
Its already the Chunin Exams.. :D

"First, you candidates from the village hidden in the sound..knock it off! Who told you that you could fight?! You want to be failed before we've even begin? I wouldn't want another problem since you already have over the limit of team members!"Ibiki scolded.

"Sorry, its our first time. Guess we're a little jumpy, sir."

"..Hmph..I'll say this once so listen up. There will be no combat between the candidates, no attacking each other without the permission of your proctor and then even the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited. Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately. Got it?" He said.


"No fatal force? That's no fun."The sound guy commented to his teammates.

"Now, if we're ready, we'll proceed to the first stage of the Chunin exam. Hand over your paperwork, in return you'll each be given a number. This number determines where you sit. We'll start the written test once you're all seated." Naruto started to freak out at the mention of 'written test'. I pat him on the back as we were all seated. I was on one side of Hinata while Naruto was on the other. She shyly said hi to us. Naruto, who was too oblivious to his surroundings, didn't even notice her there until she spoke up.

"Where'd you come from? I didn't see you." She blushed deeply. I always knew she had a secret crush on Naruto. Actually not that secret since ANYONE can tell since she can't even look him in the eyes and blushes around him.

"I-I wanted to say..Good luck and everything."she smiled. Aww she's so cute.

"Everyone, eyes front."Ibiki said. "There are a few rules you need to be aware of and I won't answer any questions. Pay attention the first time around." What? No questions? "Alright, rule #1 is this..the written part of the exam is conducted with a point reduction system. Contrary to what some of you may be used to..you all begin the test with the perfect score of 10 points. One point will be deducted for each answer you get wrong. So if you miss three, your final score will be 7. Rule #2, teams will pass or fail based on the total scores of all members." WHAAAA..

"WHAAAT?!" Sakura exclaimed. "Wait a second! You're saying we all get scored as a team?!"

Uh..Duh. He just said that.

"Silence! I have my reasons so shut up and listen." He just shut up Sakura. I think I like him a little bit more. "Rule #3, the sentinels you see positioned around the room are there to watch for any signs of cheating and for any incident they see, they will subtract two points from the culprit's score. Be warned, their eyes are extremely sharp and if they catch you five times, you will be dismissed before tests are even scored. Anyone fool enough to be caught cheating by the sentinels doesn't deserve to be here. If you want to be considered shinobi then show us what exceptional shinobi you can be." I got this! I don't screw around during my free time. I train and study for hours but still I'm sort of worried over the rest especially Naruto. "One more thing...if any candidate shall get a zero and fail the test, then the entire team fails..."

"..............Are you serious?! "I freaked out and stood up from my chair. "That's major-" I was cut off when someone threw something at the back of my head. "What the-" Sasuke.. He motioned for me to sit down and mouthed out the words SHUT UP. I glared at him but realized everyone was staring at me..in the very, very, very silent room. I felt my face burn up. "S-sorry."

"The final question.." Ibiki continued. "..Won't be given out until 15 minutes before the end of the testing period. You'll have one hour total. Begin!" Everyone began furiously writing.

Just as I thought..these questions are hard...sort of. That doesn't matter, I know I can answer them. I looked over at Naruto who by the way looked frustrated as hell. I'm worried so much for him. After a few minutes, I rose my hand.

"I said no questions."

"I never said I was asking a question you know. I'm actually done with this test."I informed

"Huh? Already? Did you read through it?"

"Yup. A Shinobi shouldn't just practice their physical strength but also their mental. You should of put that in the beginning of your speech I mean rules talk." I gave him a closed eye smile. Without saying anything, he moved on. I glanced back at Naruto, who was more freaked out each second that past. Please Kami, give this boy some brain cells so he passes at least one! Naruto has a better chancing of passing if he cheats. I glanced around the room. Everyone was practically cheating. "Naruto.."I whispered.

"What?!" He yelled. He gasped, realizing how loud he was and I clasped my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up! Get going with the questions! If we fail because of you..you won't live to see the next daylight!"I threatened.

"I'm trying!"

"Try harder!"

"I don't know what to do!"

"Here's a simple answer..it's called..CHEAT!"

"I can't believe you would even tell me that! I can't do that!"

"Naruto.."Hinata interrupted. "If you want, I could um..I could show you my test."

Her crush on him is so obvious. She's willing to show him her answers.

"Naruto, accept it!" I said.

"Huh? A-accept it? Um..Hinata why would you do that?"Naruto questioned.

"Why? Well..just because well you see..Its' just..it's because I don't want you to have to leave. Well..It would be nice if we all stick together. I mean the 10 of us..Being rookies and all."

"That makes sense! I thought you were trying to pull a fast one on me! Sorry-" A kunai flew right past Naruto and straight onto someone's paper.

Dang.. Someone was just caught cheating.

A bunch of candidates began to leave one after another. One guy was even slammed against the wall.

I'm guessing those are the people caught cheating..

"Naruto, go ahead. Look." Hinata said.

"Thank you, I appreciate it but no. Hey, I'm an ace ninja. I don't need to cheat to pass this." He assured.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. If I got caught or anything, I wouldn't want you getting in trouble."

Naruto is going to regret this later on but he's right, we don't need to cheat to pass.

"Oh..You're right. Stupid idea, I'm sorry." She said quietly.

"Nah, forget it." I smiled at him and he noticed so he returned the smile with a bit of pink on his cheeks. What's with him? Soon again, people were failing and after a while, there was only 20 minutes left to finish till the FINAL QUESTION! Then it was 15 minutes to go!

"Alright, listen up. Here's the tenth and final question but before I give you the question, there are some more rules you need to be aware of. These rules are unique to question 10. Listen carefully and try not to to let them frighten you. Very well then Rule#1: each of you is free to choose to be given the final question. It's your decision."

"Whoa! So what's the catch? What if we do it, what happens then?!"

"If you choose not to take the question, regardless to the answers to the other nine, you'll get a zero. In order words, you fail and that means of course your teammates fail as well..If you accept the question but you answer it incorrectly, you will not only fail, you will be banned from taking the Chunin exams ever again!"

All my life as a genin? No thanks.

"Hey! That's bull, man! That's ridiculous!"Kiba shouted. "What kind of bogus rule is that?! There's lot of people here who've taken this before!" Ibiki started to laugh.

"I guess you're unlucky. I wasn't making the rules before but I am now. Of course if you don't want to take it, you don't have to. If you're feeling confident then by all means, skip it. You can come back and try again next year.. Now then if you're ready, the tenth and final question..those who don't want to take it, raise your hand. Your number will be recorded and then you'll be free to go." People started to raise their hands and leaving. I looked over at Naruto. I don't want you to loose your dream just for us. No matter what I'll support your decision to leave so raise your hand. By my surprise, Naruto rose his hand but then slammed it down onto the table.

"Don't underestimate me! I don't quit and I don't run! You can act tough all you want! You guys aren't going to scare me off! No way! I don't care if I do get stuck as a genin for the rest of my life! I'll still be Hokage someday!" He declared. I smiled again.

"This decision is one that could damage your life. If for any reason you would rather quit, now's your last chance."

"No way! I never go back on my word! That is my way of the ninja!"

"Well then, I admire your determination if nothing else. For those remaining, there's only one thing left to do...and that's for me to tell you...that you all pass the first exam."

"Wheres the tenth question?"Sakura asked. Who cares? We passed!

"There never was one!  Actually your decision to stay was the answer to the tenth question."Ibiki answered.

"So the other questions were just a waste of time?!" Temari said.

"The first nine questions had a purpose..to test your ability to gather intelligence under circumstances. Let me explain. You see, my objective was to test you not only as individuals but as a team and on how well you function part of that team. That's why the test was scored on a team basis so you would know what you did or failed to do recklessly to effect your teammates. I wanted to see how you would handle the pressure. The first nine questions on the test were difficult..It was too difficult for a genin expected to solve, well not for all.." He glanced at me. I grinned and held up a peace sign with my fingers. "As I was saying, I imagine that most of you quickly came to that conclusion, that you would have to cheat if you would have any chance of passing. The fact is, the test was designed to encourage you to cheat. It almost demanded it." Okay..he talks too much. Well,  I say that about a lot of people.. Apparently there was two chunin sitting with us so we would cheat off them. Ibiki then removed his bandana revealing terrible scars, puncture wounds and burn marks. He kept giving us so much advice that I almost wanted to write it down. Ibiki re-explained the tenth question. "You have successfully answered the question presented to you. You have earned the right to continue to the next step. you have passed through the first gate. I hereby declare the first part of the Chunin Exams completed. There's nothing left but to wish you all good luck."

"Alright! We did it! One down! Yeah! Yeah! Woo Hoo! Yeah!" Suddenly someone broke through the window. The woman stood in the front of the classroom, grinning.

Was that suppose to be a dramatic entrance?

"Heads up boys and girls..This is no time to be celebrating! I'll be your next proctor; Anko Mitarashi! Ready for the second test? Good! Let's go! Follow me!" She reminds me waaaay to much like Naruto.  She seemed to have counted us and complained that there was too many left. "When I'm done with them..more than half will be eliminated. This is gonna be fun. Alright! You maggots had it easy so far but things are going to be different now starting first thing in the morning. I'll let your squad leaders know where to meet me. Dismissed!"


The very next morning, all the teams stood in front of a forest. "What is it?"Naruto asked.

"This is the location for the second faze of the exam. It's the 44th battle zone but we all call it... The Forest of Death."Anko explained.

"The Forest of Death?"

"This whole place creeps me out."Sakura commented.

"It should."Anko grinned. "They call it the Forest of Death and soon enough you're going to find out why."

"They call it the Forest of Death and soon enough you're going to find out why."Naruto mocked. "Do your worst! You're not going to scare me away! I can handle anything!"

"So..Looks like we got ourselves a tough guy.." She suddenly pulled out a kunai and threw it, slashing Naruto's cheek. "You tough enough to handle this?" She stood behind him. 'You're not afraid are you? Tough guys like you usually have their blood all over this forest." She then licked his blood. "Delicious." Then, a weird looking guy..(I think he was but he couldn't of been a girl too..) with a long tongue went appeared her, holding a kunai.

"I was just returning your knife."

"Why thank you grass ninja. You know, I only recommend you stand this close behind me if you wish to meet your end." She threatened darkly.

"My pardon, with the sight of blood, I'm afraid I become a little excited.."

"Oh my gosh.."I whispered to Naruto.


"The ninja is a girl!"

"That's a girl?!"

"I meant you no harm."the grass ninja apologized. When she walked past me, she stared at me and smiled.

"This is gonna be fun."Anko sneered. "Before we begin, I have something to hand out to you all. It's just a standard consent form before the test. All of you are going to have to read over this form and then sign it."

"What for?"Sasuke asked.

"Well, some of you may not come back from this test so I have to get your consent otherwise it would be my full responsibility."she said with a laugh. She's insane. "Now I'll explain what you'll be doing on this test. Here, pass these out." She gave the paper to Naruto. "The first thing you need to know is that this test hits everyone of your survival skills. First, I'll give you a description of the terrain on the practice field. The field has 44 locked entrance gates. There are rivers and a forest inside. In the center is a locked tower 10 kilometers from each gate. It's in this confined area that you'll under go the survival test. The test consists of an anything goes battle to get your hands on these scrolls. You'll be fighting to get both a Heaven and an Earth scroll. All together, 27 teams will be taking part of this test so half of those teams will be going after the Heaven scroll and the other half will be trying to get the Earth scroll. I'll hand over one kind of scroll to each team and that's what you'll be dying for."

"Okay, so how do we past the test?"Sasuke asked.

"Your entire squad must bring both a Heaven and Earth scroll to the tower. Oh and one more thing, the test has a time limit..you must finish it within 5 days."Anko explained.

Only 5 days?!

"What are we suppose to do for food?!" Choiji demanded.

"Just look around. The forest is full of things to eat. There's plenty to feed all of you." she replied.

"There is also man-eating beats and poisonous plants in there."

"This test also measures endurance on enemy lines."

"So let's say mid exam..Can we quit?" Shikamaru wondered.

Seriously dude..Already thinking about quitting?

"Of course not. In a middle of a battle, you can't say 'Sorry, I quit'. Well, I guess you could but it'll probably get you killed."

"This is gonna be a drag.." Shikamaru whined.

"There is also some ways to get you disqualified. The first is simple, if all three members can't make it to the tower with both scrolls after 5 days. #2, if a team loses a member or if a member becomes incapacitated and cannot continue but most important, none of you may look in the contents of the scrolls until you've reached the tower. The scroll rule is to test your integrity. Okay, we're done. each team take your consent forms and exchange them for your scrolls. After that, each team pick a gate and you'll be lead inside and I have one more word of advice..JUST DON'T DIE."

"Good thing she warned us.." I muttered.

After reading over the forms and signing them, each team went in to get a scroll. "Listen up! All the teams have received their scrolls so everybody go to your gate and wait there! When the gates open, the test is on!" We waited at gate 12. Naruto was super excited and soon the gates were unlocked. "Alright maggots! The second part of the test has begun!"

As we walked in, I heard screaming already.

"Someone already got to them..or should I say something.." I said. Naruto then turned around and unzipped his pants. What the.. He's going to use the bathroom?! "WHOA! Naruto! Hey! Don't use the bathroom out here and in front of girls!" I pushed him far away, into a bush. "Idiot." Once he stepped out, Sasuke suddenly punched him. "Why the hell did you do that?!" Ignoring me, Sasuke continued to attack him."Stop it, Sasuke! Quit-" Wait..That's not the real Naruto. "Hey! Where's Naruto?!"

"I am Naruto!"

"Then where's  the cut on your cheek?!"Sasuke demanded. "I guess you didn't know the real Naruto got cut on his face before this test! You also have your shuriken holster on your left leg not your right and the real Naruto is right-handed. Your transformation skill is worst than Naruto's. Tell me who you are!" The fake sneered before turning back to his real self.

"Alright, you got me. So what? I'm still gonna take your scroll. Now hand it over or else!"The ninja commanded. "Which of you have it? Hmph..fine then I guess I just have to take the four of you out!"

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