The birth of Jyugo

We are a few parts in Japan, in a laboratory is a scientist named Mashiro Mutsuki. With these companions they conduct more than strange experiences. He has developed an intelligence allowing him to create these own clones. A clone named Hiiro had fallen in love with the professor's daughter; Touko Mutsuki. But he did not know that this little lady was pregnant! One day while they were discussing she was seized with nausea.

Hiiro: Touko! What do you have ?!

Touko: Take me to see my father!

Hiiro: yes!! When he took her to see the professor he went to talk to another doctor Isou.

Hiiro: It's really strange what she got.

Isou: This kind of behavior is common in a pregnant woman.

Hiiro: What?!!

Isou: You didn't know that? Yes, she is pregnant with a boy. The father is an old specimen.

Hiro: But?! Nobody told me! I'm going to see her !

Isou POV: You shouldn't bother him at this crucial moment.

He runs as fast as he can. When he arrives in front of his room, he discovers that he marks him for life.
Hiiro had arrived in front of Touko's room, when Mashiro came out.

Hiro: teacher?! What is happening ?!

Mashiro: Can't you see what I'm holding in my arms?

He looked. He found a bundle of bloody tissue.

Hiiro: What?!

Mashiro: stop shouting. She accomplished her mission wonderfully well. She gave birth to the child, unfortunately she did not survive.

Hiiro remained speechless. He didn't realize that Touko had just died or that she had given birth to a small child. Mashiro left with the child, forbidding him to enter his daughter's room.
But he hadn't said his last word, he had recovered Touko's DNA and he was constantly telling him to resurrect her.
