast," Mia smiled at me, but it soon vanished. "Junjie is with Master Lian. I don't know if she would make it."

Trixie gulped knowingly, and I could feel my chest tightened.

The massive doors of the hideout of Bonnie Spring Cavern creaked open. Before us there were rows of wards, each ward was occupied with an injured soldier. Between two rows of wards was a path, where doctors and nurses could be seen walking around hurriedly to attend to as many patients as possible.

The three of us ventured deeper into the room, greeting and comforting the patients on the way before we reached Master Lian's ward.

Mia pulled away the white curtain that was separating the ward, and my heart sunk to the floor at the sight. On the hospital bed, Master Lian laid there, her body covered from head to toe with a piece of white cloth.

Mia and Trixie gasped lightly beside me. I stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do. Tears threatened to fall, and there was no holding back.

Junjie was staring down at his master with his back facing us. I looked up at him as he slowly turned his body around to look at us. Our eyes met, and even though there were no tears, they were the saddest pair of eyes I had ever seen in my entire life.

I wiped away my tears before I took a step forward, and crashed him into a tight hug. He didn't waste another second to hug me back, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel his warm tears forming against my skin, and that triggered more tears to roll down my cheeks.

Junjie helped me conquered my feelings during the painful three weeks of preparation, and we had developed quite a strong bond.

He is like an older brother I didn't know I need, and seeing him in this state was just heartbreaking.

Mia and Trixie walked towards us and gave gentle pats on Junjie's back. Out of all of us, all the soldiers and creatures, he suffered the greatest lost of losing his loving master to the war. She was his only guardian that has been there for him ever since he was a child.

"I'm sorry," I whispered into his ear, bawling my eyes out. I could feel him shook his head gently before he pulled away from the hug.

"It's not your fault," he said, looking down at me with tears streaming down his pale face. I reached out to his face and wiped his tears away with my thumb. He gently grabbed my hand, gently squeezing it as he held it on his cheek.

"She knew we won the war. I managed to tell her before she passed. She was happy. She's in peace," he managed to say without stammering. "She was so proud of all of us, especially you."

I looked over at Mia and Trixie, and we shared a look.

There were three heavy, hurried footsteps coming towards us, and the next second, there stood the three male members of the Shane Gang behind Mia and Trixie, all in utter shock to see the death of a mighty, well-respected warrior.

I looked over at Eli. He was shirtless with a huge bandage covering most of his upper body, outlining and exposing his beautifully toned figure. His breathing was quick, and it was obvious from the rate his chest rise and fall. He stared dreadfully at the bed, before he looked over at me.

His eyebrows twitched, and I realised that Junjie was still holding onto my hand against his cheek. Junjie seemed to notice it too and he immediately let go of my hand. I retrieved it awkwardly.

Junjie's gaze fell on Eli, and they made eye contact. It was tense, filled with a strong brotherly love. Eli walked up to him and they shared a hug, with Eli patting strongly on his back. We hung our heads, our hearts numbed from the master's death, the air around us filled with melancholy.

There were soft chirps, before Master Lian's Negashade and White Boon Doc climbed onto her bed and onto her body. We watched as they gleamed, levitating their master's body, before they disappeared into thin air.

Junjie pulled away from the hug to let out a throaty chuckle and forced out a smile.

"Come on, we should be celebrating! All the hardwork we had put in for the past three weeks had paid off. We won! We saved Slugterra, and two Shanes!"

"Junjie..." Eli called out for him, but he shook his head.

"Would you please give me a moment? I would really appreciate that," Junjie said with a tear rolling down his cheek.

None of us wanted to leave him, not when he was in that state, but if this was what he wanted, then we should respect it. Trixie nodded her head, before she pulled Mia away with her, tears streaming down their faces. Pronto and Kord followed them.

I walked up to Eli and gently grabbed his forearm. He looked down at me with tears in his eyes.

"Come on," I whispered to him and gently pulled him away, to show him something else. He unwillingly followed me. Eli still didn't know that we saved his father. Junjie might have mentioned it, but he seemed as though he didn't quite catch it. I was pulling him towards his father's ward when I felt him pulling me to a halt.

I gasped as he pulled me in for a hug, and gently swayed our bodies like we were dancing.

A smile crept up my face as I wrapped my arms around his neck, buried my head on his chest. It was like the voices in my head was silenced, he brought me peace. His heartbeat was what I have been yearning for over the past three weeks, and I was beyond happy to be able to hear it steadily beating again.

The nurses and patients around us couldn't help but stare at us for a few seconds, before they continued to do what they were doing.

I looked up at him and saw that he was already looking down at me with a smile that never failed to melt my heart. He closes in, and nudged my nose with his.

"I missed you so much," he confessed with a heartwarming smile. "For three weeks, I was locked up by the Darkbanes, surrounded by Dark Water. They brainwashed me every single day, trying to get me to be their pawn. They made hundreds of attempts, but they never succeeded, you know why?" he asked.

"Because the fear of losing you kept me striving. I was able to withstand it because of you, Ales. Because of your beautiful smile and your sweet laughter, because of the previous memories we've shared and the more to come. I withstand it because I want to see you again. I refused to believe that that was my fate, and because of you I was able to do that, and now that you're in my arms, I feel so... happy, it feels like this was all a dream. I love you, Ales. Thank you for keeping your promise, for saving Slugterra, for saving me. Alessia, do you have any idea just how much you mean to me?"

I bit my lower lip, tears slowly formed at the corners of my eyes. They were tears of joy.

"I love you too, Eli. You have no idea how bad I wanted you for the past three weeks. It was hell without you, trust me. You have no idea how much I wanted you to be by my side when I was struggling to sleep, for you to train the soldiers with me, for you to lead Slugterra with me, for you to fight for me. I learn from these three painful weeks that I couldn't live without you, Eli. You're my rock, you're my other half. I'm so grateful for you to be back. Thank you for staying alive for me," I smiled weakly at him.

I did something that I never thought I would do. I tip-toed, and gave him a peck, on the lips.

His eyes lit up and he shot me a shocked expression.

I could feel myself breaking out in cold sweat.

Damn it I shouldn't have initiated the kiss oh my Guardian Slugs what was I thinking!? Great, things are going to get awkward between the both of us from now on-

I felt a thumb rested below my lower lip before an index finger gently lifted my chin. He stared down at me with his shimmering blue eyes, before his gaze diverted down to my lips. He leaned down towards me, and placed his lips on mine.

I mentally gasped, I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. I smiled into the kiss and closed my eyes, feeling his soft lips against mine.

It was a gentle, affectionate kiss. I ran a hand through his messy hair and pulled him closer to me. He pulled me in closer by pulling me towards him with his arms around my waist and on my back, deepening the kiss.

We pulled back and he laid his forehead on mine. He looked deep into my eyes while smiling from ear to ear.

"I wanted to take things slow, but damn you kiss good," he whispered in a husky voice and I could feel my cheeks burn. As much as I wanted to kiss him again, I pulled away from the hug and held his hand.

"People are staring," I pouted, before I smiled at him. "There's someone I want you to meet."

He raised an eyebrow at me as I pulled him towards the opposite side of the hall. My face lit up when I spotted his ward. I walked towards it with Eli beside me and pulled away the curtains.

And there he was, the legendary Will Shane.

He sat up on his bed. His huge, bulky figure almost crushing it. Two nurses were attending to him. One was giving him a dose while the other was feeding him porridge. Both of the nurses sprung up when they saw Eli and I, and quickly walked out of the ward to give us our privacy.

Will Shane didn't noticed us at first. He was wondering why the nurses left so suddenly, until he turned to his other side and saw us.

I looked at Eli to gauge his reaction. He stopped breathing, his eyes widened, jaws dropped to the ground.


He took a hesitant step forward, as if he did not believe the man was in front of him, but when reality finally struck him, he ran towards his father and hugged him so tightly. His father returned the hug as he laughed. I stood at the same spot and smiled at the reunion. I was so happy for them. Eli finally got to meet his father, and this time, he wasn't leaving.

Eli pulled away from the tight hug and scanned his father from head to toe.

"Dad! I couldn't believe it! How did you-"

Eli ran a hand through his raven blue hair out of panic and stood up straight beside the bed.

"I love you dad! I missed you so much!" Eli finally spilled out. If he hadn't cried so much before this, tears would have been streaming down his face nonstop.

"I love you too, son. Wow, you look so different! So much more handsome! The last time I saw you, you were still a reckless teenager!" Will said, smiling at his son. His voice was deep but filled with warmth and love. He then looked past him and his gaze landed on me. Eli's gaze followed his.

"This must be Alessia. I've heard a lot about you from everyone that I've met so far," Will smiled at me, and I nodded shyly. Being acknowledged by Will Shane was certainly something to be very proud of. I walked towards them and stood beside Eli, wearing my brightest smile to leave a good first impression.

"It's really nice to finally meet you, sir. I have heard so much about you too," I smiled at him and Eli chuckled at me for being formal. Will returned the smile, and he looked over to his son with a playful raised eyebrow.

"Is this beautiful young lady someone special that I didn't know about?" Will questioned his son, smirking at the both of us. I looked away and blushed while Eli scratched the back of his neck.

"Y-Yeah, you can say that," Eli chuckled, before he placed an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I gasped and looked back at Eli, then at his arm around my waist.

"Thank goodness. You got me worried there for a second," Will laughed at us.

"What do you mean, dad?" Eli asked while I laughed along with him. Will looked at me and smiled.

"I like you a lot, Alessia, and I was worried for a second that someone else might've snatched you away from my son. And if that's ever the case, I will challenge anyone in a duel to get you back for Eli," Will said jokingly as he winked at his son. Eli let out a pathetic laugh while I blushed as red as a tomato.

Gosh this is so embarrassing, yet so lovely and wholesome.

I'm just glad that Will Shane likes me.

"It's really nice meeting you. I'm sorry but I have to go. Have some things to handle. I'll leave you two to talk," I said, excused myself, remembering that Millard wanted me to sort out a few things with him to move the people back to their houses.

Will nodded at me with a smile. I returned the nod before heading off, hearing muffled conversations between the father and son.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I owe this to all of you, sorry for the long wait for them to finally get together :')

Don't forget to vote and comment!! I'll see you in the next chapter!
