Love Galore - Kacchako Pt.2

(AN: Yeah bitches I'm back edit: after 2 years  I honestly forgot I started a writing career while I was in quarantine (its Wattpad not a writing career lol) but its good to be back guys hope to see something on this one ig how if everyone? good? ok let's start then) Also what can I say who doesn't love good girl bad boy dynamics.

Author POV:

It was the 3rd month out of UA and Ochako and Katsuki's friendship has blossomed to something beautiful. Sure there were fights now and then but no fight could disband the couple of "friends"

Ochaco Pov

Me and Katsuki have been friends for about a year now and I am so grateful for my friendship with him which is why I am getting a cake to take back to the apartment, that I share with him, to celebrate our sort of one year anniversary of this whole friendship. Being this close to him I couldn't help but develop feelings for him. 

I love him so much and I just hope that he doesn't turn out like Deku. He might seem mean and rude to others but he's actually a big softie who just loves to cook. Being a pro hero is great but I couldn't imagine if I couldn't be by his side emotionally as well as physically

"Hey Angel face, come here and hurry up!", Katsuki yelled from the couch as I walked in.

"Coming!" I yell back, Sometimes I wonder why I put up with his yelling but at the end of the day I still loved him.  I started to walk towards him and jumped on him. "Wow the famous Katsuki got jumped on by little old me" he smirks.

 "Whatever, but wanna go to Anne's?", a piece of Anne's chicken wings sounded delicious right now I could just imagine thouse juicy barbeque wings dipped in beautiful delici-  "Kirby!?" "Yeah???", I look at him a little annoyed that he interrupted my day dream about the sleek chicken wings but even with this face he continues, "Are we going or not?" he says ignoring my face" Fine I guess we can go spikey". he gives me the same look I gave him not that long ago, he hates spikey. I know that. I hate being called Kirby. He knows that's how we are. At least how we were.

Anne's is a family owned diner not too far from where we live only a 15 minute walk away and me and Kat go there every Thursday for a piece of pie and some of her famous home maid ice cream which Katsuki defiantly cheats his diet for.

We pull out coats on and I pull out my earbuds bright pink  to endure my 15 minute walk with Kat. Mina recommended a artist named SZA since shes a tour apparently and Mina got tickets. I pop them in my ears and put my spotify playlist on shuffle. The first song popping up being a familiar song, love galore. Sometimes that's how I feel my relationship with Katsuki is like sometimes, like a love galore

For being a American artist she's pretty good and that new album what was it... oh yeah SOS it was so good her and Travis Scott are great artists and sing amazingly together and I honestly thi- "let me get a earbud pink cheeks I forgot mine at home." Katsuki says interrupting my train of thought. The winter snow flowing through the air, Kat's ruby eyes in the mix of the beautiful scenery with Kat's cherry colored lips, obviously colored from the cold along with his cheeks, made me astonished by his beauty. It was a fact that Kat was a beautiful man but seeing it up close was just a different experience. I can't believe my life I get to live and have this beautiful man as my best friend, hopefully forever.

Katsuki Pov

    Ochaco was perfect in every way especially now in the snow, she had a beauty that was beyond compare, with a face that could stop the world and a voice that could make the angels envious. 

Her eyes were the most wonderful shade of brown, a color so deep that it felt like you could get lost in them. When you looked into them, it felt as if she was staring straight into your soul, and you could see the world through her eyes. 

Her hair was the dark, rich color of chocolate, with a shine that made it look like it had just been conditioned. Everything about her was perfect and it made me want to spend the rest of my live admiring her beauty. 

It was like looking at a work of art, every detail was so stunning you could look at her for hours and still discover new things each time you looked at her. 

Her face was the perfect balance between delicate and strong, and a round jaw that made her look like a goddess.

 And then there were her eyes, the color of rich chocolate with a depth like an endless ocean. When you looked into them, it was like she was reading your soul and you could lose yourself in them for an eternity. If you looked close enough, you could make out the tiny flecks of gold in her eyes that made them even more gorgeous.

It was as if someone took a lump of the earth's richest chocolate and turned it into hair that flowed gently around her head in a wave that reached all the way to her shoulders. 

That, combined with her eyes which were the deepest shade of brown and held a warmth and depth that could make anyone feel at home, made her beauty impossible to resist. Even if she were in a crowded room, your eyes would be drawn to her as if by a magnet. 

And her presence would light up the entire room with her charm and charisma. She was a sight to behold, a treasure that could not be compared to any other.

As we stared at each other deeply I feel like my body is shaking aching to touch her, to just kiss her to see what those plump round lips tasted like

Then came the kiss

As I leaned in to kiss her, my heart started beating so fast that I could feel it pulsing in my chest. The feel of her soft lips against mine was something I will never forget. It was like a spark had been lit inside of me, igniting a fire that burned so hot and bright that I was afraid it might burn me alive. I could feel her smile on my face

I can't believe Deku missed out on this

1163 words

An: Ok guys that's it I tried to describe it as much as I can. please  let me know what I can fix. Have a good day, goodbye.
