Let me put on a show for you daddy

I stared at the clock in Mr. Cooks class waiting for the bell to ring. I kept zoning out staring into the abyss again thinking about jack. I did want him to touch me last night, and i didnt wanna pull away from that kiss, and i DID like him calling me a whore but stfu thats another story. 

It felt SO wrong on the phone with aria. Ive been planning to steal him all along but now that its actually happening it just feels wrong. Aria never did anything to me and she is clearly going through something with him so i should just back off. 

I had my eyes on someone else anyway, Mr. Cook. He has always been so soft with me, gentle and caring, always making jokes. I know what he thought of me, i also know we were both scared to do something about it. 

We have been close, nothing sexual, just close. He tutors me sometimes but only when i need it. Im comfortable with him so i know that he is with me.

I snapped out of my trance when he started passing out our tests. When he finally got to mine, i read a big fat F. But on the back there was a note? A note from Mr. Cook. A NOTE FOR ME TO STAY AFTER CLASS. Thank god this is just what i needed.

I showed ineesa the note and she made the fucking hand job symbol. Like thanks tho girl thats literally what im gonna do !!


The bell rang and i packed up my stuff but stayed in my seat.

"Madddyyyy your grades are slipping again." He said playfully but still serious as he was walking over to me.

"Im sorry sir alot has been going on lately." I said with a pout (not a cringe one) 

"Anything you wanna talk about?" I pulled a chair next to mine.

"Hmm not really anything id wanna talk about with my teacher."

"Why, is it boys?"

"Boys arent into me like that."

He scooched in closer and paused for a minute (yall why is everyone literally on my dick rn) "Your a pretty girl Maddy, has anyone ever told you that?"

"Nobody that really mattered to me." I gave him a childish giggle.

I thought in my head, i could totally just kiss him right now. What is he gonna do? Tell the principal? Id like to see that one play out.

Fuck it.

i SLAMMED my lips into his climbing onto his lap as soon as i could.

I could feel his lips not move for a second, guess i scared him! 

But as soon as he realized what was happening he wrapped his big hands around my waste. He made me so small, but so comfortable. My body fit perfectly in his lap and his strong hands surrounded my waist. He started kissing my neck, and i just rested my head on his. U

But then he started to lift my skirt up, which i WASNT wearing shorts under. Incase we forgot jack left HELLA hickies allllll overr so we r fucked.

"Boys dont like you huh?"

"What?" I laughed and tried to shrug off by kissing him again.

"Your thighs baby, who left those hickies there?"

"Nobody i dont even know."

"Tell me or i wont do this with you."

"Why should i care what you do with me?"

He laughed "I know what you whisper about me to Ineesa, you're not very quiet."

Oh fuck what do i even say to that. I just stared at him for a moment

"Jack. It was jack but it doesnt even matter it was just a weird thing he has a girlfriend and he literally called me a whore when i told him to get off of me." I looked down.

"He called you that?" 

"Yeah thats literally what i just said."

"And did you like that?"

I looked away and my face turned red.


I think i just need to take a break from these boys trying to literally TAKE OVER MY FUCKING LIFE. Im leaving.

"You know i think nees needs me to meet her this period we just have to go over some um stuff." I said while pulling my skirt down and getting off of him. I could feel that he was hard, but im not  losing my virginity to some old man dick yet.

"What about your grades-" 

I cut him off. "They are the least of my worries right now im sorry mr." And i ran out the door.


"INEESA YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED." I yelled so loud im pretty sure half the school heard. 

I told her everything that happened.

"WHY DIDNT YOU LET HIM FUCK YOU??" She whisper yelled

"He made me bring up what happened with jack literally in the middle of it... i was trying NOT to think about him."

"God you need to choose one of these hoes im not having a lying cheating ass bitch of a bestfriend."

I smacked her ontop of the head because im literally not a liar😣


(Guys this one literally sucked i wanted to write SO bad i just didnt know what to write that why this one is ass !!) (idk what else to write help)
