Torture Pt. 5-

um. so basically its been like- a year since I've updated this but I realized that I had already written more, I just never published it- so here it is lovelies :)

this will probably be the end for now, unless I decide to write more, because its all I need for my book as of now and I'm also mentally in a better place where I don't want to write whump as much anymore lol- I guess getting better can be alright- enjoy little demons in my computer 

<333 stick around my account for some new writing, though :) just short stuff

mostly fluff-

toodles <3


   Sir was on the verge of unconsciousness. He had had his fair share of broken bones and bruises and scrapes—but never to this extent. His high pain tolerance wasn't doing much for him now.

Bear set the hammer down, taking his place up next to him. He took Sir's face in his palm, wiping his tears,

"Oh, love, I know it hurts, but we've only just begun—you can't go passing out on me now."

When Sir didn't acknowledge him, Bear slapped his cheek lightly,

"C'mon, love,"

He grabbed Sir's jaw,

"Stay awake or I swear I'll kill you."

Silence. Sir was panting heavily, squinting his eyes.

"No? Fine, how about I kill your little doll then, hm?"

Sir startled, opening his eyes and clenching his teeth,

"You won't."

Bear smiled,

"Oh, I will. If you would like to take the easy route and go unconscious that is. Stay awake long enough for me to test you and you might get lucky."

Sir flicked his eyes back to the ceiling. Bear waited a second for a response but happily moved on when there wasn't one. He clapped his hands and went to grab the hammer,

"Okay! How about... hm... I say we break your shins. Sound good?...Oh, you don't care. I think it sounds good, anyway."

He ran the hammer down the length of Sir's leg, humming,

"Left or right, love?"

No response.

"Okay... how about right?"

Bear lifted the hammer and Sir squeezed his eyes shut. The hammer came down hard,


Sir's voice cracked as he screamed. He gasped for air, tears falling freely now. Bear moved to his left leg,


Sir didn't scream this time, small whimpers barely escaping his lungs. He was making a visible effort to stay awake. As for how long that would last, it was impossible to tell.

Bear set the hammer down gently,

"I would say it pains me to do this to you—only, I very much enjoy this. I do suppose however, it does pain you."

He caressed Sir's cheek,

"Love, don't worry, I'll make it all better, I promise. I just have to do this right now so I can prove to you that you're worthless. Then you can rest, alright?"

Sir nodded weakly.

Bear undid the straps around his wrists, sliding a hand under his neck and the other under his knees, picking him up. He walked to the back of the room and sat him down on the floor,

"I'll be right back, darling."

And with that, he left.

Bear came back a short time later. Sir couldn't tell how long he was gone, or if he even left the room, but when he caught his attention again, Bear was holding a young girl by the back of her neck. He snapped,

"Love? There you are,"

He smiled that awful smile,

"You've played this game before,"

A switchblade shot out from his hand, pressing at the girl's throat,

"Just walk over here and touch her, that's all."

Sir choked on a sob. He couldn't, he knew it. But he still tried. He tried to stand, failing miserably as he wasn't even able to push himself up with his hands. Bear smirked,

"No? How about if I move closer?"

He walked a few steps forward with the girl,


Sir tried once more, giving up after his vision went temporarily black. His eyes blurred with hot tears, he was too tired for words so he mouthed,

"I'm sorry."

"Oh well,"

Bear stuck the blade into her throat, pulling it back and spilling crimson red all over the concrete floor.
