"About to move in with @ JschlattLive and @ WilburSoot, feelin' good."
Already hundreds of fans liked the tweet, and the picture of the airplane below. The replies were wild, no one knowing what was happening. He could be pranking them, or he could be telling the truth? Why was he moving in with them, what's going on?
"Flight 5 will start in 15 minutes. Every passenger on that flight, please get on board! Thank you!" The soft, female voice said through the speakers on the walls. That brought Techno's attention, that being his flight.

Alright. Time to go meet the boys.

He thought, as he took his luggage and stepped towards the giant flying machine.

-Time skip-
After the flight

The boy was standing at the airport, genuinely tired from the flight. The engines were as loud as they could be, not letting anyone, including himself, to get even a minute of a nice, shut eye. And the flight was boring as hell, airplane mode on their phones not allowing anyone to do anything on their devices except for stare at the time and hope they fall asleep, waking up hours later at their destination. Making it worse, mid-flight, of course a baby had to start crying. Just as you thought it couldn't get worse, as the male let his head fall back on the seat, groaning in frustration, the fact that one baby started crying made another kid start crying too, joining them, making an awful chorus of cries, parents shushing and trying to calm the babies down, and a loud string of angry whines coming from all sides, from seemingly every passenger there was on the flight.

Yes, the flight was great.

But now, he was standing on the busy, loud airport, waiting to see his beloved friends for the first time, waiting to recognise them in the large crowd surrounding him.
"Dave!" A voice called out. They agreed to call eachother by their real names in public so they don't draw unnecessary fan attention.
Techno immediately turned around, just to be greeted by a tall brunette with curly hair, who's waving at him excitedly, drawing the attention of a couple of people passing by anyways.
Beside him was a slightly shorter male with a hat, a bit of short facial hair, going all the way from his cheeks to the bottom of his chin. He was smirking, once he noticed Techno, he nudged Will in his side telling him to calm down as he knew they were noticed.
The airport was slowly getting empty, people heading outside, going their ways, ignoring the 3 males greeting and hugging in the middle of the airport's hall. They were laughing, so glad to finally see eachother, after so long. They were gonna have so much fun, they couldn't wait to arrive home, play board games, sing, drink, collab, play videogames, talking into and throughout the entire night, laughing at the dumbest of jokes, telling stories. And it was supposed to get better as soon Sapnap and Dream move in too. It was going to be perfect, just five friends hanging out, having fun every day.
Just perfect.
"It's so good to finally meet you guys, how are you?", Techno said, trying to keep the conversation up as they slowly walked over to the car, ready to get settled in the comfortable estate. Despite being annoyed and tired after the flight, he striked up a smile, and patiently waited for their answers.
"I'm good, thanks for asking dude! ...You know you are awful at starting conversations, right?", Schlatt casually said, words seemingly falling out of his mouth, followed by a light, innocent giggle.
"You don't have to tell me something for me to know that, y'know?", Techno replied, letting a small fake sob after that.
The starting car was now filled with laughter for a while, until, usually socially awkward Techno spoke again:
"I thought you were straight? Cus only lesbians reffered to me as funny."
For a second, he thought he crossed the line, there he is, he fucked up- That silence was broken by Schlatt wheezing. It was a rare occasion for him to wheeze at something so stupid, but dark humour was Schlatt's thing, so that stupid, self deprivating joke made him laugh so hard. Both Will and Techno were laughing, then sigh in relief as they calmed down, happy Schlatt wasn't the one driving, him still wheezing what seemed his guts out. They'd be so dead if he was driving. The car was now echoing in laughter, small talks here and there until they arrived. Whenever there was silence, it was just so that men could catch their breaths, before talking or laughing again. But they finally arrived. Will parked the car in front of the house's gate, helping Jonathan and Techno get his stuff out of the car, into their new home.
The estate was quite big, painted with a shade of blue, so light that it seemed almost white, barely being recognisable as blue. The roof, on the other hand, was in a darker shade of blue. It wasn't something too dark, but wasn't as near as light as the wall's colour. It was a huge house, with a lot of rooms and windows being on display of the big street, which came in contact with the gate and the house's surrounding garden walls. Techno was, least to say, surprised. He did expect something like this except... Way smaller. He admired the house, inspecting everything and every detail already, as much as he could see. He clearly didn't take his ADHD medication beforehand, as everything distracted him. First it was the way Will would walk while carrying his stuff, next it would be a pigeon flying over the house, next it would be a soft scent a breeze would bring, then his attention would shift towards a sound of Schlatt stepping over a small branch, making it crunch loudly. Everything seemed so new, so intriguing and interesting. Even to Will and Schlatt, they moved in recently, but everything seemed to catch their attention too, as they slowly progressed towards the house's enterance.
As soon as they stepped in, a soft scent of something surrounded them, and it smelled extremely nice, familiar and friendly. A welcoming smell. They all noticed it, but Techno didn't know what it was, so he waited for his friends to explain or ignore it. It may just be a smell from outside, or perhaps their lunch leftovers..? What was there to expect anyways? He didn't have any more time nor strength to think. He just let his back touch the cold surface of the wall, and let himself relax, feeling as he was about to pass out from all exhaustion he experienced during last couple of hours. Making it worse, before the flight, he couldn't really focus either. He tried taking a nap, sleeping, relaxing, but his body was tense, not letting him relax, his mind happy and too excited to do anything but think about how he was supposed to meet his best friends. And there he was, slowly falling to the ground, half-asleep, his back backed up against a cold, sky-like coloured wall. He was dozing off, last thing hearing Schlatt's worried voice calling out for him as he fell asleep in the middle of the hallway.
As he fell asleep, the two males instinctively looked at eachother. Did he just pass out? They can't just leave him here, can they?
"I'll take his stuff, could you carry him there to his bedroom?", Will spoke quietly not to wake up the exhausted male.
"I'll try but I don't know if I can carry him alone so hurry up, I may need help", Schlatt replied, already bending downwards to pick up his friend's passed out, seemingly lifeless body.

Guess you're going bridal style Techno..

He thought, as his eyes traced his friend's figure. He was skinny, slightly taller then him, with brown curly hair, but it wasn't as fluffy and free as Wilbur's was. He was wearing a red hoodie, his eyes shut tightly. He had rather puffy cheeks, and, he must notice, extremely hot elbows. Now breathing heavily into Schlatt's neck, he picked him up and slowly, cautiously started carrying him throught the hallway, up the stairs, and then took a turn to the right. Will was just done bringing the stuff into the room, as he looked up at the two boys. He smirked. Schlatt nor Techno saw this, but the big guy was now flustered, barely noticeable, but Will knew him all too well. Despite all of his urges to make fun of him, he decides not to. It's not the time, but he'll keep that in mind. Maybe his friend has something to tell him? He gets up from the stuff and walks over to the boys. Schlatt was carefully setting the passed out male on the bed, slowly not to hurt or wake him up.
"Go get the pie, I have to take a shit." Jschlatt whisper-yelled, Will lightly giggling and silently nodding. They walked out of the room, turning the light off, letting the brunette sleep.
