Is it really the time to say that?

i had a dream last night and i wanted to write it sooooo here ya go!!!

(keep in mind i wanted to try something so in this chapter karls a bottom and quackitys a switch)

    Karl ,sapnap,and quackity were at the dinning  table eating hotdogs and chips that karl bought for them. they were all eating in peace until quackity started snickering at nothing .

"what are you laughing at "sapnap says "oh nothing"Q says holding back a laugh . sapnap just lookes confused and then starts eating his chips. karl  just shrugs and takes a bite out of his hot dog. Which makes quackity laugh even harder . "wha- what happened im confused" karl says in utter confusion. "n-no its just the way you b-bit your hot dog!!" Big Q says between laughes . sapnap looks at quackity then at karl and makes a :O face and starts laughing aswell. 

"0ok whats going right now "karl said "ok so basiclly quackity was thinking dirty"-sapnap stops and looks at alex- "and was thinking about how the hot dog looks like a cock and started laughing"sapnap finishes while laughing after "u-uh wha-" karl say blushing a deep red blush .

Quackity just smirks and kisses karl and says "maybe after were done with dinner what i was thinking can come true". Karl bites his lip and nods slowly which makes sapnap giggle and pull quackity from his waist in his lap .Thats when its quackitys time to blush he giggles and rolls back on sapnap making sap groan. sapnap thrusts up and karl comes and starts kissing quackity . karl pulls away and says  "looks like we may have to skip dinner and finish this " . Quackity just bites his lip rolls back on sapnap on more time and gets up heading to the bed room ."well are you gonna just stand there or come on?"Quackity says while smirking going in the bedroom. Karl and sapnap rush to the bed room and sapnap pins quackity to the bed and starts kissing on him while karl startsundressing . 'this is going to be a fun and long night' quackity thinks. 
