Our Soft Boiled Time Together

Sougo is watching a recording of Y/N fighting Juggernaut Drive Issei. He holds his hand to the screen when his rider form begins to fade. Sougo starts to cough to lay back in his throne.

Sougo: "My time is almost here."

A time portal opens for two young men to step out.

Man: "Let's go, Philip."

Man #2: "Yes, Shotaro."

At Y/N's house Issei was put in one of the rooms. Azazel is in the room looking Issei's mutated arm.

Azazel: "Can I ask you a couple questions? I don't mean Issei. I'm talking to you, Welsh Dragon." Issei's arm glows green.

Rias is sitting at the edge of Y/N's bed staring at him.

Rias: "Please open your eyes. Both of you." Woz walks in the room to check on Y/N.

Woz: "I'm sure you're worried but Y/N is just resting."

Rias: "I know but...a part of me thinks he won't wake up." Woz looks at Y/N's face to let out a sigh.

The Occult Club is in the living room with Grayfia. Sir Zechs has used a magic circle to project himself in the room.

Sir Zechs: "I see. They're both still..."

Azazel: "Yeah, Issei is still in a coma and Y/N is resting." The Occult Club look at the living rooms door to see Azazel.

Azazel: "Issei's body and demonic power are recovering without problems, but...It seems his injuries are still pretty bad deep inside."

Sir Zechs: "Deep inside?"

Kiba: "A lot happened to him. It looks like we'll just have to wait this out."

Azazel: "And Y/N, his body is okay. Completely healed but his body is exhausted. Coming back from an ordeal like that took a lot of stamina."

Asia: "Issei and Y/N went through all of this to save me." Xenovia places her hand on Asia's shoulder.

Xenovia: "Asia, it's not your fault."

Gasper: "That's right. The Khaos Brigade is to blame."

Koneko: "Yeah."

Mikoto: "They're right. If it weren't for them none of this would have happened."

Azazel: "Oh. That right, Asia." Asia looks up at Azazel with tears in her eyes.

Azazel: "You haven't tried it yet, have you? I'm talking about the results of your training. When healing Y/N you didn't use that training because you and the other were in shock of what happened. But now that things are less hectic try using that training."

The Occult Club are in Issei's room.

Azazel: "It seems the dragon inside of Issei is dysfunctional due to the incomplete transformation. I was informed that's why his left arm is still in dragon form."

Rias: "Who told you something like that?" Azazel doenst answer her.

Azazel: "Asia's Sacred Gear might be able to solve the problem."

Rias: "Might?" Are you sure it's safe for Asia?"

Azazel: "I can't be sure of that."

Xenovia: "No way!"

Azazel: "It's only a possibility." Asia steps forward holding his hand to her chest.

Asia: "Please, let me try."

Rias: "Asia..."

Asia: "Y/N has always been saving me. This time I wanna be the one who saves someone. That's why I want to save Issei, Rias-oneesama."

Rias: " Please be careful, Asia." Rias stands up from the bed to walk towards the door. The Occult Club follow Rias. Azazel takes a step forward to speak to Asia.

Azazel: "Your training was to heal people at a distance. This time you'll need to reach deep rather than far." Asia holds her hands close to her chest for Twilight Healing to appear on her fingers.

Asia: "Deep..."

Azazel: "You need to heal the injury deep inside Issei's heart." Azazel leaves the room leaving Asia and Issei alone. Asia gets on the bed to kneel down. She takes Issei's dragon hand to place it on her lap to hold it.

The Occult Club is back in the living room.

Gasper: "Is it okay to leave Asia alone?"

Azazel: "If she focuses all her healing energy, it will become a powerful force. We don't know how it will affect the area around her."

Akeno: "Are you okay with this, Rias?" Kivat flies down to land on her shoulder.

Kivat: "If you have doubts about this. It would be good to say now."

Rias: "Thank you, Kivat but I trust my sister Asia. That is also one of my duties."

Asia focuses for Twilight Healing to make her whole body glow. The green energy flows around Issei.

Asia: "Issei, you are a precious friend to me. You and Y/N have always been by my side. The three of us have always been together." Asia remembers the times they were together.

Asia: "You two have protected me. Issei, this might be a chance given to me by God, a way to finally do some for you." The energy bursts around the room.

Asia: "Please. Please open your eyes, Issei!" Issei dragon arm goes back to normal for Issei to open his eyes. He notices the canopy over the bed has a hole in it. Issei turns his head to see Asia laying on the bed.

Issei: "Asia? Wait where am I!? Why am I in these clothes!?" Asia opens her eyes to see Issei has woken up.

Asia: "Issei! Thank goodness!" Asia hugs Issei.

Issei: "H-Hey." Asia starts to cry on Issei's shoulder.

Asia: "Thank goodness. I'm so happy."

Asia and Issei are sitting at the edge of the bed. Asia starts to explain what happened.

Issei: "Ah, I see. This is Y/N's house and you healed me. Thank you, Asia."

Asia: "No, I was just so desperate. You're one of my first friends I made when I arrived at Kuoh. I didn't want to lose you." A sadden Issei looks at the floor.

Issei: "Just a friend..."

Asia: "Let's go! Everyone is waiting!" Asia stands up to smile at Issei for his heart to fall to his stomach.

Issei: "Yeah...I caused a lot of trouble for everyone." Issei stands up from the bed. The door opens for the Occult Club to walk in.

Akeno: "Oh my. He's awake."

Issei: "President. Everyone."

Rias: "It's good to see you're awake."

Issei: "Where's Y/N?" The Occult Club take Issei to Y/N's room. Issei looks at the alseep Y/N.

Issei: "....Im sorry, Y/N."

Rias: "It wasn't..."

Issei: "It was! I almost killed him!"

Woz: "If you understand that then get stronger." Issei looks at Woz.

Woz: "Waga Maou saved you because he sees you as a friend. He wouldn't want you to wallow in self-pity." Issei looks back at Y/N.

Issei: "....I won't. I'll get stronger to fight alongside him." Rias stares at Y/N to hold her hands to her chest. Akeno looks at Rias.

Akeno: "What's wrong?"

Rias: "It's nothing." Rias turns to everyone.

Rias: "Everyone! Now that Issei's gotten better, let's eat. We should let Y/N rest more."

Occult Club: "Yes, President."

After everyone has gone to bed in the living Azazel and Grayfia are listening to the hologram Sir Zechs.

Sir Zechs: "It seems the Old Satan Faction that has joined the Khaos Brigade has fallen apart due to that incident."

Azazel: "Vali never thought of them as comrades to begin with. Great Red. Ophis wants to kick him out of the Dimensional Gap. They share a common interest."

Sir Zechs: "Right now, the lines between the world are stable because Great Red rules the Dimensional Gap. If something like that were to happen..."

Azazel: "Who knows what could happen to the entire world? We have to stop that from happening at all costs."

Sir Zechs: "He probably appeared because Loki's failed attempt to destroy time and space created a small fissure between the worlds. At least, that's what Ajuka believes."

Azazel: "Loki, huh? A pain in the a- to the very end." Grayfia steps forward to speak up.

Grayfia: "If something were to happen. Why not ask Ohma Zi-O for help?"

Sir Zechs: "....He is an ally but this is our concerns."

Grayfia: "His prince does live in this world and it is his home."

Azazel: "You're right. He will be our last resort."

Loki is sitting in a dark jail cell.

Loki: "That damned Ouroboros Dragon. She just had to butt in. However I'm not done yet. Feel this in your bones, Red Dragon Emperor. You too, Ruin Princess. Essentially you...Kamen Rider." Aevi is standing on the ceiling to jump down landing next to Loki.

Loki: "You!" Aevi grabs Loki's head.

Aevi: "Let me see what you have planned." Aevi uses his time jacker ability to look into Loki's past to learn about his plans.

Aevi: "Ha ha ha! So that's what you have planned. I'll taking that plan for myself." Aevi rapidly ages Loki to a frail old man.

Aevi: "You 4 years to live now but hey old age is unpredictable, you might die sooner. Good bye Loki." Aevi disappears leaving the old Loki.

Loki: "Why....I'm...a GOD!?"

At the ruined Diodora temple a devil soldier finds a red shard.

Devil soldier: "What's this?" The devil soldier reaches for the shard when time stops. Aevi steps next to him.

Aevi: "There it is." He reaches out for a red energy monster to come out of it. Aevi nonchalantly grabs it to wave his hand for the monster to be destroyed.

In Y/N's dream he is slowly falling into a light. He opens his eyes to be back to the wasteland he fought his future self.

Future Y/N: "Well isn't this a surprise. You left your body and somehow ended up here." Y/N's eyes widen to turn around to see his future self in his Ohma Zi-O form.

Y/N: "M-Me?"

Future Y/N: "You're future self, yes."

Y/N: "How am I here!?"

Future Y/N: "I have no explanation. By the looks of it...you just need one more ridewatch."

Y/N: "That's right." Future Y/N looks at the scenery.

Future Y/N: "....So his time has come."

Y/N: "Who's?"

Future Y/N: "A good man, you will see."

Y/N: "Do you mean Isse..."

Future Y/N: "No, I already told you. He died by my hand."

Y/N: "Who is...Why did you kill Issei?"

Future Y/N: "Because he did something I could never forgive."

Y/N: "What did he do?"

Future Y/N: "You will see." Future Y/N holds up a rose to hold it out to drop it.

Future Y/N: "These are not from me but from Asia. As you know this was the place I killed Issei. To Asia, Issei was one of her first friends. We were also her other first friend. When I told her what I did she was hurt then she hated me. It took me a long time to get her to love me again. One of my promises to her that every day I will give a rose to Issei's grave and I do. Enjoy your youthful times, me." Future Y/N turns to walk away.

Y/N: "Wait hold on! I'm not done talking to you! Whose time is coming to an end!? Tell me so I can stop it!"

Future Y/N: "Even if you did, you wouldn't be able to stop it." Y/N runs after his future self but it feels like he's running in place.

Y/N: "Stop! You have to tell me! Just tell me!" Y/N takes a step to fall into a hole that appears beneath him. He falls into a light for him to open his eyes. Y/N sits up to look around.

Y/N: "I'm in my room?"

Y/N looks out his window to see it's morning. He exits his room to walk to the living room. The girls, Woz, and Mikoto see him walk in.

Rias: "Y/N! You're awake!" Asia stands up to run and hug Y/N.

Y/N: "Yeah, what happened?" Y/N sits down to listen to what happened.

Y/N: "Issei and I were out for three days." Y/N looks at Asia to pat her head.

Y/N: "You healed him. Good job. You're getting stronger."

Asia: "Yes!" Asia smiles happily enjoying the head pat.

Y/N: "Sorry you all had to miss school."

Rias: "I told the school we were overseas for a practice match, so I'll just say we couldn't return due to weather."

Y/N: "I hope they fall for that."

Irina: "Saying that an occult club has practice matches is already stretching it."

Mikoto: "She has a point."

Runeas: "I agree. Why would an Occult Club need practice matches?"

Xenovia: Putting school aside..." Xenovia looks over the couch at a crying Rossweisse holding her knees.

Rossweisse: "So mean! Odin-sama is so mean! I thought he came to pick me up, but then he suddenly sent me out to battle. Even though...Even though I worked so hard...He left me behind again!" Mikoto looks behind the couch.

Mikoto: "She has been like that all morning."

Woz: "Yes, she's getting rather annoying."

Runeas: "It's ruining my cup of tea."

Irina: "Don't be like that, you two." Irina gets up to walk around the couch.

Irina: "He seemed to have his hands full trying to tie up loose ends. I'm sure he'll come to pick you up again."

Rossweisse: "He won't! If I, his bodyguard, go home after our Great Father returns, they'll scream! What kind of nerve do you have returning after Odin-sama!?"

Irina: "Um..."

Rossweisse: "And I'll probably get demoted! They're downsizing." Y/N gets up to sit next to Xenovia peering his head over the couch. He starts to pat Rossweisse's head.

Y/N: "There, there. You did amazing. Thank you for helping us save Asia."

Akeno: "Um Y/N I don't think that will work."

Rias: "R-Right."

Rossweisse: "He he he~ Did I?"

Y/N: "Of course." Rias and Akeno are shocked by Rossweisse's reaction.

Runeas: "Such low self-esteem just a small compliment would make her that happy. What happened to her?"

Rias: "I felt bad leaving her behind in the underworld, so I brought her back with us..." Raynare wearing a maid outfit walks up to pour another cup of tea for Runeas.

Y/N turns to see her to do a spit take.

Y/N: "Why is she wearing that!? More importantly why is she here!?" Raynare jumps in place.

Rias: "Well Azazel said...."

Flashback Azazel: "Here's a personal maid. I'm sure you need someone to clean up your home since you don't have any maids."

Y/N: "What did my Uncle and parents think?"

Akeno: "Well..."

Flashback Junichiro: "As long as I do the cooking she can do whatever work there is."

Flashback Nozomi: "Oh! I feel like a famous person having my own personal maid."

Flashback Rikiya: "As long as she wears something skimpy Arah!" Nozomi drop kicks Rikiya.

Y/N facepalms when he hears his family's reactions. After Y/N removes his hand from Rossweisse's head she starts crying again.

Rossweisse: "I'm just a woman who can't do her job! A virgin!"

Woz: "Why can't Odin just pick her up?"

Rossweisse: "I've been alone my entire life!"

Rias: "Well it's fine. If that's the case, I have an idea."

Y/N: "What's that?" Rias holds her finger next to her lips giving Y/N a wink.

Rias: "It's a secret."

Woz: "I really want her to be silent."

Runeas: "Me and you both, Woz."

Woz: "We still need to talk to you, Mikoto." Woz turns to Mikoto making him sit up straight to start sweating.

Y/N: "Why's that Woz?"

Woz: "How about he explain to you what he explained to me?" Mikoto lets out a sigh to speak.

Mikoto: "I originally didn't come here because of the time disturbance. When Sougo and my dad's Rider powers started to disappear, everyone was concerned about it. When it stopped they said they would investigate it later but I....didn't listen. I thought we needed to see what caused this immediately. Sougo and my dad disagreed. After hearing that I stole a driver, some ridewatches, and a Time Mazine. I searched for the disturbance's location and landed here. To try and stop it...myself...."

Y/N: "You lied to us about the reason why your here? All because you wanted to show off?"

Rias: "I can't believe this." Rias holds her head.

Mikoto: "You're wrong! I didn't do it to show off. I did...I did it to prove myself to my dad that I can be a Kamen Rider!" Mikoto stands up to slam his hand on the table.

Mikoto: "They all told me I'm not ready. But when will I be!? That's why I did this. I want to prove myself...." Mikoto balls a fist to make a long face. The Occult Club look at each other. Y/N crosses his arms.

Y/N: "I thought this was just you trying to show off. But you have helped us a lot especially taking out Another Mach and saving Asia. I'm counting on you to help us stop Aevi." Mikoto stands up straight.

Mikoto: "You always said you trusted me. From now on I won't keep any secrets. You can keep trusting me."

Y/N: "Alright then. I will." Y/N stands up to hold his hand out for Mikoto to shake it.

The girls are taking a bath together. Irina and Akeno are scrubbing Rossweisse's back.

Irina: "Now, please cheer up."

Xenovia: "Asia, is your body holding up okay?"

Asia: "Yes." Rias makes a somber face.

Rias: "I'm glad Y/N is awake but for a second...." Rias looks at Asia and Xenovia.

Rias: "Why?"

The Occult Club return to school. Issei and Asia are practicing for the three legged race.

Issei & Asia: "One, two! One, two! One, two!"

Issei: "All right, we look pretty good." They stop next to Y/N, Xenovia, and Irina.

Issei: "Let's take a short break."

Asia: "O-Okay."

Azazel: "Hey!" They all turn to see Azazel.

Y/N: "Dumba- teacher?" Y/N and Issei follow Azazel to a small area on the school. Azazel lays down in the grass to look up at the sky. Issei and Y/N look at each other for Issei to shrug. He sits down next to Azazel.

Azazel: "You know, this kind of pease is really nice."

Issei: "Um, Sensei?"

Y/N: "Just tell us what you wanted to say, Jacka- teacher?"

Azazel: "You see, I talked to the thing inside Issei while he was unconscious."

Y/N: "Ddraig."

Issei: "Inside of me!? Ddraig!?"

Azazel: "Yeah." Azazel talks about what he and Ddraig talked about.

Flashback Ddraig: "What does the Governor-General of fallen angels want to ask?"

Flashback Azazel: "I wanted to ask about the power Issei released at the very end."

Flashback Ddraig: "He invoked the Juggernaut Drive that was sealed inside of him."

Flashback Azazel: "That forbidden skill that forcefully releases all the power sealed within a Scared Treasure..."

Flashback Azazel: "If invoked, the user will temporarily have power that surpasses even the gods. But in exchange, they either lose their life or shorten it dramatically."

Y/N crosses his arms to think.

Y/N: "Why does Vali use it then?"

Issei: "Sensei, no matter what, never tell that to Asia!"

Azazel: "I wondered why something like that dangerous was invoked." Azazel resumes his explanation.

Flashback Ddraig: "It was invoked because my partner's despair and anger surpassed their limits. However something was controlling my partner's feelings at that time. But I am not exactly sure what it is."

Issei: "I wouldn't know either."

Y/N. "Controlling his feelings....Wait..." Y/N remembers the moment in his mind with the Heisei Riders losing faith in him.

Y/N: "Could that have been something...or maybe not...."

Azazel: "So you have no idea what it could have been?"

Issei: "No. Nothing in particular."

Azazel: "That's fine, then." Azazel stands up to look at Issei.

Azazel: "Don't worry about it too much." Azazel walks away from the two.

Issei: "What do you think Y/N?" Issei looks up at Y/N.

Y/N: "No...idea..."

At Y/N's house Rossweisse is vacuuming the floors.

Rossweisse: "Rias said that I didn't have to worry, but I can't let myself become a freeloader." Rossweisse turns off the vacuum.

Rossweisse: "At the very least, I have to clean." A magic circle appears next to Rossweisse's ear.

Rossweisse: "From Valhalla? So he finally come to pick me up? Huh?" Raynare is cleaning the dust.

Raynare: "Why me...but it's better than being dead...Hm?" Raynare watches a worried Rossweisse leave the room.

Raynare: "What's up with her?"

At the club house Gasper opens the door to look in the hallway.

Gasper: "It's almost time for Koneko-chan to come. Oh." Gasper sees Issei walking down the hallway.

Gasper: "Y/N-senpai? Huh?" Y/N turns to Gasper with a sad look.

Rias places a piece of paper on the table. Y/N enters the room to see her.

Y/N: "Hey Rias." Rias turns to Y/N walking up to her.

Rias: "Oh, Y/N? Did Issei and Asia finish practice for the school festival?"

Y/N: "Yeah I came to spend some time with you. It's been awhile since it was just the two of us. I remember we would play chest together when we first started dating." Rias looks at the time.

Rias: "Oh, so it's already this late?" Y/N sits next to Rias.

Y/N: "What are you doing?"

Rias: "Not much." Y/N can see Rias' face looks somber.

Y/N: "Are you worried about something?" Rias grabs the paper on the table.

Rias: "I have no worries." Y/N doesn't believe her.

Y/N: "Okay...Sometimes you look depressed. I'm here for you, Rias."

Rias: "I know. Thank you for worrying about me. I'm fine." Rias smiles to stand up for Y/N to do the same.

Y/N: "...You don't need to push yourself that hard." Y/N hugs Rias from behind.

Y/N: "I know it can be hard sometimes that you want to push yourself until you can't anymore. But if you do that then the people who count on you can't lean on you." Rias turns around to hug Y/N back.

Y/N: "You don't need to think about anything. That's right. I understand everything about you because you're the first one to win my heart."

Y/N is watching Issei and Asia practicing.

Issei & Asia: "One, two! One, two! One, two!" Asia almost fall but Issei catches her.

Issei: "Looks like our rhythm's synced up pretty well!"

Asia: "Yes! It's all thanks to the practice!"

Y/N: "Good job you two! Let's try going a little faster!"

Issei: "Yeah! Wait..."

Asia: "What's wrong?"

Issei: "I don't have the stopwatch where did I leave it?" Y/N jogs up to the two.

Y/N: "What's wrong?"

Issei: "I don't have the stopwatch and I don't remember where I left it."

Voice: "If you need help finding something. We could help." The three turn to see Shotaro and Philip.

Y/N: "Who are you?" Shotaro walks up to hold his hand.

Shotaro: "Hidari Shotaro this is my partner, Philip.

Philip: "Nice to met you."

Shotaro: "We're Kamen Rider W. Also a hard boiled detective." Y/N takes Shotaro's hand to shake it.

Y/N: "Hello! I'm Y/N L/N and Kamen Rider Zi-O! It's nice to meet you, Shotaro-senpai!" Y/N let's go of Shotaro's hand to grab Philips hand to shake it.

Y/N: "Philip-senpai!"

Philip: "S-Senpai." Philip looks happy that he's being called senpai.

Y/N: "These are my friends. Asia and Issei."

Asia: "Hello, nice to meet you."

Shotaro: "Hello."

Philip: "Hi."

Issei: "Whoa! A Kamen Rider who's also a detective! We had a policeman but detectives are way cooler!"

Shotaro: "Hard boiled detectives are cooler."

Philip: "You seem to be enjoying the attention, Shotaro."

Shotaro: "Uh no! I'm just agreeing."

Issei: "Detective! Please help me find my stopwatch!"

Shotaro: "No problem. I will use one of the greatest detective techniques I know."

Y/N: "One of the greatest detective techniques!?"

Issei: "Oooh! What is it!?"

Shotaro: "Do you remembered the last location you left it?" Y/N, Issei, and Asia all hit the floor for a cuckoo clock sound to go off.

Issei: "That's it!?"

Philip: "It may sound like a normal thing to do but that is a great detective technique."

Shotaro: "Yes, narrowing down the locations will help us find the stopwatch faster."

Y/N: "That actually makes sense." Y/N, Issei, and Asia stand back up.

Issei: "Hmmm...Oh! The club room."

Philip: "Then we will check this club room."

Shotaro: "Lead the way, Issei." Issei leads everyone to the club room. At the front of the old school building the group see Koneko.

Y/N: "Oh Koneko!" Koneko stops to turn to see the group.

Koneko: "Y/N."

Issei: "Why are you here?"

Koneko: "I came to pick up Gya-kun so he can practice the bread-eating contest."

Issei: "That guy's gonna eat in the bread-eating contest?"

Shotaro: "Bread-eating contest?"

Y/N: "Our Sports Festival is coming."

Philip: "I see."

Shotaro: "Sports festival huh? I remember those days."

Philip: "What's it like going to a Sports Festival?"

Y/N: "The students pick different types of contests to participate in. There's also food stalls."

Philip: "Shotaro we need to go to this Sport Festival."

Shotaro: "Wait don't tell me you're in that mood again!?" Shotaro looks at Philip who has crazy eyes.

Shotaro: "I remember that one time he got obsessed with those mushrooms, we ended lost and in a blizzard."

(Fuuto PI episode 7)

Shotaro shivers from the thought.

Koneko: "Who are those two?"

Y/N: "This is Shotaro..." Shotaro nods to Koneko.

Y/N: "And Philip."

Philip: "Shotaro! What else do they do at a Sports Festival!?" Philip grabs Shotaro's shoulders.

Shotaro: "Calm down! We're on a job!"

Y/N: "Uhh they're also my senpai's." While walking down the halls of the old school building the group sees Gasper on the floor.

Y/N & Issei & Asia : "Gasper!"

Koneko: "Gya-kun!" The run to check on Gasper. Y/N picks him up to hold him.

Y/N: "Gasper, are you okay!?"

Shotaro: "Say something!"

Issei: "He's opening his eyes!"

Gasper: "Y/N? Thank goodness! The real one!"

Philip: "Real one?"

Koneko: "Y/N! Issei!"

Y/N: "Do you sense something?" Everyone enters the club room to see Y/N holding Rias.

Asia: "Y/N!?"

Y/N: "Me?! It can't be my mirror self, he's apart of me now."

Philip: "Another Y/N!?"

Shotaro: "What's going on?"

Y/N: "Let go of her!" Y/N runs at the another Y/N and Rias.

Shotaro: "Y/N wait!" Rias holds her hand up to summon a magic circle to stop Y/N. Hitting the magic circle Y/N is sent flying back.

Philip: "What's that?"

Shotaro: "Not the right time!" Shotaro catches Y/N.

Issei: "President!"

Asia: "Rias onee-sama!" Y/N stands up to get out of Shotaro's arms.

Shotaro: "Oi!"

Y/N: "Rias!" The magic circle disappears for Rias and another Y/N to stare at them.

Koneko: "This ki..."

Y/N: "Rias, look at me! Who ever that is, isn't me!" Another Y/N steps forward for Rias to hold his arm. The another Y/N storks her hair to smirk at Y/N.

Y/N: "Who ever you are, you made the biggest mistake in your life!" Y/N takes out his driver for the another Y/N to hold up his hand for a blinding light to shine. Irina, Xenovia, and Kiba notice the light.

Philip: "Shotaro!"

Shotaro: "I know!" Shotaro grabs Y/N to pull him out of the room. He grabs Issei while running out. Philip grabs Asia and Gasper for Koneko to follow them. A giant explosion destroys the old school building. Rossweisse arrives when the explosion happens.

Rossweisse: "I didn't make it in time!?" The whole school is outside looking at the destroyed old school building.

Student: "An explosion?"

Student 2: "But nothing in the old school building was explosive."

Woz: "Everyone! Stand back it's dangerous!" Woz is gesturing to students to walk away. Tsubaki stands next to him.

Tsubaki: "It's dangerous! Please stay back!" Y/N and the other are besides a tree outside.

Philip: "I had a feeling something like this would happen."

Shotaro: "What the hell!?" Xenovia, Irina, Kiba, Runeas, Akeno, and Sona run up to them.

Xenovia: "Y/N! Issei! What happened!?" Y/N slams his fist on the ground.

Akeno: "We still don't know the details. Gasper stopped time right before the explosion."

Shotaro: "That's why we were able to make it out."

Philip: "This world is rather interesting but this is no time for me to be obsessed."

Shotaro: "Now you think that..."

Koneko: "Thank you, Gya-kun."

Xenovia: "Good job."

Sona: "I can't believe something like this could happen on our school grounds." A worried Sona turns to the old school building.

Sona: "Where's Rias!?"

Y/N: "I don't know!" Y/N slams his fist in to leave an imprint. 

Issei: "Damnit!" Azazel, Rossweisse, Woz, and Mikoto walk up to the group.

Gasper: "Sensei!"

Woz: "It's good to see you are well, Waga Maou. And everyone else." Y/N just nods to Woz.

Mikoto: "Who could have done this?"

Azazel: "Valhalla sent over an emergency message to Rossweisse. Loki did this." Y/N looks at Azazel.

Y/N: "Loki!?"

The Occult Club are at Y/N's house in the living room.

Irina: "An imposter Y/N?"

Gasper: "It's true. I saw him, too."

Koneko: "He practically has the same aura as Y/N as well."

Kiba: "The same?"

Woz: "But how?"

Koneko: "If the real Y/N weren't in front of me, I probably wouldn't have noticed the difference."

Akeno: "Are you sure that Loki is behind this?"

Azazel: "The man himself said so but..."

Odin is in a prison Loki is in. He stares at the old Loki.

Odin: "How did this happen? You placed a curse on Princess Rias, the Red Dragon Emperor, and the Kamen Rider?"

Loki: "I failed against the Kamen Rider because someone interfered. However, I was able to think of a different plan but now those plans are not mine. So I thought I'd report it to our Great Father."

Odin: "You attack the weak because you are no match for Sir Zechs or me? And how are the plans aren't yours?"

Loki: "Don't underestimate me!" The old Loki tries to stand up to falls back on his stone bed.

Loki: "Aevi...It's already too late. The twilight of the gods is approaching fast. The reason those three received my curse was that one of the Satans sent his own sister to battle, while you placed your hopes and Mjolnir into the hands of that Kamen Rider. I hope you grieve deeply over you decisions." The old Loki hits the floor of the cell.

Azazel: "After that he died of old age."

Mikoto: "Old age? He didn't look old when we fought him."

Azazel: "Correct, when Odin met him he was older than him. Gods don't die that easy when it comes to aging."

Woz: "Aevi must of use his Time Jacker powers. Robbing Loki of his years."

Xenovia: "He can do that?"

Woz: "Time Jackers are able to do many things. Even cross into "Reality."

Azazel: "What's that mean?"

Woz: "Something you all will only know by name. Just know that is an unimaginable feat."

Kiba: "This is a lot more effective than just defeating the enemy. I suffered a long time myself."

Philip: "Planting a curse then just waiting for it to defeat your enemy."

Shotaro: "Waiting in a comfy chair with a drink. Coward way to fight."

Runeas: "I agree...my little Rias."

Gasper: "S-So what is Loki's real motive?"

Azazel: "The twilight of the Gods."

Philip: "Ragnarok. Armageddon. Judgement Day. Apocalypse. It goes by many names."

Azazel: "Yes, he wants to destroy this world."

Y/N: "That isn't what we should be asking...." Everyone looks at Y/N.

Y/N: "What is Aevi gonna do with Loki's plans?" Y/N stands up to walk out the room. He walks to the room top to slam his fists on the railing.

Y/N: "DAMN IT!" Rossweisse has followed Y/N to walk up to him.

Y/N: "I couldn't save Asia and now Rias! Over a stupid curse! Loki's lucky if he didn't die I would have made him suffer for the rest of his pathetic life!"

Rossweisse: "It is pathetic for him to place a curse on you, Issei, and Rias right before his capture."

Y/N: "What does a curse do?"

Rossweisse: "Curse attacks and eat away at a person's heart. It exploits what's deep within your heart, perhaps something you don't even realize yourself. Loki used those feelings deep inside against you." Y/N remembers his Mirror self and Sougo as he falls into darkness.

Rossweisse: "Does anything come to mind?" Y/N thinks about the young man that appeared stopping everything.

Y/N: "Who was that?"

Rossweisse: "Did you say something?"

Y/N: "Yeah...Loki make me realize this. The feeling unworthy of the power I inherited. I'm still learning of what it means to be a Kamen Rider. I have so much influence on the world. If I mess up, I'll be charging it for the worst. It was at the back of my head all along...I...don't wanna fail...." Y/N holding the rail kneels down.

Y/N: "I can't fail if I do...I'll ruin this world....I failed again."

Shotaro: "They keep on trying."

Philip: "That's what we Kamen Rider's do. If we fail again and again. We get back up and try again." Shotaro and Philip stand next to Y/N.

Shotaro: "You failing and trying again and again won't ruin this world."

Philip: "It will do the opposite. You will make it persistent."

Shotsro: "Yeah. Now stand up and get back in there." Shotaro slams his fist in his palm. Y/N stands up to whip his tears.

Y/N: "Thank you Senpai's."

Shotaro: "When are we gonna get your girl back?"

Y/N: "Right now. Rossweisse, Rias has some doubt in her heart like me right?"

Rossweisse: "What exactly, you have to ask her about that. Actually, it may be so deep within her that she doesn't even realize it herself."

Y/N: "What ever it may be. I'll get rid of that doubt with my own hands. Wait for me, Rias."

Shotaro: "We should head back. I think that red haired guy has something to say."

Y/N: "Onii-Chan does?" Y/N and the others return to the living room.

Azazel: "Are you all right, Sir Zechs?"

Sir Zechs: "I am Satan Lucifer above all else. I will do what I must as a Satan."

Azazel: "You're trying too hard."

Sir Zechs: "Asgard has agreed to help us find Rias."

Azazel: "More eyes will help us find Rias' location faster." A magic circle appears next to Sir Zechs ear.

Sir Zechs: "I just received information. They have found her in the Dimensional Gap."

Issei: "Dimensional Gap?"

Akeno: "The place that Asia was sent to?"

Y/N: "That place again."

Ajuka: "I've searched using various methods and it is the only possible location."

Xenovia: "So we'll be able to save the president of we go there?"

Azazel: "There's no systematic method of searching the Dimensional Gap. If Vali didn't happen to pass by the right moment, we never would have found Asia, either. In other words, entering the Dimensional Gap means death."

Shotaro: "You're serious!?"

Philip: "Shotaro calm down." Philip touches Shotaro's shoulder.

Shotaro: "How can I!? Y/N just declared he will save his girl! Now we're hearing she might be dead!" The Occult Club make sad faces.

Y/N: "Thank you Shotaro-senpai for getting mad for me but I know Rias is alive. Aevi took over Loki's plans, he's not gonna let Rias die." The Occult Club look at each other to smile.

Akeno: "But how can those people enter it?"

Azazel: "The Khaos Brigade is a gathering of all various factions. They may be using a method we aren't aware of."

Y/N: "And we got one they aren't aware of." Y/N looks at Woz and Makoto.

Woz: "I will prepare a Time Mazine immediately."

Mikoto: "Yeah."

Sir Zechs: "Please save my sister, Y/N."

Y/N: "I will."

Ajuka: "Kamen Rider." Ajuka walks up to Y/N to hold up his hand. Y/N glows from Ajuka's magic. He looks at his hands wondering what happened.

The Occult Club is standing outside Y/N's house next to the Time Mazine.

Azazel: "Are you sure this machine can get you to the Dimensional Gap? Time didn't really exist there."

Woz: "If we can travel to a dead timeline we can target to the Dimensional Gap. Most importantly nothing is out of reach for Waga Maou." Azazel chuckles at Woz's statement.

Azazel: "You're right."

Kiba: "It's gonna be cramped again."

Koneko: "Yes." Azazel is talking to Asia. He hands Asia a gold rod with jewel on top.

Asia: "What is this?"

Azazel: "Take it with you. Fafnir should protect you if it comes to it."

Asia: "Okay. Um..."

Azazel: "It's my fault you were kidnapped by Diodora. Think of it as the least I can do to apologize." Azazel waves to Asia to walk away.

Y/N: "Everyone! Let's save our president!"

Occult Club: "Yes!"

Woz: "Yes, Waga Maou."

Mikoto: "Yes, Zi-O."

Shotaro: "Alright let's do this!"

Philip: "Yes, Shotaro! Y/N!" They split up to enter the Time Mazines. Azazel, Sir Zches, and Ajuka watch the Time Mazines lift off.

Time Mazine!

They fly to enter a time portal that opened. Once inside the time portal closes.

Xenovia's head is in Y/N's crotch while Irina's chest is on his right side for his head. Runeas' chest is pressed against his left side.

Xenovia: "S-Sorry Y/N!"

Y/N: "It's okay! Don't get hard! Don't get hard! Wait you of all people are apologizing!?" Kuroka is laying across Y/N's lap being lifted up by the arm rests.

Kuroka: "Aw come on! Woz, why can't these things be bigger!?" Woz is on the ground on the right.

Woz: "I should have gotten three instead." Shotaro is on the ground on the left side.

Shotaro: "Oi! Y/N! Why is this so small!?"

Y/N: "Sorry Senpai! Bear with it for a little while."

Shotaro: "How can I if I'm on the floor getting stepped on!?" Y/N has a sweat drop on the back of his head. Irina slips forward for her butt to be throw back into Woz's face.

Irina: "Ahh! I'm sorry, Woz!" A blushing Irina stands up straight.

Woz: "...Yes." The Time Mazine rocks a little for Kuroka to go forward pushing her breasts into Woz's face.

Kuroka: "Oh! Sorry, Woz."

Woz: "...Yes..." Woz endures an assault of Irina's butt and Kuroka's breasts. In Makoto's Time Mazine Asia and Koneko is sitting in Mikoto's lap. Akeno's chest is pressed on Mikoto's face on the left. Gasper is pressing his chest on Mikoto face on the right. Issei and Kiba are on each side of Makoto.

Akeno: "Issei! Don't move like that!"

Issei: "But it's so cramped in here!" Issei moves in a way that engulfs Mikoto's face in Akeno's chest.

Mikoto: "Can't see."

Akeno: "I'm sorry." Akeno leans back but her chest is still on Mikoto's face.

Kiba: "Are you okay, Gasper?"

Gasper: "Y-Yes!"

Mikoto: "How about you two?" Mikoto peaks over Akeno's chest to look at Koneko and Asia.

Asia: "We're okay." Koneko nods to agree with Asia.

Philip: "I'm also okay." Mikoto, Koneko, and Asia look at Philip who is on the ground in front of the chair.

A time portal opens for the Time Mazine's to enter the Dimensional Gap. Everyone is shocked to see a small town in the middle of the void.

Y/N: "W-What!?"

Mikoto: "How is this possible?"

Akeno: "This shouldn't be here. This should be an endless void."

Kuroka: "You're correct, Akeno-chan. Whatever this place is, it shouldn't be here."

Y/N: "Let's land, Mikoto."

Mikoto: "Yes, we should also keep our guard up." The Time Mazine's fly towards the town to land. The ramp opens for everyone to walk out of the Time Mazine's.

Shotaro: "Much better! Huh!?" Shotaro looks around at the city.

Y/N: "Is something wrong, Shotaro-senpai?"

Philip: "S-Shotaro! It's..."

Shotaro: "Yes! It's..."

Shotaro & Philip: "Fuuto!" Shotaro and Philip run into the middle of the street to look around. The Occult Club catch up to them.

Mikoto: "This is Fuuto but how?"

Woz: "Yes...How is a good question?"

Y/N: "What's Fuuto!?"

Shotaro: "Fuuto is our home. Our city."

Philip: "The home we protect but how?"

Voice: "Good to see you two again." Everyone turns to see a man walking down the street towards them.

Shotaro: "It...can't be!"

Philip: "We defeated you!"

Shotaro: "How are you here...."

Shotaro: "Daidō Katsumi!?"

Y/N: "Who is that?"

Mikoto: "Kamen Rider Eternal. He tried to destroy Fuuto to get revenge on the Museum and Foundation X but Shotaro and Philip stopped him."

Katsumi: "You said you defeated me but I remember defeating you two. So how are you two still alive?"

Shotaro: "What!?"

Philip: "If you won then how come Fuuto is still here!?"

Katsumi: "I decided to rebuild. Instead of changing everyone into the monster I am. I destroyed it alongside the Museum and Fountain X. Something resonated with me when I was fighting with you. Your love for this city. I wanted to know why you fought so hard. I rebuild it with the remaining funds of the Museum and Foundation X. An exact rebuilt of Fuuto." Katsumi holds his arms out.

Katsumi: "Now I understand. This city...it's beautiful. Welcome to MY Fuuto."

Shotaro: "Your Fuuto!"

Katsumi: "Correct, I even hunted down Street." Kamen Rider Eternal is walking towards Bandō Yukiji who's in his Aurora Dopant form holding his thumb down.

Shotaro: "Even Street."

Katsumi: "Kamen Rider Eternal is Fuuto's savior now. No longer do people speak of Kamen Rider W."

Philip: "You're not a Kamen Rider! You may call yourself one but your not!"

Shotaro: "Well said partner. You aren't Fuuto's savior. People just fear you! You're nothing more than a tyrant!" Aevi appears next to Katsumi.

Aevi: "Something wrong, Katsumi-chan?"

Katsumi: "Just some dead walking among the living."

Aevi: "Oh Y/N and his friends." Darkness appears for Rias to teleport next to Aevi and Katsumi.

Y/N: "Rias!"

Akeno: "Rias! Is that you!?" Rias turns to look at them not saying a word.

Xenovia: "President Rias?"

Gasper: "President?"

Asia: "Thank goodness." Asia takes a step forward for Rias to fire her destruction magic. Akeno grabs Asia to pull her out of the way.

Asia: "Why?"

Gasper: "Do we have an imposter of the President this time?"

Shotaro: "Like with Y/N?"

Koneko: "No. That's is definitely her."

Kiba: "I can tell as well. That is definitely President Rias' aura."

Y/N: "Yeah...that's her alright. Rias why?"

Philip: "Then we have no choice but to fight her."

Issei: "Stupid! There's no way!"

Aevi: "You're stupid, pervert. This is the real Rias."

Katsumi: "Yes, if you can't handle the truth then drop dead here and now." Rias casts her magic again for everyone to dodge the magic blast.

Xenovia: "Is she being controlled?"

Gasper: "C-Controlled!?"

Shotaro: "Y/N! Try talking to her!" Y/N nods to Shotaro.

Y/N: "Rias! It's me! Y/N!" Y/N takes a few steps forward towards Rias.

Y/N: "It's me not a fake. I'm here for you. I promised remember. I'll always protect you." Rias casts her magic again for Y/N to dodge it.

Katsumi: "You're wasting your breath. Your girlfriend is on our side."

Akeno: "We'll just take her away from you!" The Occult Club get ready to fight.

Katsumi: "Very well. Let's see you try." Katsumi places a driver on his waist. He holds up the Eternal Gaia Memory to activate it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Katsumi slides the Gaia memory on the driver for yellow circles to pulse out. He moves it for electricity and pieces of the ride wear appear around him.


The pieces latch on Katsumi to give him his ride wear.

Eternal walks forward for Kiba and Xenovia to run at him.

Shotaro: "Hold on!"

They swing their swords for Eternal to block them with his arms.

Eternal: "Hmph!" Eternal moves his hand pushing Kiba and Xenovia away. Akeno cast lightning at Eternal for him to punch it away. Gasper uses his eyes to slow Eternal down.

Eternal: "Interesting but that won't work." Eternal is able to break free of Gasper's Sacred Gear.

Gasper: "I can't stop time!"

Philip: "Shotaro!"

Shotaro: "Got it! Lead me half your power, Partner!" Shotaro looks at Asia and Gasper."

Shotaro: "Watch over him!" Shotaro put his drivers on his waist. Another driver appears on Philip. They take out the Joker and Cyclone Gaia Memories. They activate the Gaia Memories.

Cyclone! Joker!

Shotaro and Philip do their pose.

Shotaro & Philip: "Henshin!" Philip slides the Cyclone Gaia memory in his driver for it to teleport to Shotaro's driver. Shotaro slots the Cyclone memory then slots the Joker memory in his driver. He pushes on the two sides to transform.

Cyclone! Joker!

Wind swirls around them for pieces of the ride wear appears to attach on Shotaro. This gives him his ride wear for Philip to fall over. Koneko and Aisa catch Philip.

Asia: "What happened?"

W: "Now...count up your sins." W runs towards Eternal to throw punch. Eternal is able to catch it.

Eternal: "Now this brings back memories."

W (Philip): "Y/N! We'll handle Katsumi! Save your girlfriend!"

Y/N: "Be careful!" Y/N takes out his driver to place it on his waist. Mikoto and Woz follow him placing their drivers on their waists. They take out their ridewatches to activate them.




Rias casts another blast at them. The three riders dodge it to transform.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Geiz!

Action! Touei! Future Time! Sugoi! Jidai! Mirai! Kamen Rider Woz! Woz!

Y/N runs towards Rias to summon Zikan Girade. Rias cast another blast to fire it at Y/N. Swinging his sword Y/N cuts the energy blast in half. Y/N gets close to Rias to throw a punch but stops.

Y/N: "....I can't!" Rias holds her hand up to fire an energy blast on Y/N's stomach sending him flying back. The energy blast explodes sending Y/N rolling on the ground.

Mikoto: "Zi-O!" Rias cast against to fire it at Mikoto. Woz hits it away with his Zikan Despear.

Woz: "Waga Maou can't hurt the girls he loves. It's up to us now." Akeno and the others stand next to them. Koneko is carrying Philip on her back. She lays him down next to Y/N for Asia to look over him.

Akeno: "Let us help." They all run at Rias for a ball of destruction to appear above her.

Runeas: "Stop!" The ball of destruction explodes.

Y/N: "Everyone!"

Asia: "Everyone!" W and Eternal are trading blows.

W (Shotaro): "How are you alive?"

Eternal: "I can say the same to you."

W (Philip): "We defeated you!" Philip explains how they beat Eternal. Shotaro and Philip gain a new power thanks to Fuuto. They fly towards Eternal who launches a green energy ball at them. W flips into a rider kick to destroy the energy to hit Eternal defeating him. Eternal kicks W's side to make him stagger back.

Eternal: "Wrong this is what happened." Everything Philip explains happened but Eternal jumps off Fuuto's windmill to activate a finisher. While W is destroying the energy ball Eternal appears to rider kick W towards the ground defeating him.

W (Shotaro): "He must be telling the truth."

W (Philip): "But Shotaro, we definitely defeated him."

W (Shotaro): "I know but...Katsumi isn't the type of person to lie."

W (Philip): "What are you thinking?"

W (Shotaro): "I haven't figured it out yet but this Katsumi is real and his experiences are also."

Eternal: "You're detective intuition is sharp as ever." Eternal runs at W to punch him in the chest making him hit the ground.

W (Philip): "Shotaro....he's much stronger." W stands up to hear the explosion.

W (Shotaro): "That was where Y/N was!" They look to see the dust settle.

W (Philip): "They're okay. Is that a barrier?" W jumps back for Eternal's fist to slam the ground to break it.

Eternal: "You should focus or I'll kill you again. This time it won't be satisfying."

W (Philip): "He's right, Shotaro. He's toying with us. He hasn't gotten serious if we worry about Y/N we'll end up dead when he does."

W (Shotaro): "Got it, partner. Let's trust our Kouhai." W gets ready to continue the fight.

Eternal: "Now that I have your full attention." Eternal runs at W to trade blows. Y/N stares at the barrier while standing up.

Y/N: "A barrier?" Akeno looks at Asia who is holding the rod.

Akeno: "That stone..." The rod's stone that Azazel gave Asia is glowing.

Asia: "Fafnir saved them."

Gasper: "A-Akeno, what was that light president just emitted?" Y/N regroups with them.

Akeno: "That's what gave Rias the name Ruin Princess."

Runeas: "It's the power she can release when she experiences a surge of emotion. I remember Venelana using it. She was called the "Brunette Ruin Princess." The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Y/N: "But right now..."

Xenovia: "She seems to be anything but fierce."

Kiba: "The demonic power of destruction."

Runeas: "She can't release it to its full extent yet." Rias' is pulsing with magically energy.

Issei: "Th-This isn't her full power!?"

Akeno: "At full power there wouldn't be a single place for us to hide."

Runeas: "This whole city would be destroyed."

Y/N: "Rias! Stop this! You'll end up hurting everyone! Just listen to my voice!"

Koneko: "As I thought. The president can hear us."

Xenovia: "What?"

Koneko: "President Rias! Please remember!" Rias turns to them.

Aevi: "Damn it...her consciousness is still there."

Issei: "President!"

Akeno: "She's still conscious!?"

Koneko: "I still remember the day you gave me my name!"

Asia: "I-I was given new life. And you accepted me as a part of your family, Rias-oneesama!"

Gasper: "President Rias, if it weren't for you, I would have been hated by everyone and had no place to go. I probably would have died on the streets."

Kiba: "When I was dying...When I was blindly by hatred...you saved me twice."

Xenovia: "President Rias!"

Akeno: "Remember, Rias!"

Runeas: "Wake up, my child!"

Akeno: "Remember all of our voices! All of our faces!"

Y/N: "Rias! I promised to protect you! I will fight anything to save you! But I can't fight you! Please remember how much I love you!" A tears run down Rias' cheek.

Akeno: "Rias!?"

Rias: "Y/N..." Y/N removes his helmet to step forward.

Y/N: "Rias."

Aevi: "I don't think so." Aevi snaps his finger for Rias to scream. A red shard comes out of Rias' chest for a Anotherwatch to follow. The Anotherwatch absorbs the red shard to activate.


The Decade Anotherwatch enters Rias' body for darkness to surround her. The darkness disappears to reveal the Another Rider.


W flips to land on the ground to see Another Decade.

W (Shotaro): "I got it!"

W (Philip): "What is it, Shotaro?"

W (Shotaro): "This Eternal is from another world! A world where we lost and he won!"

Eternal: "Ha ha ha! Very good! That girl used the power of Another Decade to make our world's a reality."

W (Shotaro): "Your world a reality?"

Eternal: "Yes, in the grand universe good always triumphs over evil. With Loki's curse to cause Ruin, Another Decade's power, and the Dimensional Gap. By bring ruin to good, Rias was able to create our worlds. Giving laws to a lawless dimension."

W (Philip): "He's saying OUR worlds, Shotaro."

W (Shotaro): "Meaning there's more than one world created!"

Voice: "Correct, detective."

The Aurora Dopant appears next to Eternal.

W (Shotaro & Philip): "Bando Yukiji!"

Yukiji: "Very nice to see you again. Shotaro, Philip."

W (Philip): "We need to regroup with Y/N."

Yukiji: "I don't think so." Yukiji appears next to W to swat him towards Eternal. He spins kicks W sending them into a vending machine.

W (Philip): "Why...Why are you two working together? Didn't Katsumi kill you?"

Yukiji: "He did in his world. I have my world and he has his."

Eternal: "Why fight?" A second Fuuto appears in the Dimensional Gap.

W (Shotaro): "Won't Yukiji want to take over other worlds?"

Eternal: "We'll go down that road when it comes but for right now..."

Yukiji: "...We'll work together to kill you."

W (Philip): "Shotaro, let's show them our new moves."

W (Shotaro): "Let's do it, partner!"  W takes out blue Gaia memory to activate it.


They pushes their driver to take out the Joker memory to slot in the Trigger memory to pull on the driver.

Cyclone! Trigger!

W's black side turns blue for them to pull out the Triggermagnum. They take out the Cyclone memory to slot it in the gun.

Yukiji: "We're already see that." The Aurora Dopant and Eternal run at W.

W (Shotaro): "Who said this was it?" W jumps back to fire wind bullets at the ground to kick up dust. Eternal and the Aurora Dopant cover their heads. W runs towards Y/N and his friends.

W (Philip): "We have to inform Y/N."

W (Shotaro): "Yeah."

Y/N starts to glow a gold aura for the Dimensional Gap to start and shake.

Aevi: "Oh he's angry. He's able to shake this lawless place." Y/N takes his helmet to put it on.

Y/N: "Aevi...I'll end you."

Aevi: "That's not very Kamen Rider like." W runs up to the group

W (Shotaro): "Y/N, this place. This Fuuto is from another reality."

Y/N: "Huh?"

Woz: "Wait...Yes that's it. When Sougo was fighting Swartz when he used Another Decade's power he was able to bring villains from another world where they won."

W (Shotaro): "Yes, I figured that out when fighting Eternal. Then he explained it to me and Philip."

W (Philip): "He said by using Loki's curse he was able to bring ruin to good and make these worlds a reality."

Woz: "That's makes sense. Since Rias isn't a Time Jacker she probably won't be able to use the full power of Another Decade like Swartz did. But by using Loki's curse Rias would be able to use Another Decade's full power."

W (Shotaro): "Using the Dimensional Gap's lawless nature. They were able to write laws in this place. That's why Fuuto is here."

Y/N: "But why can't Gasper stop time?"

W (Philip): "Maybe the laws are still fresh and haven't been completely been integrated." Aevi claps to Shotaro and Philip.

Aevi: "Good job the two in one detective! Correct, all of it. When I found the shard full of Loki's curse. I modified it a little to make the fake Y/N and take control of Rias. Once in here I used the Another Decade watch on her. That's when she created all these Another World's! Such a good plan Loki had but now he's dead ha ha!" W de-henshin's for Philip to sit up.

Asia: "Ah!" Eternal and the Aurora Dopant finally arrive.

Eternal: "Giving up?"

Yukiji: "Oh that would be perfect."

Shotaro: "You wish." Philip stands next to Shotaro.

Shotaro: "Y/N! No matter who comes back! Keep on fighting!"

Philip: "Because we will!"

Shotaro: "That's to everyone!"

Occult Club: "Yes!" Shotaro hands a green ridewatch to Y/N. Taking the green ridewatch Y/N looks at it. The Occult Club get ready. Woz takes out his Ginga Miridewatch and Mikoto takes out his Revive Ridewatch. Shotaro and Philip take a driver with one slot. They place them on their waists. Woz and Mikoto activate their watches.


Geiz Revive! Goretsu!

Y/N twists the ridewatches face to activate it.

Y/N: "I'll keep on fighting like a true Kamen Rider."

W (Double)!

Shotaro and Philip activate their Gaia Memories again.



Y/N, Woz, and Mikoto slide their watches on their drivers. Shotaro and Philip slot their Gaia Memories.

Shotaro & Philip: "Henshin!" Y/N and Mikoto make their drivers spin while Woz pushes the Crank-in handle. Shotaro and Philip pull on their drivers. Pieces of ride wear appear around the two to attach on them.



Action! Touei! Finaly Time! Gin-gin gira-gira galaxy! Uchuu no kanata no fantasy! Woz Ginga Finaly! Finaly!

A galaxy appears for the planet to swirl around Woz. The planets slot on Woz to gain his ride wear.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Geiz! Re-vi-i-ve Goretsu~! Goretsu!

Black reinforced watch straps appear around Mikoto. He obtains the Revive ride wear for the yellow katakana to slot in his helmet.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Armor Time! Cyclone! Joker! W!

A green robot and black robot appear next to Y/N to pose. They transform into the W armor to slot on Y/N's shoulders.

Y/N: "Now, tell me your sins."

Shotaro: "Oi! That's not it!"

Y/N: "Really?"

Woz: "IWAE! The one who will inherit all rider powers! Chosen by the Time King himself! The heir to the throne of time! He is known as the Demon Prince Kamen Rider Zi-O W Armor! He has now inherited his 19th rider power!"

Another Decade holds its hand out for a groups of different Kamen Rider Villain minions appear.

Eternal: "This is the new trick. Let's see how far it gets you."

Yukiji: "I agree."

Y/N: "Everyone! Let's save Rias!" Y/N and the Occult Club run at Another Decade while Shotaro and Philip run at Eternal and the Aurora Dopant. Kiba, Irina, and Xenovia are cutting down Riotroopers. Koneko punches a Darkroachi into a group of them. Kuroka jumps in the air to send white flames at the Darkroachi's. Issei turns into his Balance Breaker to punch a Guardian (From Build) to quickly punch another one. Akeno and Runeas are casting magic on Ghouls. Gasper and Asia are watching them.

Gasper: "Ah! I wish I could do something but I can't stop time."

Asia: "Let's cheer them on, Gasper."

Gasper: "Y-Yes! You can do it everyone!"

Asia: "Do your best!" Shotaro punches Eternal who uses his forearms to block it. He is pushed back by Shotaro's strength. Philip swings his leg to kick at the Aurora Dopant who blocks it with his arms to be sent flying. The Aurora Dopant lands on the ground next to Eternal.

Shotaro: "Kamen Rider Joker."

Philip: "Kamen Rider Cyclone."

Shotaro & Philip: "Now, count up your sins!" The two W riders run at the villains. Y/N, Woz, and Mikoto are running at Another Decade.

Aevi: "Three against one. That's not fair right?" Another Decade nods to hold her arms out. Aurora curtains appear for two villains to appear. Kamen Rider Poseidon runs at Mikoto swinging his lance. Mikoto blocks it to start clashing with Poseidon. Kamen Rider Orga swings his sword at Woz for him to use his gravity ability to push the sword away. Y/N is throwing a punch at Another Decade when he hears Rias' voice.

Another Decade: "Y/N!" His fist stops right next to Another Decade's head. Y/N's fist is shaking.

Akeno: "Y/N can't attack Rias just like the Roidmude Asia!" Akeno shocks the Ghouls as Runeas burns them.

Runeas: "Didn't he save Sona Sitri? What's stopping him?"

Akeno: "Lady Runeas is right. He saved me before what's stopping him now." Another Decade punches Y/N making him hit the ground. Mikoto dodges an attack from Poseidon to kick him back. He turns the hourglass watch for the sand to fall down.

Speed Time! Revi-Revi-Revi! Revi-Revi-Revi! Revi-i-ve Shi-ppu! Shippu!

Mikoto dashes forward to slash down Another Decade's shoulder.

Mikoto: "Zi-O! I'll handle Another Decade!" Mikoto runs at Another Decade to continue the fight. Akeno and Runeas jog up to him.

Akeno: "Y/N, you were able to fight me and Sona when we were turned into Another Riders."

Runeas: "So why can't you fight now?" Y/N looks at his trembling hands.

Y/N: "Why can't I fight?" Out of the corner his eye Y/N sees red energy appear next to him. It begins to form into Ohma Zi-O.

Y/N: "T-That's it...Loki's curse is still lingering in me. My fear...of becoming you. The man who killed Issei. I-I can't harm anyone close to me because of it!" Y/N looks up at Akeno and Runeas.

Y/N: "Loki's curse is still lingering. It's like a mental block preventing me from attacking anyone of you. The curse...I can't tell them the truth..is making me think I'll end up doing what Tsukasa-senpai said."

Runeas: "If it's a mental block now. It might get worst. Damn if only I know more about curses."

Akeno: "You have to attack Rias to save her."

Y/N: "I know..." Ghouls run at them for Runeas and Akeno to cast magic. Y/N stands up to watch Mikoto fight Poseidon and Another Decade.

Y/N: "I'll break this curse! Back me up!"

Akeno & Runeas: "Yes!" Y/N runs towards Mikoto. Akeno and Runeas cats magic to spot the minions from stopping him. He run up to grab Poseidon and take him away. Mikoto watches to quickly turn and dodge an attack from Another Decade. Poseidon pushes Y/N off him to swing his spear. Y/N dodges it to throw a punch with his left fist. His fist glows with purple energy to slam into Poseidon's chest. Poseidon is pushed back holding his chest to look up at Y/N.

Y/N: "Now, tell me your sins."  Y/N does W's pose to run at Poseidon to throw another punch but with his right hand. He slams his fist on Poseidon's face for him to stagger back. Poseidon quickly swings his spear to send a water energy slash at Y/N.

Zikan Girade!

Summoning his sword Y/N swings to hit the energy slash to destroy it for water to fall on him.

Y/N: "How do I completely get rid of this curse?" Poseidon runs at Y/N for them to clash weapons. Orga is swinging his Orga Stlanzer in dagger mode at Woz.

Woz: "Kamen Rider Orga. Is that you Kiba Yuji?" Woz is dodging Orga's attacks to quickly palm strike him in the stomach using his gravity powers to throw him back. Orga lands in his feet to slide a little bit.

Woz: "If you are then your defeat will be same in our world." Orga transforms his Orga Stlanzer into sword mode. Mikoto slashes his Zikan Jaclaw on Another Decade's chest. Another Decade kicks Mikoto on the side then punches him in the chest. Mikoto staggers back for Another Decade to summon the Another RideBooker. She fires it in gun mode at Mikoto. Mikoto uses his speed to dodge the energy blasts. Another Decade transforms the RideBooker into sword mode to run at Mikoto to swing it at him. Mikoto blocks the blade with Zikan Jaclaw.

Shotaro dodges an attack by Eternal to uppercut him. Eternal staggers back for Shotaro to quickly punch him in the chest. Eternal rolls on the ground.

Eternal: "You have gotten better." Eternal stands up to take out Zone Gaia Mermory. He activates it to slide on his side.

Zone! Maximum Drive!

A bunch of Gaia memories appear around Eternal to slot all around his ride wear.

(All Gaia memories sounds)

He takes out the Eternaledge to run at Shotaro to swing it. Shotaro dodges it for Eternal to side kick him back.

Shotaro: "Arh! His strength is greater than mine now. I might need Philip's help." Philip jumps in the air for green energy to swirl around him. He kicks at the Aurora Dopant for the green energy hit him. Philip lands on the ground to punch the Aurora Dopant's stomach.

Yukiji: "I guess I have to get serious." The Aurora Dopant glows to appear in front of Philip to uppercut him in the air. He jumps in the air to hit Philip into the ground. The Aurora Dopant swipes his hands to send aurora energy blasts at Philip. Quickly jumping out of the way Philip rolls on the ground as the energy blasts hit the ground.

Philip: "He's stronger than "our" worlds Yukiji. Shotaro and I need to team up again but it would be a two v one. One of us need to take out our opponent."

Y/N is clashing weapons with Poseidon when Poseidon is able to parry and disarm him. Poseidon is able to thrust his spear for it to coat in water energy to stab Y/N's chest for him to roll on the ground. Y/N gets one knee to look at Poseidon walking towards him. He thinks back to when he obtained Zi-O II.

Flashback Mirror Y/N: "Aren't you scared of your future?"

Flashback Y/N: "Who wouldn't be afraid but I have to trust...in my future self. Believe that what I do is the right thing." Then he thinks about what Shotaro and Philip told him.

Flashback Shotaro: "They keep on trying."

Flashback Philip: "That's how we Kamen Rider's do. If we fail again and again. We get back up and try again." Shotaro and Philip stand next to Y/N.

Y/N starts to slowly stand up to look at the red energy taking his future self's form.

Y/N: "Right now, I'm not you. Whatever happened between you and Issei hasn't happened but I will find out. When that happens maybe I will end up choosing your choice or maybe not. I will believe what I did was the right choice. Even if it wasn't I will try...no I will fix the problems I made by choosing that choice. I will save Rias! I don't need you holding me back!" Y/N grabs the red energy by the throat.

Y/N: "Now leave me and go back to your time!" The red energy Ohma Zi-O vanishes. The W ridewatch glows gold for all the Heisei rider ridewatches to float next to Y/N making Poseidon stop. Y/N turns to Poseidon for the ridewatches to fuse on his W ridewatch to make the Grand Zi-O Ridewatch.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(If the video doesn't show up it's Grand Zi-O's Henshin)

Grand Zi-O!

He pushes the crown button on his driver. The golden clock and pillars appears behind Y/N and the Heisei Rider statues appear next him.

(Arcle transformation sound) (Altering transformation sound) Advent! Complete! Turn Up! (Onkaku ringing) Change Beetle! Sword Form! Wake Up! Kamen Ride!

The stone begins to fall of the Heisei Rider statues.

Cyclone! Joker! Taka! Tora! Batta! 3, 2, 1! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Soiya! Drive! Kaigan! Level Up! Best Match! Rider Time!

Y/N hits his driver to make it spin.

Grand Time!

The Rider Reliefs take the Heisei Riders to float next to Y/N.

Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade! Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, Decade! W, OOO, Fourze! Wizard, Gaim, Drive! Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build!

They slot on him for the Grand Zi-O ride wear to appear.

Iwae! Kamen Rider! Grand Zi-O!

Y/N does Sougo's pose.

Y/N: "I'm gonna set time right by defeating you!" Y/N touches the OOO's Rider Relief for OOO Saramiuo Combo to appear


Y/N: "Let's go, Eiji-senpai!" Touching the OOO Rider Relief again Y/N gets the Medajaribur. They run at Poseidon for him to swing his spear at OOO. With his Kujira Arms OOO hits away the spear to punch him in the stomach. Y/N runs up to slash down Poseidon's chest. OOO jumps over Y/N to swing his legs to slash down Poseidon's body with Ookamiuo Leg blades. He lands to swing his head for an energy shark fin to whip at Poseidon's body. Y/N runs up to slash down Poseidon's shoulder then across his stomach. OOO runs up scanning his medals for a finisher.

Scanning Charge!

He puts his Kujira Sluggers on his arms together to thrust them into Poseidon's stomach for an energy whale to appear to fly forward taking Poseidon. Y/N pushes the Medalever for cell medals to appear in the sword.

Triple Scanning Charge!

He swings the sword to slice Poseidon and reality. Reality returns to normal but Poseidon is cut in half to explode.

Woz is fighting Orga with his Zikan Despear. He hits away Orga's sword to thrust his spear but Orga dodges it. They clash to quickly thrust their weapons to hit each other. The two stagger back for Orga to run at Woz


Orga is punched multiple times for Faiz Axel
to appear next to Woz. Y/N in the air slams his fist on Orga's face with the Faiz Shot. Faiz takes out his own Faiz Shot to activate a finisher. Woz moves the Crank in handle to activate a finisher.

Finally! Beyond the Time!

Exceed Charge!

Faiz dashes forward to punch Orga in the back to send him flying towards Y/N. Woz jumps in the air. Y/N activates a finisher on the Faiz Shot.

Exceed Charge!

He swings upwards to slam his fist in Orga's stomach sending him in the air. Woz extends his right leg for a galaxy to appear around it. He flies towards Orga for a rider kick.

Chou Ginga Explosion!

Woz rider kick lands for Orga to explode in the air. He quickly stands up to throw his hand in the air to gesture at Y/N to walk around him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Woz: "IWAE! Relish in the moment! The true ultimate power of Y/N has come! After obtaining all 20 Heisei Rider powers including his own, Y/N has obtained ultimate power! We had a glimpse of it previously but the true advent of his appearance has arrived! His name is known as Grand Zi-O! IWAE! IWAE!!!!" Shotaro and Philip  land next a few feet away. Y/N walks up to them for Eternal and the Aurora Dopant to appear to front of them.

Y/N: "Let me help Shotaro-senpai. Philip-senpai." Y/N touches the W Rider Relief.


A comatose Shotaro and Philip appear with two Xtreme Gaia memories. The Xtreme memories absorb Shotaro and Philip to slot on Joker and Cyclone.

Xtreme! x2

The two riders turn into CycloneJoker Xtreme.

Shotaro: "Thank you, Y/N but to beat Eternal, I need this power! Haaaaaaa!" Shotaro starts to glow turning into CycloneJoker Gold Xtreme.

Shotaro: "Ready, Partner? Y/N?"

Philip: "Yeah."

Y/N: "Yes, senpai!" Y/N touches the W Rider Relief again for the Prismbicker to appear.


Shotaro flies towards Eternal to grab him to fly away. Y/N and Philip run at the Aurora Dopant for him to fire energy beams at them. Y/N stands in front to use the Prismbicker to block the energy beams. Philip runs around Y/N to punch the Aurora Dopant's face for him to stagger back.

Yukiji: "Bastard!" Y/N unsheathes the sword of the Prismbicker to slash down the Aurora Dopant's body. Philip jumps in the air for green energy to swirl around his leg as he axe kicks the Aurora Dopant. He lands to side kick the Aurora Dopant in the chest. Y/N runs up to circle slash the Aurora Dopant for green energy to shoot out.

Prism! Maximum Drive!

The Aurora Dopant takes a few steps back.

Yukiji: "How can I lose!? I defeated you once, I can again! AHHHHHH!" Hundreds of energy blasts shoot out of the Aurora Dopant's body.

Y/N: "Time to meet your end!" Y/N sheathes the sword back in the shield to activate a finisher.

Cyclone! Maximum Drive! Heat! Maximum Drive! Luna! Maximum Drive! Joker! Maximum Drive!

Y/N unsheathes the sword for it glow like a prism as a green, red, yellow, and purple orbs swirl around the blade. Philip moves the Xtreme memory to activate a finisher.

Xtreme! Maximum Drive!

They both run at the Aurora Dopant dodging the energy blasts. Y/N swings the shield to deflect an energy blast. He swings his sword to cut the Aurora Dopant to appear behind him. Green energy swirls around the Aurora Dopant for Philip to jump in the air to extend both his legs.

Philip: "W Xtreme!" Philip rider kicks the Aurora Dopant to rider kick land next to Y/N.

Yukiji: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" The Aurora Dopant explodes for Yukiji to fall to his knees. Yukiji looks at his hands for them to flicker. He screams out to disappear.

Y/N: "Philip-senpai, can you help my friends?"

Philip: "What about Shotaro?"

Y/N: "That's where I'm going ha ha."

Philip: "Ha ha okay good luck." Y/N and Philip arm bump to head to their destinations. The Occult Club are being surrounded by the Villain Minions.

Kuroka: "Nyaa! They just keep coming!"

Issei: "There's too many of them!" Issei punches a Ghoul back.

Akeno: "Runeas, can you use that magic again?"

Runeas: "I can but we don't know if more will come. If they do I'll be out of commission and won't be able to help." Runeas casts a fireball to throw it at a group of Guardians.

Kiba: "She's right. Another Decade could just summon more." Kiba cuts down some Darkroachi.

Xenovia: "But we just sit here we'll end up getting overwhelmed." Xenovia also cuts down some Darkroachi.

Woz: "You're right but we have to keep fighting."

Prism! Maximum Drive!

Philip lands to start cutting the minions with Prismbicker the for them to explode. He holds it up for prism beams to shoot out destroying more minions.

Philip: "I'm here to help!"

Akeno: "Thank you." The Occult Club with renewed vigor attack the minions with Philip.

Shotaro and Eternal are trading blows. Shotaro punches Eternal's side then Eternal is able cut Shotaro's chest. They both punch each to stagger back.

Eternal: "Seems we're evenly matched. Maybe that boy was right. I should use your power." Eternal holds up a Anotherwatch.

He activates it to shove it in his body.

(Distorted Voice) W!

Darkness surrounds Eternal to transform into Another W.

(Distorted Voice) W!

Shotaro: "What!?" Another Double's Cyclone side turns into Luna for his arm to stretch whipping Shotaro.

Shotaro: "He's able to use other Gaia Memories!?" Shotaro staggers back for Another W to run at him changing into Eternal.

Eternal: "Ha!" Eternal starts to combo Shotaro with punches and slashes from his dagger. He jumps in the air to turn into Another W Cyclone Trigger. Another W fires energy blasts to bombard Shotaro. He lands to turn into Heat Joker to slam his fire fist on Shotaro's chest. Turning back into Eternal he activates a finisher.

Eternal: "Now, enjoy your hell again! Shotaro!"

Zone! Maximum Drive!

Eternal absorbs green energy to fire a green energy orb at Shotaro for it to him. Shotaro holds his arms up when the energy blast is cut in half.

Eternal: "What!?" Eternal sees Y/N resting Kuuga's Titan sword on his shoulder with the Prismbicker in the other hand.

Shotaro: "Y/N! It's good to see you." Shotaro stands next to Y/N.

Y/N: "I've already set time right twice! It's time for a third!" Y/N points the Titan sword at Eternal.

Eternal: "Ha! Let's see you try!" Eternal turns into Another W to run at them. Y/N touches the Build Rider Relief.


Build Tank Tank appears to slam his fist on Another W's face. Build uses his tank tracks on his arms to grind into Another W. Y/N unsheathes the Prismbicker's sword and runs with Shotaro at Another W who's stagger back. Shotaro does his own combo on Another W to push him back. Y/N goes in next for Another W to turn into Eternal to block Y/N's sword. He kicks Y/N in the stomach to push him back. Y/N quickly touches Kiva Rider Relief.


Kiva Dogga Form swings his massive hammer to hit Eternal's side throwing him to roll on the ground. Eternal turns into Another W. Shotaro flies by to kick Another W. He lands for Y/N to stand next to him.

Y/N: "Let's end this, Shotaro-senpai!"

Shotaro: "Yeah!" Y/N holds the shield up sliding the sword in.

Heat! Maximum Drive! Luna! Maximum Drive! Cyclone! Maximum Drive! Accel Maximum Drive!

Shotaro flies in the air to move the Xtreme Memory for a finisher.

Y/N points the shield at Another W to fire a laser with flames. The laser engulfs Another W to explode. Eternal is slouching for the Another W watch to hit the ground to shatter. Shotaro flies past Y/N extending his legs to spin for his wings to spread out.

Xtreme! Maximum Drive!

Shotaro rider kicks Eternal to appear behind him. Eternal explodes again for the dust to settle. Katsumi stands up straight to hold his hand out.

Katsumi: "You did well, Kamen Rider." He gives Y/N a thumbs up to start disappearing. Y/N feels something in Katsumi's words.

Y/N: "You protect Fuuto in your own way, didn't you? You longed for a connection and once you saw Shotaro-senpai and Philip-senpai's connection to Fuuto, you wanted to feel that connection. You saved and protected people in that aspect you were a Kamen Rider." Katsumi smiles at Y/N.

Katsumi: "Philip and I are similar, huh? Shotaro. Because if I met you two, I would have fought by your side." Katsumi looks at Shotaro.

Shotaro: "Katsumi...."

Katsumi: "Keep being a Kamen Rider!" Katsumi smirks to completely disappear. Y/N and Shotaro look at each to nod. Shotaro flies towards him to grab his arm to fly towards the Occult Club and Philip. The Occult are being overwhelmed when they hear sounds.

Build! Kiva! Gaim! Drive! Ex-Aid! Kuuga!

Kiva Emperor lands on the ground to cut down a group of minions.

Wake Up!

Build Genius lands next to Kiva Emperor to cut down more minions then turn the Fullbottle Buster into cannon form to fire.

FullFull Match desu! FullFull Match Break!

An energy blast hits a group of minions to destroy them.

Orange Au Lait!

Gaim Orange Arms lands to send energy orange slices at the minions to destroy them.

Mr. Belt: Turn!

Drive dashes around cutting down minions. The Riders stand next to each for Shotaro and Y/N to land in the middle holding the Titan Sword again and the Gashacon Key Slasher.

Y/N: "Xenovia!" Y/N tosses the Titan Sword to Xenovia for to catch it.

Xenovia: "Ooooh! A new sword! Thank you Y/N! Let's see what this baby can do!" Xenovia runs to cut down minions with her two swords. Everyone else resumes the fight. Kiba and Irina join Xenovia. Akeno and Runeas cast their magic. Issei and Koneko punch the minions. Kuroka bombards the minions with white flames. Some minions run towards Gasper and Asia. Philip and Shotaro swing their swords to destroy them.

Gasper & Asia: "T-Thank you!"

Shotaro: "No need. This is pretty crazy huh partner?"

Philip: "Yes, both of us in W's strongest form fighting alongside side each other. It's quite remarkable. I feel like asking Y/N more questions about it!"

Shotaro: "R-Right just focus. Wait I've been wondering the Shotaro and Philip that Y/N brought, how are they?"

Philip: "My hypothesis, is that they are in some sort of stasis. Once we're finished they will be probably be sent back to their world and not know what happened."

Shotaro: "Let's hope that true. Right now don't get them killed or us."

Philip: "Yes, Shotaro." Y/N cutting down minions alongside his Rider Relief Riders. When Mikoto rolls on the ground a few feet away from them.

Y/N: "Mikoto!" Mikoto rolls out as Another Decade's sword heads towards him. He quickly stands up to hit Another Decade's side to jump back. Y/N runs up to Mikoto.

Mikoto: "You think you can fight her?" Y/N looks at Another Decade walking up to them.

Y/N: "I know I can because I have to save her."

Mikoto: "Then let's do this." Mikoto dashes forward for Y/N to run at Another Decade. He slashes Another Decade's body. Y/N slashes down Another Decade's chest for Mikoto to appear behind her to hit her back. Y/N thrusts his sword to stab her in the chest for Mikoto jump over her to slash down her body. Y/N touches the Gaim and OOO Rider Relief.

Gaim! OOO!

The Medagabryu and the Hinawadaidai-DJ-Ju are teleported in his hands. He fires them at Another Decade.

1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000,000, 1,000,000,000,000, Muryōdaisū: Kachidoki Charge!

Gokkun: Putotyranno Hissatsu!

The two energy blasts hit Another Decade to explode. Another Decade is thrown in the air to hit the ground.

Y/N: "Mikoto."

Mikoto: "Yes." Y/N and Mikoto activate a finisher.

Finish Time! Grand Zi-O!

Finish Time! Revive!

Mikoto jumps in the air to extend his right leg to super speed fly towards Another Decade. He hits Another Decade multiple times to fly back to head towards her again. His right leg glows with blue energy for Mikoto to rider kick Another Decade.

Hyakuretsu Time Burst!

Rider Relief portals open for Hibiki Kurenai, Faiz, Kabuto, and Ghost Robin Damashii to appear.

All Twenty Time Break!

Hibiki Kurenai runs up to hit Another Decade for a flaming Ongekiko to appear. Ghost Robin Damashii's Gan Gun Saber in arrow mode charges with energy for him to fire an energy arrow.

Omega Strike!

Faiz jumps in the air for a red energy drill to be fired at Another Decade. He extends his right leg to fly towards Another Decade.

Exceed Charge!

Kabuto in clock up runs up behind Another Decade.

1 2 3! Rider Kick!

Kabuto rider kicks Another Decade to send her towards Faiz and Ghost's energy blast. Faiz and Ghost hit the flaming Ongekiko with their attacks to make Another Decade explode. Faiz appears next to Kabuto as Another Decade explodes.

(Birth of Zi-O ends here)

The Rider Relief Riders disappear. The villain minions all disappear now that Another Decade isn't there to keep them existing. Rias falls to her knees for Mikoto to dash towards her.

Mikoto: "Rias? Are you okay?" Y/N notices her body is glowing red.

Y/N: "Mikoto! Get out of there!" A huge shockwave of Destruction energy sends Mikoto flying for his huge body to spark. Rias stands up to cast a huge destruction energy blast at Y/N. It hits Y/N to send him flying. He hits the ground for the Occult Club to run up to him.

Shotaro: "Y/N! Are you okay?" Shotaro and Philip pick up Y/N. Woz walks up with a de-henshin Mikoto. They all stare at Rias who is still glowing.

Mikoto: "Ah...Why is she still cursed? The curse was fused with the Anotherwatch it should have been destroyed."

Y/N: "I don't know." Aevi appears next to Rias to pick up the Decade Anotherwatch to use the Grand Zi-O Anotherwatch to power it up. He holds up the new watch to activate it.

(Distorted Voice) Complete Form!

Aevi hands Rias the Decade Complete Form Anotherwatch for her to shove it inside her. Darkness surrounds Rias for her to transform into Another Decade Complete Form.

The Dimensional Gap is transformed into an Another World. Thousands and thousands of villain minions appear from throughout the Heisei Rider history.

Woz: "It's like the Rider War that Hikari Natsumi dreamt about."

Akeno: "H-How are we suppose to stop this?!" Asia is healing Mikoto trembling in fear.

Mikoto: "This isn't good."

Xenovia: "This is impossible!"

Kiba: "W-we can't save the president...."

Irina: "Oh lord please watch over us." Irina is holding her cross in her hands.

Gasper: "Is this...the end?" Gasper has tears running down his face. Koneko holds onto Kuroka.

Kuroka: "I don't...I don't think we can win."

Runeas: "I guess my time has come but I'm happy I got to met you, my love." Runeas looks up at Y/N. He stares at Runeas' who has tears in her eyes to be reminded of a crying Rias. Y/N steps forward.

Y/N: "We're not going to die here. We can defeat this army if we defeat Another Decade. Everyone get me and my senpai's close enough to Another Decade that we can defeat it! I know you're scared. I know you don't have any hope. Believe. Believe in me! I will be your hope!" The Occult Club whip their tears to get ready. Mikoto transforms into Geiz Revive again.

Y/N: "Everyone! I will save Rias and we will go home!"

Mikoto: "Let's do this, Zi-O!" The Occult Club run at the army.

Aevi: "Ha ha ha ha! This is the end, Zi-O!" The Occult Club are destroying minions as they run towards Another Decade.

Shotaro: "Get us as close as you can! Remember don't stop fighting! Gasper, Asia stay close!" Akeno uses her fallen angel powers with her lightning to cast holy lightning. Runeas uses five elements at once alongside Akeno.

Akeno & Runeas: "Haaaa!"

Kiba: "Sword Birth!" Kiba uses Sword Birth for hundreds of blade to shoot out of the ground. He summons his Holy Demonic Sword to cut down the minions.

Kuroka: "Kasha!" Kuroka jumps in the to summon big wheels with white flames for them to crash into the minions.

Irina: "Take this!" Irina throws light halo's to destroy the minions by cutting them in half.

Xenovia: "Titan Slayer!" Xenovia swings both her swords to send a giant energy X at the minion's to explode for a Kuuga symbol to appear in the ground.

Issei: "Dragon Shot!" Issei punches a red orb he created to fire a beam of red energy engulfing the minions. Shotaro and Philip are swinging their swords destroying any minion that gets close to them and Y/N. Kiba's Sword Birth swords shoot out of the ground to kill and make a straight path. At the end a hoard of minions run at them. Akeno and Runeas' attacks defeat the minions. They run out of the blade path for the minions to swarm them. Kuroka and Irina's attack push them back. There's still an army of minions between them and Another Decade Complete Form. Xenovia's attack lands on top of the army to make them explode. Issei's dragon shot finishes off the remaining minions. Another Decade Complete Form raises his hand for Kamen Rider Ouja, Caucasus, Glaive, and Fuma to appear out of Aurora Curtains. Y/N touches multiple Rider Reliefs to summon some Riders.

Ryuki! Kabuto! Blade! Ex-Aid!

Ryuki Survive swings his sword to fight Ouja. Kabuto and Caucasus clock up to start fighting. Blade Jack Form to clash swords with Glaive. Ex-Aid VRX kicks Fuma to start trading blows.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(If the video doesn't show up it's W-B-X~ W- Boiled Extreme Kamen Rider W's opening)
Y/N touches the Decade Rider Relief to summon the RideBooker in blade mode. He swings it at Another Decade Complete Form for her to block it with her arm. Shotaro and Philip run past them to slash Another Decade Complete Form's sides. Mikoto dashes to join Kabuto fighting Caucasus. Woz thrusts his spear to hit Glaive in the chest. The Occult Club is fighting around them stopping the minions from joining the fight. Another Decade Complete Form summons her Another RideBooker to block Y/N's attack to push him back. She blocks Shotaro's attack to kick him back then hits away Philip's sword to slash his stomach. The three regroup to find another way to attack.

Y/N: "You two go in I'll provide cover fire." Y/N transforms the RideBooker into gun mode.

Shotaro & Philip: "Got it!" The two W riders run in to swing their swords. Another Decade Complete Form blocks Shotaro's attack for Y/N to fire hitting her side. Shotaro is able to slash down Another Decade Complete Form's chest. Philip slashes her back next. With there new strategy the three riders are able to push the Another Rider back. In clock up Kabuto throws a punch for Caucasus to block it with his foreback. Mikoto appears behind him to slash his back. Kabuto and Mikoto then slam his chest with their fists to send him into a building. Blade Jack Form flies by to slash Glaive sending him towards Woz. Woz spins to swing his speak slashing Glaive's stomach. Shotaro and Philip thrust their swords to stab Another Decade Complete Form in the chest. Y/N steps in front of them to activate an attack on the RideBooker.

Attack Ride! Blast!

The RideBooker rapid fires for the energy blasts to hit the Another Rider. Y/N tosses the RideBooker aside to summon Zikan Girade.

Y/N: "One last attack!" Y/N holds up the W ridewatch for diamond energy to coat to transforming into CycloneJokerXtreme Ridewatch.


Y/N slots it in his sword to activate a finisher.

Finish Time! CycloneJokerXtreme!

Shotaro and Philip activate a finisher on their Prismbicker.

Cyclone! Maximum Drive! Heat! Maximum Drive! Luna! Maximum Drive! Joker! Maximum Drive! x 2

The three riders run at the Another Rider. Y/N pulls the trigger to swing upwards with the W riders.

Xtreme! Giri Giri Slash!

The three riders slash Another Decade Complete Form with prism energy sending her in the air. All three jump in the air to activate a finisher in their drivers.

Xtreme! Maximum Drive! x 2

Shotaro & Philip: "W Extreme!" Shotaro and Philip rider kick the Another Rider to appear behind her.

All Twenty! Time Break!

Rider Relief portals appear for all the Heisei Rider's to teleport next to Y/N. From Kuuga to Build the rider kick Another Decade Complete Form for their symbol to appear in her. Finally Y/N heads towards Another Decade Complete Form to rider kick her. Time seems to stop for Y/N as he's rider kicking Another Decade Complete Form. He looks at the Another Rider as gold energy from his right foot shoots out everywhere. Y/N sees Rias appear and he starts to fall towards her.

Y/N: "Where am I!? Wait this place is like what I went through." He notices he's no longer in his rider form. Y/N looks at Rias for his clock wings to appear. He dives at her for memories to begin to flow into Y/N.

(The Power Of The Destroyer Will Extinguish The Flames! memory)

Flashback Rias: "Silly boy. Going through all this over someone like me...."

Flashback Y/N: "I made a promise I would protect you and I'm going to keep it."

(Normal Devil Day's memory)

Flashback Rias: "Hey dear...

Flashback Y/N: "Yes, Rias? She only calls me dear when we're joking."

Flashback Rias: "If you don't give me a good excuse on why you have lipstick on your neck I will disintegrate you."

Flashback Y/N: "Ah shi-....This week has been weird...or normal as I am a devil now."

(A Magical New Start! It's Showtime! memory)

Flashback Rias: "I can see it in your eyes. You want to come at me just like when I first came to your room." Y/N remembers the day Rias asked him to take her virginity.

Flashback Y/N: "T-That was...."

Flashback Rias: "It's all right. I'll do anything for you that makes you happy." Rias holds Y/N's cheeks and slowly goes for a kiss.

(Nexus Time! The Connection To The Full Power Of A Rider! memory)

Flashback Y/N: "Just need...some...rest..."

Flashback Rias: "You do and now hush." Y/N nods to Rias.

(The Time Stopping Vampire! memory)

Flashback Y/N: "Rias! You said you're a horrible King, I don't think you are but I know you still think that. Kivat, I want you to help Rias save Gasper."

Flashback Kivat 1st: "What?" Kivat 1st and Rias look at each other.

Flashback Y/N: "I don't know if this will work but we should try it."

Flashback Rias: ".....Kivat, if you will!"

Flashback Kivat: "....Yes, Lady Rias!" Kivat 1st flies into Rias' right hand.

(I Am The King! memory)

Flashback Rias walks up to Y/N. She kneels and hugs Y/N pressing his head into her chest.

Flashback Rias: "Are you still you?"

Flashback Y/N: "I am. I just accepted my mirror self, my dark half." Y/N hugs her back enjoying the softness.

Flashback Y/N: "Can I fall asleep like this?"

Flashback Rias: "Yes." Rias starts to pat Y/N head.

(The Return Of God! Orange You Glad To See Me? memory)

Flashback Y/N is playing the shooting game. He holds the gun to aim at the targets.

Flashback Y/N: "5...4...3...2...1...Zero Time!" Y/N hears the finishing sound in his head.

Sure Sure Uchi!

Flashback Y/N fires hitting all the targets for the stand boss to be shocked by his aim. The stand boss hands Y/N a giant bear plushy. He hands it to Rias for her to smile. Y/N grabs the arm of the plushy to shake it at Rias. He does a squeaky voice saying hi to Rias making her laugh.

Current Y/N reaches out for Rias as darkness wraps around her.

Y/N: "RIAS!" Rias opens her eyes to reach out for Y/N. There hands touch for light to shine destroying the darkness. Y/N pulls Rias towards him for her to hug him.

Rias: "Y/N! My Y/N!"

The minions the Occult Club are fighting all disappear even the A.R. Riders. The Rider Relief Rider return to their time. The Another World begins to disappear making the Occult Club fall into the abyss. The light disappears for Y/N to open his eyes. He is hugging Rias like he was in her mind.

Y/N: "You're back. I never wanna lose you like that again." Red energy starts to form Y/N in front of them.

Y/N: "Loki's curse!" Y/N transforms into a Zi-O colored Juggernaut Drive.

The Occult Club have made it back to Y/N's house.

Rossweisse: "I'm glad you're all safe. I was surprised when you all just suddenly popped out of nowhere."

Xenovia: "But President Rias and Issei are still..." Azazel walks up to them.

Azazel: "Like I suspected, it seems Loki used a fragment of Issei's Juggernaut Drive. Now with Aevi taking over his plans. What happened?"

Akeno: "He said he modified the curse."

Azazel: "I can only speculate what he has done."

Kiba: "But we do know Y/N will be fighting a clone of himself. Can Y/N win?"

Azazel: "Dunno know. All we can do is believe in him. In his true strength."

Rossweisse: "Let us pray for now."

Shotaro: "We won't need too." Shotaro puts on his hat.

Philip: "Yes, Y/N..."

Shotaro & Philip: "Will win!"

Back in the Dimensional Gap, Y/N and Rias stare at the roaring Juggernaut Drive. The Juggernaut Drive fires a magenta beam with katakana in it saying Sure Sure Shooting. Holding onto Rias, Y/N flies around dodging the beams.

Y/N: "I've had enough of copies of me running around!" Y/N stares at Rias.

Y/N: "I made a promise and I will keep it. Anything and anyone that comes our way I will defeat them to protect you!" Rias looks at Y/N.

Rias: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Henshin!"

Grand Time! Iwae! Kamen Rider! Grand Zi-O!

Y/N: "Rias..." Y/N let's go of Rias to fly in front of her.

Y/N: "....Stay the strong and dignified person you are forever. The person I fell in love with! Even if you there is a weak part you that no one knows, it doesn't matter! You don't need to worry. I'm here to make up for that weakness!" Y/N's body glows with gold energy.

Y/N: "This must be what Ajuka did. He said he modified my Evil Piece. I can feel my power restoring and getting stronger!" The Juggernaut Drive's chest opens up.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(If the video doesn't show up it's Kamen Rider Zi-O's opening.)

Y/N flies forward for the Juggernaut Drive to fire a magenta beam saying with katakana King Sure Sure Shooting. Y/N touches the Wizard Rider Relief for Wizard Infinity Styles to appear in front of Y/N using the barrier ring to block the attack. Y/N and Wizard push forward towards the Juggernaut Drive. Y/N summons his Saikyo Zikan Girade. He makes his drive spin for a finisher.

Finish Time! Grand Zi-O!

Y/N swings sword to destroy the energy beam. The Heisei Riders in their final forms appear around Y/N with their swords. Y/N thrusts his sword in the air for golden blade to shoot out. The Heisei Riders all swing their swords sending energy slashes at the Juggernaut Drive. The energy slashes hit the Juggernaut Drive to make it roar. Y/N finishes off the Juggernaut Drive by doing an overhead swing for the golden blade to cut in half.

All Twenty! Giri Giri Slash!

The Juggernaut Drive explodes for the Heisei Riders to be sent back to their time.
(Kamen Rider Zi-O opening ends here.)

Y/N flies towards Rias to de-Henshin.

Y/N: "Aw man...I'm tired." Y/N wraps his hands around Rias' waist. Rias wraps her arms around his neck to move closer to him. The Dimensional Gap starts to wrap.

Rias: "The field is...." Y/N and Rias are teleport in a straight dimension.

Y/N: "What's going on!? Are we still in the Dimensional Gap!?" They fall in water going deeper and deeper.

Rias: "I don't know." A golden portal opens for Y/N and Rias to float into. The two opens their eyes to see they are in a room.

Y/N: "I know this room. It's Sougo's throne room." Y/N points to the throne. They hear something hit the ground and a groan next to the throne. The two walk up to the throne room to see Sougo on the floor next to the throne.

Y/N: "Sougo-sama!"

Rias: "Ohma Zi-O-sama!" Y/N helps Sougo up and puts him in his throne.

Y/N: "Sougo-sama, are you okay?" Sougo chuckles to look at Y/N.

Sougo: "You did it. You obtained all 20 Heisei Rider powers that's including Zi-O's. I feel pride in you like a father would. I got to see you grow from a small flame that could have been snuffed out by the darkness to a sun that radiates light pushing back the darkness."

Y/N: "What are you talking about, Sougo!?"

Sougo: "When I was your age I collected the ridewatches but in doing so that Riders history was completely forgotten. It also cause our worlds to fuse together. Once I defeated Swartz I decided to restart time, separating our worlds and restoring the Heisei Rider's history."

Y/N: "Why are you telling me this?"

Sougo: "You have been doing the same thing but the Heisei Rider's history wasn't being erased. You have been taking small portions of my power into yourself. Now that all my power is gone my time has come."

Y/N: "Wait Sougo...No!" Sougo places his hand on Y/N's shoulder for him to lose his rider form. Y/N and Rias see an old man with white hair.

Y/N: "What...you!? You're the old man I met when I was little."

Sougo: "Nice to see you again, Y/N L/N."

Rias: "You met Y/N all those years ago?"

Sougo: "I did when I was looking for an heir to my throne. I met him and saw his potential. I know he was the one."

Y/N: "You can't die now. My journey isn't over!"

Sougo: "You may have a father but you are like a son to me." Y/N remembers the time Sougo spoke to him during Super Hero Senki.

Y/N: "Stop it! Woz! WOZ! Where is he!? I need your Queen Piece!" Woz is standing in front of Y/N's house to look up at the blue sky.

Woz: "Good bye....old friend."

Sougo: "I've accepted this a long time ago, Y/N. I have no regrets now. Thank you for letting me feel this pride." Sougo starts to slowly disappear into gold sparkling lights.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(If the video doesn't show up it's the OverQuartzer instrument version.)

Y/N: "Sougo! What about the coronation!? You have to be there!?" Y/N has tears running down his cheeks.

Y/N: "I met all of Heisei Riders except you! I-I never got to know more about you! Please Sougo! I have so much to learn from you!" Rias starts to cry alongside Y/N.

Y/N: "Please don't go!" Sougo closes his eyes to finally rest fully disappearing. Y/N rests his head on the throne for Rias to hug him.

Y/N: "SOUGO!!"

Sougo: "Y/N..." Y/N and Rias look up at the floating gold lights.

Sougo: "My final words to you, my prince. Become the greatest and kindest Demon King."

The gold lights float in the sky for a young man who's laying on the ground to feel them.

The boy stands up for Geiz to walk up to him.

Geiz: "Too you long enough." The boy smiles at him.

Boy: "Sorry, someone needed my guidance."

Geiz: "I worry for him because guidance from you is a terrible thing to follow." Geiz and the boy both laugh together as white feathers fall around them.

Y/N is standing watching the gold light disappear. He whips his tears to sit in the throne. Y/N holds his hand out to Rias for her to take it. Rias sits in his lap as roof of the room opens up for the light of sun to shine down on them.

Y/N: "I will make the world a better place and make people happy. I will become the greatest and kindest Demon King with you by my side, my Demon Queen." Rias wraps her arms around his neck.

Rias: "I will always be by your side, my Demon King." The two lean in to kiss.
