Chapter 8: Dangerous Delicacy

Kakashi POV 

I don't wanna go train the next day. The thought of facing Obito repulses me, and I fake being sick in an attempt to stay behind at the apartment and not train. Minato Sensei can tell I'm faking and forcefully drags me out of bed, promising he'll teach me something new if I stop moping and get out.

I whine but get out, getting dressed and finding him waiting outside the door. I cracked and told him everything yesterday, conveniently leaving out the forced kiss. He was worried, but I brushed it off, telling him it was nothing.

After bidding Kushina good-bye and leaving my stuff at their house (against my will), we make it to the training grounds, to find... Obito?

The boy who's always late, plays pranks, is the LEAST punctual person to EVER exist on this planet... is here... at the training grounds... before Minato Sensei...

Sensei just smiles, "Obito? Is something wrong?"

Obito twirls a kunai in his hands, "No. Why, am I not allowed to be here?"

I step forward, "Why so angry?"

"Why would you care?"



There's hostility in his voice. His eyes flicker over to me, pause, then look away. His face is covered in bandaids, and stitches are visible even at a distance. He's angry. Obito never gets mad. He's the type to brush things off pretty quickly.

Minato Sensei notices too, and his own voice becomes defensive, "Is something wrong, Obito?" His stance is ready to fight, but isn't too tight. Of course, he's confident he can take Obito. We're his students after all.

Obito's eyes don't leave mine, grabbing fistfuls of grass. I want to summon my ninken, but Minato Sensei holds me off, "Is there something wrong, Obito?" He asks again, his voice firm.

Obito glances backwards and spins a kunai on his finger, "Everything's fine Sensei."

Sensei doesn't reply, and all 3 of us get distracted by Rin's arrival. Something's off about her. Her chakra signature seems to have been disrupted by some other greater power...

Obito notices too. In a moment, he's by Rin's side, shaking her, "RIN? RIN, WAKE UP!"

Minato Sensei rushes to her side, checking her pulse, "It's weak. But we can't take her to a hospital. It'll be too dangerous for the medics and it might strain her."


I end up wrestling Obito away from Rin, tying him to a tree to keep him from hurting himself or Rin, who's unconscious in Sensei's arms. He pats her down, and lifts up her sleeve, revealing a seal burned into her arm.

Ignoring Obito's struggles and threats, I place my hand on the seal, concentrating on the chakra embedded in the seal. I can barely detect anything, which confuses me. To hold back something this powerful, a great deal of chakra must've been used to form the seal. If I can't detect anything then...


Sensei and I hear Obito in the nick of time, throwing ourselves backwards before Rin gets up and attacks. 
