What happened to all the Takis?

(Y/n) p.o.v
"Karma, what are you doing here?" Karma enters my apartment and falls on the couch.

"I miss my boyfriend!" He whines and then pulls me on top of him.

"Don't you have work?" I look at him.

"I do, but I want to spend time with you. We barely see each other." Karma strokes my hair.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" I ask him.

"Cuddle, kiss, cuddle, and possibly fuck you." He smirks.

I start to blush. "Baka! Don't say that."

"Why not? I wanna do it with you and I'm ready."

"Ew, if you guys are ready would you please go rent a hotel room to fuck?" Hiro came in the room and snickers.

"What a great idea Yuichiro, (y/n) won't be home for a tonight." Karma agrees with him.

"KARMA!" I gently slap his chest.

"What?" He innocently asks.

I get up and stand up straight. "I'm not fucking anyone tonight." I straighten my suit that I had on.

"Why not?" Karma looks at me.

"Because tonight we have a E class reunion. Remember? Or did you forget like you usually do?" I glare at him.

Karma sighs. "You look so adorable when you glare at me for no reason."

"Karma be serious!" I put a straight face on.

"I know right? Like how is he still hot as fuck but cute at the same time?" Hiro agrees with him.

"I don't fucking know, but I'm blessed to have him." Karma responds.

"Guys take me seriously!" I stomp my feet.

"Aw. He stomps his feet like a mad rabbit." Hiro fan boys. "He is so damn cute!"

"Hiro!" I yell at him.

"What? Don't yell at me for fan boying."

"Is fan boying even a word?" I ask.

"I don't know but if it is then I'm your biggest fan boy." Karma shot a seductive look at me.

"Get up baka!" I slap his knees and walk to my room to get my phone and wallet.


We got to the reunion and saw all of our old classmates. They all changed so much and I was happy to see Rio mostly. But when I saw Okuda she smiles at me.

I still didn't feel comfortable around her so I quickly walk the other direction from her and talk to someone else.

We had the party in Karasuma and aunt Bitch backyard. It was huge as fuck and everyone got along. I talked to Nagisa and felt bad about his life. He had to baby sit a bunch of grown ass idiots and he pretty is following Koro-sensei steps, which is good, I think.

Then I felt someone tap me from behind, I thought it was Karma but when I turn around I saw Okuda.

"Hi (y/n)." She smiles at me.

Her smile didn't seem mean or creepy it was more like a I'm-not-gonna-try-to-destroy-you smile. I relax a bit and just had to be rude.

"You ain't gonna try to make my life miserable right? Because you suck at it." I really hate my mouth sometimes. I take a sip from my beer and look at her.

She frowns and I could tell she was hurt. "No and I'm really sorry for you know." She pushes her glasses up her nose a little. "I want to be friends with you, if that's possible. I'm over Karma." She held her hand out to me.

"Okuda...I want to be friends with you but I doubt we are gonna be friends. So lets just shake hands and agree that we are okay." I held my hand out for her to shake.

She hesitated for a moment but she shook my hand. "I'm fine with that too."

"Great! Now let's go and pick something to eat cause I'm starving." I smile at her.

She giggles and nods in agreement. We walk to the food court and pick out some great delicious foods.

"Who the hell took all the Takis?!" I yell and hold up the big bowl that was supposed to have some of those hot chips.

"Shut the fuck up!" Aunt butch yelled.

"Make me." I glare at her and she chases after me.

The whole class was laughing.

Nagisa p.o.v
  "So how are you and (y/n)?" I ask Karma.

"Great. I am really glad we are back together." He smiles at me.

"That great!"

"So how are things going on with Kayano?" He ask.

"We haven't been connected lately but I'd like to reconnect with her, if that's possible." I responded.

"Well good luck."


"Brat come back here!" We heard professor Bitch yell at (y/n).

"HEY LET GO OF ME YOU BITCH!" (Y/n) yells as he tries desperately to escape.

I laugh with the rest of the class. They are still at it. Some things never change which is a good thing.

"Karasuma please help me with that idiot." Professor Bitch whines to her husband.

"Ha ha! I found who ate all the Takis!" (Y/n) yells.

"That idiot." Karma smirks and walk towards (y/n).

Those two really do make a good couple. I always secretly ship them since (y/n) first entered the class. Karma was even obvious and (y/n) was clueless. I never seen Karma more in love with anyone in life.

(Y/n) p.o.v
  Karma wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Karma not here!" I whisper to him.

"Why not? Are you embarrassed?" He smirks.

"No, I still need to find the Takis stealer." I look around suspiciously. I thought I found the Takis stealer but I was wrong.

"Would you read me two questions?" Karma asks.

"Um sure." I respond.

He hands me index cards and I look at him weirdly. "Read them out loud." He whispers in my ear. "The answer might be weird but don't say anything besides the question."

"Okay." I say and look down at the cards.

"What is your name?" I read off the card and look at Karma. 

Everyone quiets down and pays attention to us. "Mary." Karma answers.

I look at him weirdly. "Okay last name?" I ask.

"Me." He answers.

"Wait your name is Mary me?" I ask confusedly.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and a big banner fell from the trees. They had the big words Marry me? On it and they were made out of Takis .

Karma got on one knee and took out a box with a ring. "Would you marry me (y/n)?" He asked. "Even though we aren't legally allowed. But we will still have a wedding."

My jaws dropped but I covered it with my hands. Tears came flowing out of my eyes, not only because Karma was proposing to me but because the Takis were wasted and made into something beautiful.

"Y-yes!" I jump on Karma and everyone made loud noises and cheered for us.

Karma hugs me and then puts the ring on my finger. I look at the ring and then back at him. Karma holds me and kissed my head and I hug really tight.

Everyone surrounded us and congratulated us. I couldn't stop crying. "Why are you still crying?" Karma asked.

"The Takis were wasted and turned into something beautiful." I responded.

Everyone starts to laugh and I laugh with them.

This was the best day ever. Maehara even recorded the whole thing and didn't miss a single thing.

I stood by Karma side, holding his hand. I love him so damn much and he is going to get a big surprise later on.

The end.

❤️❤️❤️ I hope you liked it. ❤️❤️❤️
