
Quirk : Nightmare
You have a strange kind on black liquid that you can produce that can be used for both battle and healing.
If it can to battling you can create tentacles that can pierce anything it comes in contact with. That's why it's extremely dangerous if you don't know how to use it.

If it came to healing you can heal any external wounds like a missing arm/arms. Using the liquid it can create flesh/skin which is quite useful.

You can sink into the ground by creating a black puddle. You just have to know where your going or want to go.

About the Character :
You where bullied your whole life including now. One day when you where 16 the bullies went to far... They blinded you in right eye! Lucky, your quirk healed the scar but, it couldn't help your eye. You have a brother that's extremely popular and loved by all. When he found out what happened he was LIVID. He defamed the bullies and embarrassed them and they never bothered you again but sadly, it didn't stop the bullying.
