the realization

My eyes shifted and here I was, staring deep into his eyes. The Kai that was no longer mine. I bit my lip before leaning against the chair, flashing him a smile so I seem unaffected.

"Good morning." I greeted and he gave me a curt nod.

"Good morning." He replied before stepping into the room, circling my desk before dropping himself on the chair in front of me where the clients usually sit.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, my tongue wetting my lips before shuffling through the papers; determined to make my interaction with him as professional as possible. I could feel his gaze on me and I sighed before mustering my courage and looking up at him.

"Did your boss send you here to get the potential business plans?" I asked, taking out three papers from the pile before handing it to him. He leaned forward before grabbing it, his eyes still on my face before nodding. I was praying that he would say something so we wouldn't be plunged into awkward silence when he spoke up.

"So, I just give this to him and we'll get back to you about our decision." He said, his voice raising at the end and I wondered if it was a question or a statement.

"Sounds good." I answered. He gave out a hmm and put the papers in his briefcase- the one I remember buying him for his birthday the first month I was with him.

"And you?" This time it was a question.


"You. How've you been?" He asked, this time looking straight at me and I felt my breath catch in my throat.

"I've been great, Kai. Everything is great. I believe I told you that the last time we met." I answered.

"Thought I might ask again, considering you weren't alone then."

"Did you think my answer would change?" My tone was slightly harsh as my smile disappeared. 

I'm not like you. I don't love someone one day and don't the next, I thought.

"No. I just tho- It's just we didn't have much time to talk." His eyes faltered a bit and I shrugged, waving my hand to show him that it was okay.

"It's alright." I replied formally. "Well, do contact my secretary when you're done with your decision. Looking forward to it."

I stood up from the desk and he followed suit. I extended my hand out to him and chuckled as he took a moment to stare at my hand with utmost confusion.

"A handshake? Really?" He asked before smiling at me. "A hug for old times sake?"

He raised both his hands up and I laughed, caught of guard at how natural it was.

"I don't mind, but I'm lazy." I said, motioning to the desk between us and he clicked his tongue.

"Shouldn't be a problem." He walked over towards me and I stepped reluctantly into his embrace as the familiar smell of his cologne wafted to my nose.His arms tucked me against him and he rocked me back and forth, the same we way used to hug before. I stood there, patting the small of his back as my hands were around his waist before pulling away. His touch lingered and I looked up just to see him looking down at me with a frown on his face.

"That's enough now, Kim Kai." My voice coming out as if I'm scolding him but a small smile on my lips.

"You sure it's enough?" He asked, raising an eyebrow before coming in closer for another hug before I ducked out under his arm and moved away. "Wow, Ms. Speed."

"That's what they call me around here."

I saw him moving across the room as he collected his briefcase before putting on his coat.

"I'm going to visit Sporter tomorrow." He said, and I turned to look at him with surprise.

"You gave him away?"

I had no idea what happened to his dog after I broke up with him. I always thought Sporter was with Baekhyun and Baekhyun, himself, had never mentioned Sporter because he knew I would miss the little guy terribly.

"Oh no. Baekhyun Hyung gave it to my cousin and she is now quite taken with him. I just came back so, you know, I think I should visit to see if he still wants to stay with me." He put his hands in his pocket, as if waiting for my reply to a question he never asked.

"I see. Of course, she's taken by him. He's a charming boy." I paused and he raised his eyebrows once more. "What?"

"Well? Do you want to come along?"

"What?" I repeated before blinking at him.

"Do you want to come along with me to see him? I mean, he must miss you too."I pressed my lips together, thinking. Seeing Sporter again was good, I did miss him a lot. But seeing him again, with Kai especially, didn't mean I would be able to take care of him again. I would just miss him more once I leave the place. I politely shook my head.

"I have plans tomorrow after work, and I don't think I should go." I truthfully murmured. "I got attached to him and I left him, it'll just be horrible for him to see me again."

"I'm sure-" Kai began before I cut him off.

"I appreciate you telling me though. I hope you have a great time with him."

He closed his mouth before nodding. "Thank you. I guess I'll see you around then."

Kai's POV

"She said she has a date, Hyung." My voice was filled with frustration as I paced around my friends office. "I mean, that's what "I have plans tomorrow after work." means right? A date? What else could it be?"

"Let it go, Kai. She's over you, move on. She probably doesn't even have a date, she just doesn't want to spent time with you after what you did to her. You know how she is, that' what she probably meant when she said "I don't think I should go." Baekhyun groaned as I continued to circle his office. He shot me a glare before aggressively turning the page. "You should be happy she doesn't hate you and she's still civil enough not to give you a hard time like all ex-girlfriends you cheat on do."

"That was a mistake."

"I'm glad you know that, someone get the guy a prize." Baekhyun shot back sarcastically. "You know, I still hate you for what you did to her. But what can I do, I'm not the on who got cheated on."

I ignored Baekhyun and his emotional blackmail before I sat on the couch that was opposite of his desk, propping my legs up on the coffee table.

"I should call her. I should try to win her back."

"So you can get bored and cheat on her all over again?"

"Hyung, I said that was a mistake."

"No, Kai. This. This is a mistake." Baekhyun stood up and motioned to me. "You're here, wanting her back because she's no longer into you. This is Jinah all over again, Kai. You jumping to the next person, to someone new, to someone who gives you butterflies. What happens when she no longer gives you butterflies, Kai? What happens when she falls in love with you all over again and you decide it's time to leave?"

I stayed silent and watched as Baekhyun dropped the book he was reading onto the coffee table making me put my legs down.

"You know how many times she cried? I would see her eyes swollen every time I go visit her in her office. "I'm just overworking these days." She would say that to me, Kai! Overworking! Do you know how many "these days" has there been? It was months!"

He gave a growl and I slinked back, the guilt creeping all over my body and soul as Baekhyun took the turn, pacing.

"She wouldn't eat. She wouldn't go out of her apartment. Do you know what cheating does to a woman, Kai? It makes them undervalue themselves. It rips their self-love out and you may say she knows how much she's worth but that doesn't change the fact that you made her drown in sadness just because you couldn't keep your dick in your pants!"

Baekhyun sat down, his rant had seemingly exhausted him.

"I can forgive you for making her sad, Kim Jongin. But I can never forgive you for making her blame herself for something you did."



I sat down on the bed, my hair wet from the shower before I browsed pin-interest, a smile on my lips as I hummed my favorite song when the doorbell rang. I glanced at the clock just to see that it was almost midnight before walking over to the front door.

I looked into the eyehole before stepping back so it could register in my head. It was Kai and he was leaning against my door before he rang it again.

"Whose there?" I asked and I could hear the drawl in his voice when he answered.

"It's me, Kai. I-" He sighed. "I just want to talk."


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