KarmaGisa# 12

KarmaGisa #12

Third Party

The exam for the end of the first semester is coming soon and so its means review.

Kudo Satsuki invited Karma and Nagisa to study at her house which they agreed into.


"You're living alone?" Nagisa asked as soon as he and Karma entered her house.

The house is giving off the same quiet scenery as Karma's house, which is what Nagisa has thought.

"Aa... technically yes. But sometimes my Uncle would come and make a ruckus around the house; ah... I mean is he visits to check on me." She answered with a smile while giving the two lads spares of slippers.

They entered the living room where they'll study while Satsuki has gone to the kitchen to get snacks and drinks.

The curiosity strikes both Karma and Nagisa when they look at the picture frames displayed on counters.

Most of the pictures were containing Satsuki and two older people, they can tell that they are Satsuki's parents.

Karma humms, which makes Nagisa look at him.

"Satsuki actually born."

Sweatdrop form on Nagisa's cheek with an awkward smile.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I'm a real human, born from normal circumstances." Nagisa jolted in surprise when Satsuki talked suddenly from the door while carrying her promise snacks "Made in normal process." She added as she put down the snacks on the table.

"Yeah. I really thought you just pop out somewhere like a mushroom."

"Too bad fella."

"You two..." Nagisa has no comment. Same feathers.

They sit on the floor and started to study.

In the middle of their session, Karma left to go to the comfort room,

"Ne Nagisa~" Satsuki calls, Nagisa seems like didn't notice the roll of her tongue; so, he was shocked to what his classmate's next words "You're in love with Karma, aren't you Nagisa~"

"Eh???" it takes time before Nagisa is able to process properly what she just said, while a smirk plays on her face as slowly blood rushes to the bluenet's face, "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Nagisa screams atop of his lungs.
