Chapter 5

While the gang drove home Kali knew Wallace was thinking about Lady Tottington, and the tomboy could tell he was taking a liking to the wealthy aristocratic. Kali did remember Wallace's last girlfriend Wendolene Ramsbottom during their adventure with Shaun the sheep. But Wallace broke up with Wendolene when he sadly found out she was allergic to cheese. The trio soon arrived home and Wallace brought them downstairs to the basement for his idea.

"Why didn't we think of it before lad, the solution to all our storage problems" Wallace said while he opened up the basement hatch to let the moonlight in. 

"I still don't follow" said Gromit. "Me neither" Kali added.

"Simply by connecting the Bun-Vac to the Mind Manipulation-O-Matic, we can brainwash the bunnies. Rabbit rehabilitation" Wallace explained. 

"Brainwash!?" Kali gasped, questioning her uncle figure. 

"Once cured of their anti-social veges rabbiting behavior, the rabbits can be safely released without fear of re-offending" Wallace explained while he attached the machine to his head. 

"Well it does sound interesting to brainwash the rabbits, but isn't that a little dangerous?" Kali asked, sounding a little nervous. 

"Nonsense" Wallace told her. "Just a little added lunar power to enhance the mind waves" Wallace pressed a button that brought out two lunar panels. "And we can being" Wallace pulled the lever on. Gromit was just as nervous as Kali.  

Wallace started telling the rabbits through his machine how vegetables were bad, it was like being in a monster movie. Gromit face-palmed, having doubts with his master's plan. Soon the mind waves were being sent trough the machine and into the rabbits brains, and it seemed to be working. Kali was still unsure about this, Wallace noticed her nervous expression. 

"Don't worry Kali, there's nothing to fret over" Wallace reassured her, before he accidentally hit the lever to blow. Wallace and Kali both yelped in panic, as well as the rabbits. One rabbit got sucked through the tube and got stuck into Wallace's head piece of the machine. They all screamed.

"Kali! Gromit! switch it off! switch it off!" Wallace started to panic, jumping around the room like a rabbit. Gromit pulled the lever, turning off the machine while Wallace continued jumping around. 

"Get it off me lads!" Wallace panicked. "Stand back!" Gromit said as he grabbed a wrench and used it to break the headpiece. They all sighed.

"Oh thanks lad" Wallace sighed as he pulled the petrified rabbit off his head. 

"Did it work?" Kali asked. "Quick give us a carrot" Wallace told Gromit. 

Gromit handed Wallace a carrot, who gave it to the rabbit. The little brown rabbit sniffed the carrot but shoved it away in disgust, refusing to eat it.  

"It worked, a reformed rabbit" Wallace was very pleased while he placed the rabbit in a cage. 

"Are you sure this is a good thing?" Kali questioned. 

"Absolutely. I'll tell you what, you get to name him" Wallace told the tomboy. 

"Well okay. Um... "Hutch", we'll call him Hutch" Kali smiled to the brown rabbit. 

"Sound's prefect for the little guy" Wallace agreed. "Come on let's get the kettle on, we'll see to him in the morning".

The trio headed back upstairs for dinner. 

"Ho-ho, I feel we're on a real breakthrough lads. Mankind freed from rabbit problems forever" Wallace sounded like his invention could change the world. 

"Meh" Gromit rolled his eyes while Kali helped him make the tea. 

"Lady Tottington will be impressed" said Wallace. 

Later that night Kali couldn't get to sleep. She kept thinking about the incident with what happened to Wallace and Hutch earlier. So she decided to go downstairs and check on Hutch, still half asleep. When she came down to the basement she found all the other rabbits huddled together shivering as Hutch's cage was moving, like he was trying to break out. Kali watched, a little scared as the cage burst open. She was so shocked, she fainted.  
