Keep Calm and Write Puns

~Flash Back: 1 year ago~

"But Dad I don't want to leave! I like it here, in America!" I yelled at my father who decided to pack up everything and leave our humble abode that I call home.

"We are going to Japan whether or not you like it (f/n)!" My father retorted "I got a great job offer, and with the pay check I get from that we could be considered royalty!"


Back then I gave in. It wasn't like I didn't like Japan or anything, if I had any emotion to Japan I'd say I loved the country. Through watching choice Japanese dramas, listening to J-pop, and watching a handful of Amine I learned Japanese, but vaguely, I also learned how to draw, an I wasn't that bad at it either. I dedicated a month to myself, before enrolling in a high school, to learning Japanese. My overprotective mother and over worked father got me a tutor and I learned quickly. I was enrolled into Seirin High, a school just founded.

~End Flash Back: Current day~

"(F/N) hurry up!" I heard my best friend, and class mate, Koganei Shinji call after me as he waited out side my house.

"Hold on Shin!" I yelled back. I ran down the stairs and swung through the kitchen and grabbed one of mom's home made chocolate chip muffins and then headed out of the house. Standing out there were my two favorite people, well almost, Koganei Shinji and Mitobe Rinnosuke. "Mornin~" I sang as I walked out and waved to my two besties.

"We are going to be late again, and on the second day!"

"Don't get you're panties in a wad. We'll be fine" I said to him. Koga was a real drama queen when it came to being on time and stuff "You two don't even have to walk me to school you know" I said as we started toward the school

"Mitobe and I argued whether or not to pick you up...he's worried about you, he doesn't want you to get kidnapped...."

"Aww, thanks for worrying about me Rin~" I smiled at him getting one of his small and rare smiles back. The three of us had our normal chatty walk to the school today.

Over the summer the three of us hung out the whole time, I have no idea how this friendship started but I'm glad I have it!

"Koga! Mitobe! (F/N)!" We all heard the fourth wheel to our car call to us, Izuki Shun. His puny nature always made me laugh for some reason.

"Morning Izuki-kun" I greeted him as he looked really happy for some reason

"Listen to this math pun I came up with last night" He said pulling out his handy dandy pun book. Koga and Rin rolled their eyes while I waited in anticipation for his pun "The roundest knight at king Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference." he then waited for someone to laugh and I did.

"That's cute Izuki~" I gave him a thumbs up and he smiled at me, his eyes practically sparkling.

"Oi Izuki!" As if his 'Moron' senses were tingling, Hyuuga Junpei, ran over and hit Izuki on the back of the head "Stop saying stupid puns"

"But Hyuuga this one was good!" Izuki complained as he held the back of his head.

"Let's just head in" Kiyoshi Teppei broke up the fight that was about to ensue between the two.

"I love this school" I blurted out as I began to laugh "So glad I didn't go to the other school that wanted me~"

"What other school wanted you?" Izuki asked a little concerned

"That's in the past it doesn't matter"

We all walked to our class. My seat was in front of Rin and beside Koga, the ideal spot. I remember one day last year Rin and I got in trouble for talking in class, but I was the only one talking to him...because he doesn't talk to anyone...

"So Rin, you guys have after school practice today right?" He shook his head up and down "Do you mind if I sit in and draw you guys again?"

"That'd be great!" Koga exclaimed "That's what Mitobe said" I've never understood the two, it's like Koga had mind reading powers or something....

"Awesome" I smiled

"Alright class" The first period teacher walked in "Second day of school, lets get down to business" For that point on I couldn't focus, I had Be a Man from Mullan in my head for the rest of the period. I don't even remember what he taught.

"(F/N)?" Koga waved his hand in front of my face

"Nani? (What?)" I look at Koga confused

"Class is over" He said to me in a 'didn't you know' voice

"Sorry I zoned out a little" I said scratching the back of my head

"Mitobe!" Koga yelled at Rin behind me "I'm not telling her that!" Rin then gave him a look that said 'good' "I don't need attitude, for you of all people"

'Whats that supposed to mean?'

"Nothing~" Koga teased

"You two are as cute as a couple~" I laughed as I said a pun, to what I thought was myself

"HAHAHAHA!~" The back of the room where Izuki was erupted, but it was only him who was laughing

"Wops, did I say that out loud" I joked around, Izuki walked up to me holding his stomach, still laughing

"C-Can I use that?" He tried to talk in between laughs

"Sure, I don't see why not" I laughed as he laughed. His laugh, I always think, are cute and make me feel bubbly inside. I looked over to Hyuuga who shot me a glare of 'don't encourage this!' I just stuck my tongue out to him.

The rest of the classes zoomed by, I don't even remember having lunch, that's how happy I was that I made Izuki laugh.

I smiled as I followed Koga and Rin to the gym with my drawing pad in hand and my bag slung over my left shoulder.

"(F/N) you should draw me today!" Koga said to me

"I could try, but if Rin does another hook shot like yesterday then I want to draw that. Or that new duo...Kuroko and Kagami I believe were their names" I said thinking "I might draw them"

"Mitobe!" Koga hit Rin on the shoulder

"What?" I questioned

"Mitobe said not to let Izuki get hold of the red drawing book, whatever that means"

"RIN!" I yelled and tried to hit Rin in the head with the drawing book in my hand "How do you know about that one?" I asked

"He says you left it on your desk and he was curious"

"Rin, you're not as innocent as people think" After I said that he looked worried as if I diminished his Kawaii (cute) appearance.

"Whats in the red one?" Koga asks

"If you don't know why'd you freak?"

"I don't know" He shrugged his shoulders "Show me! Show me!" He chanted for a bit until I had to shut him up.

"Fine. Don't tell anyone" I said going through my back pack and pulling out the red drawing book out. "You have to promise, Shin" I said holding it tight

"Promise, cross my heart and hope to die!" He said holding his hand out as if its an oath

"Alright" I opened it and handed it to Koga, the book was full of pictures of Izuki. Not just him playing basketball, some of him laughing, some of him looking off into the sky with that far away gaze he occasionally has, and then there were a lot, I mean A LOT, of him in uniform.

"Wow these are really good" Koga said as he flips the pages constantly

"Alright Shin, we are getting close to the gym give it back" I reached for the drawing book

"I'm not done yet!" He protested

"Shin, this isn't funny!" I tried to get it from him

"Crap!" He said as he accidentally released it from his grasp.

As if in slow motion, we both watched the drawing book fly to the ground. The crash it was what made me cringe the most.

"Shin!" I yelled at Koga and hit his arm a few times

"(L/N)..." I heard Izuki's voice "You dropped--" Izuki picked it up and since it was open a bit he saw that two of the pages were of him....sadly it was the two I drew thinking of how he'd look shirtless

"T-Thanks!" I grabbed it from him and closed it quickly, my face was as red as the drawing book

"Those are abs of steel....they'd set off the metal detectors at the airport"

"Pfft~" I tried not to laugh at his horrible pun

"Are you four coming?" We all heard the hostile voice of Hyuuga behind us.

We all rushed in, I found a comfy spot on one of the bleachers and the team went to go change. I never imagined the Izuki would see those....he must hate me now....

"Did you do something to Izuki?" Hyuuga came out of the locker room first

"Maybe, I don't know...why?" I ask nervous

"Because he's laughing and giving himself high fives in their. He's acting hysterical! You need to talk to him."

"I'd love to talk to him, except the fact that their are men changing in there" I said grabbing a pencil out of my back pack "I'll talk to him after practice" I said officially ignoring Hyuuga

"(F/N)" Koga ran out "We broke Izuki"

"We did nothing" I said to Koga

"Mitobe says 'your right, it was you'~"

"It wasn't me!" I stood up angry "You shouldn't have pried about the red drawing book!" I yelled getting Hyuuga's attention and then Teppei's, Riko's and Kagami (Who had just joined us)

"What's in the red book?" They all asked in unison

"Nothing" I said sitting on my back and trying to ignore them "I'm trying to draw, everyone hush!" I tried tuning them out...This was going to be a long practice....


A/n: This is my first Izuki fanfic I'm sorry if he's out of character...Thanks for reading! The next chapter should be out no later than Sunday or Monday!

Arigato (Thank you) Mina~
