Three Years

Sophie was furious. She came back from one of the Black Swan's more frequent meetings when the Neverseen attacked.

The fight had lasted hours, and the Neverseen got away with one of the Black Swan's classified chests.

Sophie had fought the hardest after getting over her shock. Now she was standing in the rain screaming curses at the storming sky. Biana, Dex, Keefe, Tam, and Fitz had been there. Thankfully no one had been injured but that didn't stop Sophie from practically exploding in rage.

In the farthest pasture from her house, she kicked fence posts and ruined her shoes in the mud. Her blonde hair stringy and plastered to her head. Her clothes were drenched, and she shivered but didn't do anything to warm herself. Rage still boiled her blood.

She was partly mad at Keefe too. When the black cloaked nightmares imploded the wood wall, making wood and glass shards fly. Aimed at her Keefe had at her. Effectively shoving her to the ground. But taking most of the glass and wood himself.

Tears mixed with the angry rain.


Sophie looked up; her fists clenched as she looked at the blonde boy who'd saved her. She noted that she'd wandered outside her house.

Sophie looked at the bandages covering one side of his body. They peeked out of his crumpled jerkin and slacks, that were still shredded. "What Keefe?" She snapped.

Keefe winced but stepped towards her, "Foster, your cold-"

"Keefe do you know what could have happened!" Sophie exploded, cutting him off. "All it would have taken was a well-placed glass shard or splinter and you wouldn't be alive." Tears poured from her eyes, as the bundle of emotions under her ribs started to unravel. "Keefe you could have died."

"Foster," Keefe's eyes welled up and one of his hands was outstretched to Sophie.

"No Keefe. I'm not done! Why do you always put yourself in danger? Why do you run off, saying you can save everyone? You can't! Why do you always save me?" Sophie knew she was giving him a whiplash verbal and emotional but in that moment she didn't care. "Why do even care? I don't get why you of all people want to protect me, you always almost kill yourself protecting me, why?"

She panted catching her breath after her outburst. "Why Keefe? Why?" Her voice was raw and confused.

Keefe was silent for a second, not breaking eye contact.

Then something changed in his eyes. Flicking his wet hair out of his eyes he yelled with as much rage and sorrow as her, "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. I'VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU FOR THREE YEARS."

Sophie froze, her brown gold flecked eyes wide as frying pans.

He stepped up to her and held her hands. His eyes filled with so much pain and despair.

Softly he added, "I love you, Sophie Elizabeth Foster."


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