Chapter 14:Pool days

The novelist man name kamiyam touma have been gainted the unspeakable power to stop britannian as he believe of expose the truth,therefore in his journey he must face a lot of challeng that are waitting for him espcially Lelouch,As for lelouch he believe in destroy britannian to creat a better world for his sister nunnally.Sometime touma friend come to help,sometime don't.Touma must take this fight onto him.And which consequence he will take in the fight he are in a fight of his own to protect people he know,and love and which fate that are waiting him and lelouch.

Saber dodged every slash of pride,he jump dodges the shadow.Pride charges at saber,swing his double sword.Saber dodges,he raise kaenken block it.Saber push it swing kaenken slash him Two time,Make pride backwalk.Saber put kaenken back in the driver press it two time


Saber pull kaenken out of the driver.Saber spin kaenken as kaenken gather all fire

Saber swing kaenken.Fire slice wave fly to pride.Pride raise his dual sword make it become a X sight.Pride block it struggling hold his feet.Pride sword absoring the fire make the fire slice wave become his.Saber wide eyes shock to see pride can do it

Pride: "Persent for you Saber"he swing his dual sword.Saber raise kaenken to block it,he push it aways.A shadow hit saber chest,push him.Pride charges at saber,he jump creat gilder pride fly toward to saber grab his neck,slam him to the ground drag him "hahahahahah!"
(Black knight base)
The window of black knight be broken it by greed.Greed be push fell on the ground,he stand up touch his chest

Greed: "Who know electry are hard to take downs!"

A lighting come him.Greed dodges of it,he look who fire the lighting it was electro.Electro approach to greed,he raise his lefr armr shoot lighting.Greed dodges every lighting,he began to run.Electro keep shoot lighting follow greed running.Greed stop,he charges at electro throw left punch,puch his face but only make greed be shocked.Greed be push aways roll on ground

Electro:Look greed "Hahah how did you felt now,You should mind your own business"

Greed:stand up "Yeah let you hurt those in there,sorry i not pal not gonna chance plus my girl are with them too"

Electro: "Then die!"he raise both armr fire at greed.Greed jump dodges of it.Greed land down

Greed: "Time to level up!"he raise his driver put on his waist.Raise eternal phoenix ride book


Greed inster it on the driver,grab the kyomu pull it


Greed: "HENSHIN!"he swing kymou as phoenix fly cricle to him,He become falchion

Electro:Doesn't impressive as much "You think fancy armor gonna save you?"He shoot lighting.Falchion swing kymou push it aways.Electro and falchion charges each other.Falchion swing kymou.Electro dodges every slash of him.He shoot lighting.Falchion raise kymou block it,Falchion spin side kick him,make him bacwalk.Falchion separe his wing fly to him swing kymou slash him to left and right of him push felt roll on the ground.Electro stand up use his both armr bost him up to fly.He shoot lighting falchion fly dodges every lighting.Electro fly follow him,he keep shoot him.
(Asford academy)
After cleaning the pool,Kento and shirley decide to take a break as they are eating lunch,Kento eat ramen,Shirley eat sandwish

Shirley:Notice kento eat his ramen "Hey kento what are you eating?"she ask kento

Kento:look at her "Oh i eat ramen..."he wonder why she ask him about food he are eating "Why you ask?"

Shirley: "Oh nothing is just i kinda curious about food you eat and honest i never see ramen before"

Kento:Surprise see shirley never have eat or taste the ramen how it's felt "You never eat it a ramen?"he ask her to make sure she are liding or not.Shirley nood yes,kento see this,he was thinking get her eat his ramen to get her see how it taste,kento stand up approach to shirley give her his ramen

Shirley:Confuse "w-w-what are you doing kento?"

Kento: "I get you to taste the japan ramen,try it!"

Shirley:don't sure she took it or not,Her cherck begin blush at kento generous offer "Uhmm...thank Kento but i got my own!"she raise her sandwish to him.

Kento: "Oh that is good for you!"he pull the ramen back to him.Kento eat it

Shirley:Look at kento "Hey might be one day could you get me...go to dinner?"

Kento: "Dinner?like a date"

Shirley:blush "AW no-no-no not a date is a friendly dinner,and i would want to tast the ramen you said"

Kento:Chuckle and smile at her "Okay!"

Shirley: "Great!"A ring tone come from kento,pocket,kento take out it was his phone,he press enter

Kento: "Hello!"he heard something make him wide eyes and drop his ramen "What touma are in dangerous?"shirley look at him she are curious what make kento drop his ramen and what does his mean touma are in dangerous.Kento nodd like he undetstand "Okay i understand!"he hung his phone off,he put it back in his pocket

Shirley:look at kento "what is going on?"she ask him

Kento: "Megiddon attack touma,he are in dangerous,i gotta go help him"

Shirley: "Wait i go with you too kento"

Kento:don't want shirley into this fight he don't she be hurt "you can't join in it's dangerous"

Shirley: "Touma is mine friend too,i not go sit here watch my friend be hurt"

Kento:see how stubborn shirley are but he have reject for her own good "i know shirley but you can't join the fight of us,you will be hurt so please leave the fight for us!"

Shirley:understand what he are doing "i understand kento but..."she look at with the concer eyes of her "becarefull"

Kento:smile "I know!"he raise book gate open it,Gaint ride book appear.Kento turn run enter of it.Shirley felt like she are useless in kento and other battle,but part of her think this is better cause if she in the battle she would be hurt and become a burden to kento and his friend so this is the best she could,she could hope that he will fine far from her.Lust is outside she touch the windows

Lust:smile "i have find you now my daugther"
Saber be throw to the wall.Saber fell on the ground.Saber try to stand up but shadow boom fly to him.Saber notice he dodges the boom it explosion,Saber look at pride.Pride fly control his shadow.Saber dodges all the shadow,He jump left punch pride face make him backwalk,Saber land down on the ground

Saber: "Give up pride!"

Pride: "Give up and let the fun go aways,No-no-no saber the fun only begging hahahah!"he fly,his shadow fly to saber

Saber pull Kaenken block every hit of the shadows.Pride throw the shadow boom.Saber notice this he jump aways it explosion.Luckily no one around here,Pride gilder hit saber,Saber fell on the ground.

Pride: "I would love to finish you saber but time have a limited so we will soon meet again stay safe saber cause i will back!"he fly aways.Saber stand up watch him fly aways,he dehenshin back as touma,c2 approach to him

C2: "Are you okay touma?"she ask him

Touma:turn look at c2 smile "Yeah i fine,just a little injurged on my chest nothing to worry about it"

C2: "Even so you have to be more carefull and..."she cross her armr "still think keep distan is a good ideas?"

Touma:thinking,he and her keep distand with each other was a bad ideas cause pride will allaways after him and her or annyone else "Yeah i begin think keep distan me and you are worst,but no matter what happend,i will stop pride and other before he would hurt more people,that include you too c2!"

C2:blush "Oh...thank!"

Touma:smile "You welcome!"a gaint book appear infornt of them.A foot walk out it was Kento.Touma was cuirious "Kento why you doing here?"

Kento: "We hear ryoga said you are indangerous!"he look at touma "are you okay touma?"he ask touma

Touma:smile make kento not worry on him "i fine nothing to worry"

Kento: "You sure?"he look around see no sight of megiddon "where is megiddon?"

Touma: "pride just retreat"

Kento: "Wait pride here?"Touma nodd yes "Why he retreat?"he ask touma

Touma: "i don't know but he tell me we will meet again soon"

This make kento and touma wondering what is pride plan.Suddenly a gaint ride book appear make three of them attention.From a book it was rintaro he run pass them.

C2:Curious "Why he run pass us?"

Touma: "I don't know"

Kento: "RINTARO!"Rintaro stop running he realize he just run pass them

Rintaro:Turn look at them "Sorry for run pass you guy?"

Touma: "why you run pass us rintaro?"he ask rintaro

Kento: "yeah why?"

Rintaro: "well....!"
Rintaro have arrive kitchen room place why?cause milly calling him,tell him meet her in the kitchen room which rintaro was curiou and wonder as same time why she want meet him in kitchen

Rintaro: "Why kitchen?what is this about?"he approach the room,enter it,room are dark make Rintaro supision of it,the light on,he raise his left armr to cover his eyes,he low his armr,he wide mouth and wide eyes when he see milly wear a maid outfist and do seductive pose by lay on the table

Milly:smile "Hello tiger...graw!"she make groan sound

Rintaro:Can't believe his eye,he was confuse and wonder why milly wear maid uniform "President w-why you wear maid uniform?"

Milly:smile,she crawl to rintaro "i hear you're sick tiger?"

Rintaro:blush when she said his new nickname tiger "Uhmm...i-i-i not sick"

Milly: "Not sick?Don't lied you're have a sickness call Heart break from love,let me take care of you Master!"

Rintaro:try to smile and not want make thing worst "heheheh!"he just chuckle hoping thing would be better or might be,a ring tone,he take his phone put on his ears "y-y-yes!what i got it?"he hung of his phone,he look at milly "President i gotta to go now,sorry for make your time waste!"

Milly:understand his job "I understand...!"she smile make him have a courages "Go kick they ass tiger"

Rintaro:Blush "thank...!"he raise his ride book gate open it,gaint ride book appear,rintaro run away
Touma and kento were wide mouth hear rintaro explain,c2 hear this make her remember the time she wear nurse uniform touma.A explosion occur make four of them turn look at it,The trio was worry there is attack of megiddon and probabbly there is a people near there.The trio not going let people in there be hurt,They raise they vechicle.Touma throw daigo speedy make it become a motorbike.Kento and rintaro phone become a motorbike have three wheel.The trio hop in they bike

Touma:Turn look at C2 "c2 wait for me in the room"

C2:understand "i got it but you becarefull touma,i don't our deal be broken when you die"

Touma: "is not a deal,is promise!"the trio ride aways.

C2: "promise?"she smile "be while i heard that"
Falchion be push on the ground.Electro fly shoot lighting.Falchion stand up jump dodges of it.Electro fly toward to falchion throw left hook punch falchion make him push aways fell on the ground.

Falchion: "why good guy have be get beat up?"

Electro: "Hahaha this is mine play ground now"

He shoot lighting.Falchion quickly stand up pull kymou block it,he push lighting aways,charges at electro,electro creat lighting katana,he charges at falchion,two of them collapse they sword sruggling each other.Falchion push his sword,side kick him make him backwalk.Falchion Charges at him swing kymou.Electro dodges every slash of him.He swing his sword.Falchion dodges of it,He swing Kymou.Electro raise his katan block it,Electro push it swing his katan.Falchion dodges separe his flame wint he jump spin round house kick make him stumble and backwalk.Electro angry shoot light at falchion.Falchion put kymou in driver press it two time.


Falchion separe his wing all flame come forward to him,falchion do his ride kick,phoenix burst Kick.Electro shoot lighting but it no use.Falchion fly kick electro.Electro raise his armr block it hold his feet he could.Falchion kick throught him,he land down on the ground as Electro spark out a flame,he kneel down explosion behind falchion.Falchion turn see electro still have his body despise he be destroy by powerfull kick yet he still intact and unconsionus.Falchion hear a sound of bike,he turn it was the trio

Touma:see everything are damged a little "did we miss something?"

Falchion: "yes you guy did miss a big fight kid!"he take his ride book out came back as greed The trio out of they bike

Rintaro:notice electro on the ground and he are unconsionus "That megiddo is alive or death?"

Greed: "what kind stupid question yes it is he still alive,but unconsionus"

They all look at electro,touma was curious about why electro be unconsoinus ususally a megiddon should separted the host but electro is different

Touma:look at rintaro,kento and greed "we gotta to get him before britannian came!"the swordman agreed.they approach to electro but a slice wave come them.They all step aside.The swordman look who swing it,it was legeiel "Legeiel!"

Legeiel: "He is mine swordman!"he Approach to electro he pick him up

The swordman not going let him take electro aways and using him,swordman charges at legiel,Legiel fade aways with electro,the swordman stop run as they were too late.
(League of anarchy and choas base)
Electro open his eyes slowly infornt of him is Zooous

Zooous:Look at legeiel "Hey legeiel your pest akwaked!"he walk to the chair,he sit downs

Electro see the league.Storious sit on the chair,legeiel,lust and gulltory standing.

Electro: "where i'm?..."he look up "and who are you guys?"

Legeiel: "that is how you thank for a one save you?"

Electro: "You save me?"he look closely he wide eyes recoginze legeiel "YOU!you was the one make me like THIS!"he stand up brust out lighting.The league duck aways.Legeiel block the lighting

Legeiel: "You should be gratefull for the power i give you!"

Electro: "You mean this power become a freak?"

Legeiel: "Is not a freak a gift for you,so that you can destroy britannian one and for all"

Electro:confuse "Destroy britannian?"he mutted

Storious:decide to speak up "Listen to legeiel this power doesn't have a cure,you're one of us now"

Electro:look at storious "Who are you?"he ask storious

Storious:stand up from his chair "My name is storious,i'm leader of this group"

Electro: "terroist?"

Storious:Walk cricle "no we aren't a terriost nor the knight of justice,we are league of anarchy and choas,our prupose is bring the true freedom of humanity"

Legeiel: "by making them become a megiddon,perfect form for them"

Storious: "Human have make mistake and war is one of them mistake,they keep jurdging each other,rascit,is becaues they don't accepted what new on this world,they will keep make war on each other even zero bring britannian down,this isn't about britannian this is about human,From the frist time human were born have a sin and we just make you a perfect creature"

Electro hear what storious said,he was right even bring britannian down human will keep rascit,jurgding each other and step on each other so become a megiddon is a good choice if it mean kill those don't accepted

Electro: "you know what..."he raise his both armr "I think i will keep this power,and you right become like this better become a true monster"

Storious:smile "welcome To league of anarchy and choas"legeiel,zooous,lust smile at they new members.From a far pride on his gilder watch everything now league have a new members

Pride: "oh goody,more member,more explosion!"
In the taxi envy listening the rock song

Jerome: "You are listen rock song?"he ask envy

Envy: "that is a foxking ridiculous Stupid shit question,of course i'm listen a rock song why?"

Jerome: "well...usually britannian people would listen a news or hear a they country song"

Envy: "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah You must be foxking JOKING who the fox want to listen a bullshit news,and listen Britanniashit country they sound more like Nazi and honestly i don't like Nazi cause they are just bunched idiost hahahahahahah but this...."he point the the radio "Is a foxking best of all,i must give a credit to those make this Song,Rock song make life foxking rock harder hahahahahah!"

Jerome: "Good for you i guest!"

Envy move his body like he are dancing,rock is one of his farvoited music since his hair is like a rockstar human.

Envy: "do you really want taste it-What's going must come down-do you really want taste it-Baby i losing NOW!"

Jerome hear this song so catchy yet it is so much full energy,he move his body like he are dancing.
The taxi have arrive castle,Envy look at it,he smile

Jerome: "It is 50 dollar!"

Envy:look at jerome "I don't have foxking monney so don't said monney infornt my face"

Jerome: "well that is okay no monney might be a fist bump"he raise his armr

Envy:confuse "Fist bump?"

Jerome: "Yeah since you talking with me with is no one ever have done it to me and fist bump mean you don't have to pay monney even i said monney you would kill me"

Envy:chuckle "Right on my mouth okay fine by yours stupid human"he raise his armr fist bump him "And no one know about this,if the britannian ask where is envy tell them that i long gone,or don't said annything,if you foxking speak up,i will make sure you life will be fox up"he open the door out of taxi

Jerome: "Okay that's weird serial killer ever"he drive aways leave envy

Envy stand infornt gate of the castle,he approach to the castle,A gurad notice envy here,he wide eyes,he quickly sound the alarms sound.Envy stop walk when he hear alarms.a lot of gurad cricle around surrounding him

Gurads: "You must be envy,is time you going face justice for what you did to private kuruguki"

Envy:wide grin "hehehehe you still remember that little shit,i just do for world favor"

Gurads: "SLIENT!caught him"he order his man

Envy: "You peices worm going have a one ride TO HELL"all them charges at envy while envy standing he smile and grin as the sane time.
Inside of the castle cornelia and euphemia are siting on they throne.Guildford standing down on them

Guildford: "as you can see viceroy the ceremony of clovis pool are been ready"

Cornelia: "I don't want it be intercurrpted by terriost even zero or some incident like train and hotel again"

Guildford: "I assume to you that we have be ready all force and gurad"

Cornelia: "Good!"she turn look at euphemia "are you ready for the ceremony clovis pool yet euphy?"

Euphemie:smile,she are hype up the ceremony of her brother pool and it is a best thing her brother ever make "Yes,i can't wait to into it sis"

Corneila:smile "Me too euphy!"

A gurad are rushing in the throne room,Guildford look at him

Guildford: "What is going?"he ask him

Gurads: "Viceroy and sub vicerory there is a stranger here?"

Cornelia: "zero?"she thought it was zero

Gurad:shake his head "no is not zero,worst?"

A body of the gurad fell down his eyes was be rip out,a lot of cropse of gurad lay on the ground they body were be rip apart,limb be cut off like a sushi,Lung is out of them.Envy grab one gurad neck

Gurad:felt scared at envy " don't no...NO"his head be spilt it to half

Envy:grin as his work "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahmwhahahahahahahahahahahahbwhahahahahahahahahahahahahah"a gun sound make him he turn his head see a lot of solider point gun as him "Gun?tch human never assume me with you pathiec mind hahahahahahahah"he about charges at all them but a voice shout up it was euphemia

Euphemia: "ENVY!"

Envy:stop he look see euphemia among those solider "Euphy..."he gritted his teeth why euphemia are right here in his fun time "AGHT GET THE FOX OUT OF HERE!"

Euphemia:approach to him "Envy please that's enought you have to stop please"

Envy: "I said AGAIN GET THE FOX OUT OF MINE WAY"something hit on his neck,he take it look at it,it's a needless,his vision became blurry and felt dizzy "Motherf...."he fell on the ground unconsionus.Euphemia look who shoot the needless it was her sisters

Cornelia: "Take him to the interrogation room"she order to the solider

Solider: "Yes my lord!"they all approach to envy,wrap they armr around him they felt he are heavier "Why this guy is heavy"they all drag him away.Euphemia was worry for envy cause she know her sister will do annything to make him talk.
(Sword of logo)
All swordman were surprise and shocked as the same time of the explain of touma and greed

Ryo: "Sort of both of you have a difficunlt fight of two megiddon?"

Touma and greed: "Yep!"

Touma: "But it make me think about pride?why he retreat even thought he have uperhand than me"he got point why pride leave,he got uperhand of touma why leave,why he didn't finish him there

Greed: "You right that is not pride i knew,the pride i knew is never give a goody two shoes about you or everyone else"he was wonder same as touma only,he remember clearly that pride he knew isn't a mercy.

All swordman were thinking about this bizzared situation.Touma rub his chin try remember why pride retreat,He could think of three possiblity.One that pride like play his mind.two is pride are planding.Three is the combine of the two play mind game and planding.

Ryo:see this so much and right now his team need a rest "You kid know what,get rest all of you the pride thing will be later right now get a rest"

The young swordman that include greed,agreed what ryo said,pride thing will be put aside later now they need a rest for themself.Touma,rintaro,kento,ren and greed walk out the base.
(Britannian castle/Intergation room)
Inside of the room.Envy open his eye,he look down see himself are be tied up on the table by cop,he try to break it but can't.

Envy: "fox!"a voice speak up it was guildford sit infront of him

Guildford: "Do you have a nice sleep you?"he ask envy.Envy was like he don't care

Envy: "Fox you!"

Guildford: "I see every record of you in every data of the people britannian include eleven there is no such name envy"

Envy:smile "hahah of course you don't cause your human are stupid as fox hahahaha"

Guildford: "you kill suzaku kuruguki right and why?"

Envy: "Have i hear this question befor oh yeah I hear it from a stupid dragon and for you question,you just simply know that i kill him becaues i foxking like it hahahahah oh man his face so priceless honoray britannian more like Honoray britannishit and FOX hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"he raise his two middle finger to guildford

Guildford:try to clam downs "You better know you dealing here we are a britannian"

Envy: "so what like?the fox i care of you,hey if i have a abilty shrink i could shrink you down,put you in my pocket bring you to my home,play my lego star war or don't Sleep with chewbaca here is fact,wookies have a teeth on they ass and that's cannon"

Guildford: "I'm not play around with you envy so be serious"

Envy: "you remind me,mine crap i took only asian

Guildford: "why you think i'm asian?You eleven"

Envy: "Oh i don't know cause your face remind me so much Park hae-so from squid game of krorena,only different you have a foxking stupid pony hair hahahahahaha"

Guildford felt like envy are mocking him which he did mocking him,guildford can't handel of him,he stand up approach to the door

Envy:grin like mocking him and his hair "Hey i want a phone call,Calling YOU FAT FOXKING MON hahahahahahahah"he step his foot on the ground two time,lay his head on table slam his fist on table and laughing "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!"

Guilford open the door walk out in angry way.While envy keep laughing,he raise middle finger

Outside euphemia and cornelia watch envy raise his middle finger to them.Guilford approach to cornelia

Guildford: "I don't want disrespted you viceroy!i suggest we should kill him"

Cornelia:disagreed "I disagreed he could be a most powerfull Weapon even zero won't know how to deal it"

Guildford:surprise "Viceroy you know what he did,he kill a lot of solider,even kill suzaku in cold blood"

Cornelia:Know what he did and kind like him would using "I know but kind like him we could use plus..."she look at guilford "did we have a crazy kind like him?"

Guilford:can't said no to cornelia "Yeah we did but bradley is different while him is pure of Crazyness actually more crazy than bradley"

Euphemia look envy,she hear what her sister said and it make her felt like what her sister doing is wrong,she know envy have a problem,she need to know him

Euphemia: "sister?"

Cornelia:look at her "What is it euphy?"she ask her

Euphemia:look at her sister "I want take him as mine responsible!"

Guildford:disagreed euphemia ideas "absoulty not sub viceroy,you can see what he have done!"

Euphemia: "i know what he done,but..."she turn look at envy "when he see me he don't attack me,please let me have this responsible"

Cornelia:Can't stop her sister Stubborn "Fine but if he try make a trouble you know the conqusen"

Euphemia understand she turn look at envy.Euphemia approach to the door open and enter it.
(Interegation room)
Envy place his two foot on the table,He close his eyes hear the door sound open.

Envy:cocky smile "back for more,You foxking Park hae-so..."he low his foot open his eyes,wide eyes see euphemia are infornt of him "Fox...What are you doing here euphy?"

Euphemia: "Envy i want to tell you that from now on,you will be with me,your mine resposible"

Envy:don't care "Yeah listen up you stupid princess...I ain't foxking No one lap dog shit,i been there throught that and honestly it doesn't fell good be a lapdog"

Euphemia: "Then why you are here?"she ask him

Envy:don't know why he here "Tch what did you care?"

Euphemia: "are you here to kill soilder or me"

Envy:shocked and surprise as her question,he does like kill soilder but when he see euphy he can't shake felt of worry "Frist of all i here to kill soilder and...not you"

Euphemia: "If you don't here kill me and then why you kill soilder"

Envy: "They foxking idiost so i kill them off"

Euphemia: "Then you can kill me right infornt of them but you don't,you aren't here to kill soilder you here for me"

Envy:wide eyes "What?Why should i want to meet you?"

Euphemia: "Then why you here?"

Envy speakless at her question,he can't find anny word to her which she was right he here for her and kill soilder is like self defeneted in burtal way

Euphemia: "Envy i have a propsola to you,you can live with me in one condition don't hurt every soilder"

Envy: "Tch fine"he have no choice but in his mind have other plan,he turn open his little grin (thought) "you don't know what you did cause i'm going fox you kingdome up"
(Asford academy)
The trio are doing they regular activty.Touma reading his book,Rintaro are checking every papper,Kento is look at windows yet he still think about pride

Milly: " everyone i got a prounment"

Touma:look at milly curious "what's it president?"

Milly: "be ready cause tommorrow we are going pool"

Rivalz:raise his armr in happy "Alright"but the trio were confuse

Rintaro: "Wait i thought we going pool in tuesday?"

Touma:agreed "Yeah!"

Milly: "ever since the japan liberation attack the hotel,the day was been move to make sure thing won't be like hotel incident again oh yeah train incident too"

Touma:see she got a point two incident make the Britannian decide move day to make thing better which he see this good opertunity for his resting "If you then we will get ready for the best day!"he stand up groof smile "After all fighting megiddon it i think we desvers a rest"

Rintaro:agreed "That's right and pool is a good choice"

Kento:see go pool nothing bad will happend "I agreed both of them!"

Milly:smile glads two of them want to go "then you three be ready we will set up in 7 o'clock"

Touma:smile "yes ma'am"
(Touma room)
C2:look at touma "Pool day?"

Touma:Nood smile "That's right tomorrow we going pool days and i...i..."he try to ask to her go however he can't,affair she not like it but he have to try it "I...i want you to go pool too!"

C2: "why?"

Touma: "Cause pool is the wonderfull people gather have a fun playing on the pool,even me as a novelist i would need a ideas of making story,plus is good for you make a friend in there too!"

C2: "Okay!"

Touma:confuse "what do you mean okay?"

C2: "Meaning i will go to pool with you"

Touma:smile he glad she accepted to go pool a good oppertunity for her get a friend and have fun with everyone "That's great let me pack up..."he approach to his wardrobe open it pick up his clothes for tomorrow even c2.C2 stand  watch him,she smile a little as she are thinking.
(Castle/euphemia room)
After envy become a resposible to euphemia,he lay on the bed felt boring and he don't know why he accepted her offer,his chest beat up it make him vexed

Envy: "Agth stupid feling?"a voice speak up it was desast,lean on the walk cross his armr

Desast: "so you are now become a lapdog for those boring?"

Envy:quickly wake up "What the fox you doing here desast?"he ask desast.Desast approach to him

Desast: "I want to see how you doing kid and how all migthy fall!"

Envy:rub his eyes "Look i you think i join these stupid worm,i don't give a danm about them"

Desast: "yeah since you work with them,you job go be a postmail?"

Envy: "What the hell you think i'm going be postmail?"

Desast:walk around the room "i don't know that is frist job i ever think off"he see a picture of euphemia,nunnally and lelouch when they are a little

Desast: "Oh-oh-oh What do we have here!"he take the picture give it to envy "Hey envy look at this...Cute right?"envy see little euphemia make his blush,he look aways ingrone of it but can't shake it when he see She sleep so cute

Envy push the picture aways,the sound door open,Desast and envy look the door open reveal it was euphemia as she enter.Desast raise his peace finger

Desast: "Peace out Envy!"

Desast fade aways.Envy gritted his teeth at desast.

Envy: "Motherfoxker Desast!"

Euphemia: "What?"

Envy:look at her "Not you!"

Euphemia: "Then who are you talking?"she ask him

Envy: "Tch does it concer you?and what are you doing here annyways?"

Euphemia:approach to him smile at him "I just wonder would you like go pool with me?"

Envy:don't know pool,his whole life just kill,kill and kill,watch human "Pool?"

Euphemia: "Yeah pool,tomrrow is my brother Pool open up everyone will be there including eleven"

Envy thinking join her pool a little won't be that bad plus he know her brother who is it,it was clovis the one he kill and a kill he like it,he smile remember the kill of clovis.
Lelouch are point his gun to clovis a hand hit on his back it was envy in Suzaku Form.

Clovis:smile Happy to see suzaku "Private kurugki thank god you are here...."envy pick up the gun without be notice "Quick call every troop arrest this man"Envy raise gun.And turn point at him.Clovis was surprise "W-w-what are you doing,y-y-you know w-w-who i'm,i'm clovis de britanbian,you must listen you d-d-danm ELEVEN"

Envy doesn't care he simply open the grin make clovis saw his grin his hand shaked.

Envy: "BANG!"he fire,bullet hit on clovis head,Blood drop out like a water.Envy low his armr "Tch!patheic human,even how modern they are,they still keep they foolishness hahahahahahahah!"
Envy smile at his work of kill clovis to him it was amazing,wonderfull seeing his pathiec face make him so much pleasure and joy of it

Euphemia:See envy are slient,she think he wouldn't go "Envy?"she ask him to make sure

Envy:Look at her "Sure i would love to go pool plus i don't have nothing to do so going pool won't hurt annybody"he smile

Euphemia:close her eye and smile glad he accepted her offer,she open her eyes "That great tomrrow we will go"

Envy:smile "Of course"he turn grin "and i can't wait make those britannian stupid face when they see pool be ruinned heheh"he mutted

Euphemia Look at his face thought he are exciting to go pool but turn out he going ruin everything.
(Night/Lelouch mainson)
In the dinning room.The maid was place every dish,spoon,and blanket on the table but in look like a resturan,Touma and c2 walk pass,they stop notice thing are prepare.Touma know this is dinner but usually only nunnally and her brother and why there is three dish,he approach t

Touma: "uhmm...Excuse me what is this about?"he ask the maid

Maid:look at him "Today miss nunnally have invited a guest"she walk aways

Touma:curious who is this guest she are mention "Guest?"

C2: "Someone improtane?"

Touma don't sure who is this guest,he and c2 turn.Touma wide eye see ren are here

Touma:surprise "Ren what are you doing?"

Ren:was surprise as touma "I was going ask you same,why are you doing here?"

Touma: "i here to stay for a while not long"

Nunnally enter the dinning room.

Nunnally: "Welcome ren,Please be free like your home"

Touma:Confuse he point ren and nunnally "Wait you two know each other"he ask both ren and nunnally

Ren speakless as touma question.

C2: "Awkward!"
Touma and c2 sit down hear the explain of nunnally how two of them meet each other

Touma: "I see"he look at ren "I glads you protect her,but you don't have make you fist bleed out!"

Ren: "Look i know what i do okay,I don't have nothing to do so i will go here"

Touma: "hey don't felt like you are be force "

Ren:shocked "What?No i'm not?"

Touma: "Yes you are,you tounge make sense"

Ren: "How my tounge make sense?"

C2: "You tounge grumby and cracking the voice"

Ren look at c2 and he got nothing to said,she was right ren does felt he be force but it isn't

Touma:don't him have negative felt "Hey relax yourself,You two can know each other well"

Ren: "Yeah what about you?hearing you and that girls"he point c2

Touma:Blush "o-o-oh no-no me and c2 are friend,not a couple"

Nunnally: "I think you two are a cute couple"

Touma:look at nunnally "Please nunnally don't said that"C2 smile a little "for a last time,me and c2 aren't couple just a normal friend"

Ren:See he are reject "okay fine suit yourself"

The maid approach to the table place the food on it she open the pot

Maid: "Have a nice meal"she bow and walk back to the kicthen

Nunnally: "Touma,why don't you and c2 have meal with us?"

Touma see her request he can't said no to her,he can't let her unhappy plus he are out of ideas making story so eating with her won't hurt annything

Touma:smile "Okay"he take a dish for himself and c2,he clap his hand smiling "Itakidimas"with that everyon are eating.
In the apartment there were two boy and one girld.The boy 1 use the cowbark try to open the safe

Boy 1: "We should open this already"

Boy 2:approach to the bed "Cop would get you,cop is black knight and cornelia"he see using cowbark on the safe was wasted "Screw blow it up!"

Boy 1: "Oh blow yourself up"a explosion from the door pushing him behind the safe,the one explosion was pride on his gilder

Pride: "Did someone say explosion?"

Boy 1:Stand up raise cowbark point at him "Get the freak!"

Girl jump.A shadow hit her to the wall.Boy 2 charges at him throw left punch.Pride block it and throw him on the ground.Boy 2 charge at him.Pride fly near to him a blade come his gilder make him low his cowbark

Boy 1:scared "i-i mean get freak everything he want"

Pride:land on the safe "what i want is your undying loyalty,the dying kind"shadow open the safe grab the monney throw to the boy 2

Boy 2:grab monney "appreciated your help but we can't,we are britannian and if we betray our country we will screw"

Pride: "Oh don't worry i will give you a power,with it nothing can't stop your three!"

Girl:stand up wonder "what about cornelia and black knight?"

Pride: "They can be take down easily while a Red knight can't and he is only mine"he raise a gaint shadow boom "The party about to star,paint with the red mwhahahahah!"
After done eating,the maid clean up the table,Touma sterched his armr

Touma:Smile "Man i never so full today"

C2: "Yeah cause you only eat a noodles while doing your work"

Touma: "I know but wirtting story for people i can't stop it"

C2: "Well suit yourself!"

Nunnally:smile "so anny do you have plan for tomorrow Ren"she ask ren

Ren:don't know only he do is training "I don't know"

Touma:see ren don't have annythinf to do in tomorrow,he smile "what about go to pool?"

Ren and nunnally: "Pools?"

Touma:nood "yep pool one of greast thing in the world"

Nunnally:smile "Pool i would love too!"

Ren:see going pool does sound good "Pool eh?okay why not"

Touma:smile glad two of them going to pool "Alright you two be ready"

Ren:cocky smile "i already ready touma"

Touma:smile "Yeah i know!"the door open i was lelouch.Lelouch wide eyes he see,ren,touma,c2 all here,Touma glads to see he back,he smile "hey lelouch we just talking about going..."

Lelouch: "Pool i already know!"he look at ren,he don't know who is he "and who are you?"

Nunnally: "Lelouch meet ren,ren meet my big brother lelouch!"she introduce to both of them

Ren:look at lelouch,he doesn't impresive on lelouch "hey!"

Lelouch: "You must the boy nunnally tell me i must said you aren't that impresive from a eleven"

Ren:Anger stand up grab lelouch collar "WHAT DID YOU SAID?"

Touma see ren go make a fight with lelouch,he not going let it happend,he quickly stand up walk to both of them,seperated them aways

Touma:look at ren "Ren clam down"

Ren: "How can i clam when this britannian bastard said i'm a eleven"

Touma: "I know but you can't Just star a fight ren,we aren't star a pointless fight here just becaues someone said we are number,ingrone of it ren,don't let anger control you"Ren push touma armr aways,he look at lelouch with hatred

Ren:look at nunnally "Thank for the meal"ren walk pass lelouch.Touma look at ren,he are worry for him,affair he going hurt himself.Lelouch don't care.
Envy sit on the groof top of castle,watching the world.Black aura appear it was desast hold two ramen.

Desast:approach to envy "hey you hungry?"he ask envy

Envy: "Yeah i'm!"desast approach to him sit downs give him ramen.Envy take it eat the ramen,he look up "I can't believe i'm going said this,this world is beautifull eventhought it rule by those foxker"he eat ramen

Desast: "What do you expected envy,human does creat a destruction but from destruction...."

Envy: "yeah what is that?"

Desast:look at envy "More destruction"

Envy:smile and laughed "Hahahahah yeah"He suddenly have euphemia smile appear on his head "Ught fox"

Desast: "what is it?"

Envy: "Nothing!"he eating rame

Desast: "How was your realtionship with the princess go kid?"he ask envy

Envy:cought "What?"

Desast: "I mean you're her what...responsible,so your must got a good realtionship"

Envy: "Okay frist of all i don't have anny realtionship with euphy?"

Desast: "then why you said her name?"

Envy speakless of desast,he right why he speak her name not like princess or euphemia instead euphy.Envy doesn't know why but he felt.He ingrone of it hope desast won't ask him about him and euphemia.He keep eating.Desast look at him firgues he want ingrone him desast won't mind of it he eat his own ramen a few slient envy decide speak up

Envy: "She invited me to go pools!"

Desast:Surprise "No foxking wayyy!"

Envy: "it true!"

Desast:chuckle "heheheh i bet you going see her Bikini hahahah!"

Envy: "Oh shut up old man pervert"

Desast: "hahahah!"he hold his laugh "Let be honest like two creation talking each other,i don't know about pool but i glads you accepted her invited,you can't not allways waiting the fight come to you,fight will come if you find it by yourself,but now enjoy life kid"

Envy:see he was right all year of be immortal he doesn't have anny joy expect killing but other he doesn't have it "Fox i felt weird no one ever talk to me like that?"

Desast: "Like what?"

Envy: "sharing emotion,no one ever do that include my danm old man and my sibiling"

Desast: "Well you can consider me as i'm your new father!"

Envy: "Fox you"

Desast:laughed "Hahahahah"envy smile glad someone whose can talk with him and he felt like somekind a joy in his heart.
(Morning/clovis pool)
The sun are shine very bright.Touma wear his yellow shirt,short brown pant and a glassed

Touma:Smile seeing today is a wonderfull day "Aye today sun so beautifull"a voice speak up it was c2

C2: "Touma turn around!"

Touma turn back,he begin wide eyes in his sunglass and wide mouth

what he see infornt of him is C2 wearing a white bra and panties

C2:Seductive pose "How do i look"

Touma:blush "Y-y-you...a-a-are..."he don't want said it "P-p-pretty"

C2:smile "And?"

Touma: " c2"

C2:Approach to him press her breast to touma body "I was expected you going said i'm sexy and hot,would like want a Shower,dinner or me"she smile.Touma cherck begin red like tornato.Suddenly a voice speak up it was greed wear a black underpant,Kent wear a blue t-shirt,Rintaro wear a yellow shirt and short pant,Ryo wear a short pant with brown t-shiry,Tetsuo wear a t-shirt and pink pant,Ren wear a green underpant.Shirley is wear blue bikini

Rivalz wear a blue underpant.Milly wear red bikini

Lelouch wear a underwears.Nunnally wear small swimsuit

Finally kallen wear a black bikini with a clothes cover her.

Greed:smile "You have accept her desire kid,she want you"

Touma:Look see his friend,student council,kallen,lelouch and nunnally with her maid "Everyone you all here!"he see missing someone "Wait where is Ryoga"speak of devil ryoga appear but wear his sword of outfist

Ryoga: "right here!"

Rivalz:Point ryoga "where is your swimsuit teacher"

Ryoga: "I don't need to swim,My duty of swordman none of you be hurt"

Rivalz: "man you are So much serious"

Greed: "Yeah are you sure from Tokustasu universe becaues you so dark!"

Ryoga don't care he walk pass them.Touma see ryoga seem like doesn't felt happy.
(In changing room)
Cornelia are cover her body,she are embrassing herself

Cornelia: "Euphy are you sure about this?"

Euphemia:smile "Yes you look dasling cornelia!"

Cornelia: "But i don't sure of it..."

Euphemia: "oh don't be silly let try get you try your swimsuit"she grab her sister swimsuit give wear it for her.

Cornelia: "Okay i can do it myself"
guildford are gurading by himself while envy wasn't here,he go to bathroom
Envy are washing his hand,he look up mirror smiling thinking how to ruin this place and let britannian suffer,as he are thinking two gurad one man and woman enter bathroom wear a britannian uniforms.Envy already know cornelie won't let him live that easily.Envy grin.The man close the door,lock it

Envy slowly stand up he side his neck.Man charges at him throw left punch.Envy quickly turn he dodges of it,He left hook punch him,Woman fornt kick him.Envy dodges he left punch her.Man wrap his neck drag him.Envy elbow him make him realse him.Envy round house kick him make him backwalk.The woman take out a double knife she swing try to slash him.Envy dodges every slash of her.He left punch her and side kick make her push hit on the wall.Man stand up.

Envy:Smile and grin "Come one motherfoxker"Man charges at him swing his left punch and right punch.Envy dodges of it.He round house kick him.Envy grab his head slam him to glass.Woman stand up.Stab on his back.Envy grab a glassed throw at her breast.Envy side kick the glasse go throught her heart.She fall down.Man throw left punch.Envy grab his armr.Envy punch his face make him dizzy.Envy take a out a very dangerous weapon and a scary weapon,a pencil.Envy stab his chin by pencil blood spilt out.Envy pull out he smile "Don't fox the envy hahahahahaha!"he shake his pencil out of blood.Envy approach to the door open it,walk out he take a sight put on the door sight don't disturbe.
Envy walk aways of bathroom,he then stop infornt was euphemia but she are pink swimsuit.

Euphemia: "There you are envy i thought you was gone"

Envy:blush this frist time he see Euphemia wear a swimsuit even see human girl body "The fox!"he mutted that part

Euphemia:see envy are standing and do nothing "Uhmm envy are you alright?"

Envy:shake his head "Yeah i'm okay...Is you...Are....Sexy...Oh fox"

Euphemia:Hear word sexy make her Blush "e-e-envy you shouldn't tease me like that?"

Envy: "I-i-sorry!"(thought) "this so foxking weird why i sorry to her!"

Guildford approach to euphemia he also shocked to see envy are well after he sent two britannian body gurad in.

Guildford: "Sub viceroy you sister about to speak!"

Euphemia: "right i will be there!"Guildford walk aways.Euphemia look at envy "I will be back envy"she turn aways walk.Envy can't shake the imagine of euphemia wear swimsuit

Envy: "Ught i reather i spent time get kill those foxker in the bathroom"
Touma hear the explain of greed how did they know there will be a pool day,milly invited them all to join a relax day from all fight of swordman,deverse a break.As they were talking all crow gather at the stage,the stage open the curtain reveal cornelia in her black swimsuit.

She are blushing with her is guildford on the right.Euphemia on the left.She began make proucement.Ryoga look at her,his mouth open a little and blush but he slap his own face get himself torgether as swordman.cornelia was about make it water from the pool bolling up.The water go up from the water there were three creature motif of pirahna this was Pirahna megiddo

Everyone began to painc when they see three pirahna.The swordman can't transform is to risky

Pirahna 1: "Pool day is over,or at least you can guy try a sky"A gilder fly cricle around them it was pride

Touma:Saw pride "Pride!"

Pride: "hahahahahahaha!"he fly lower to the people of britannian "good morning ladies and gentlement i'm pride you big entertaiment!"swordman are stuck in the situation they can't out.Saiyu ride book close.

(Next time on kamen rider saber x code geass)

Pride: "so the whole zero wanted destroy you isn't clear"

Saber: "Let innconted people out of this pride"

Storious: "The story of this world musy go on"

Kallen: "Refain?"

Greed: "refain is those drug i most hated,i might be greedy but i not a druger"

???: "I need you help!"

???: "you think you can't out of here,i know where you and your Fammily"

