

I woke up feeling groggy and weak. When I tried to sit up I found that I was strapped to a metal table at my waist, arms and legs. I tried to get out of the restraints, then realized it was no use whoever strapped me down knew what they were doing. I lay back down, wondering what I did to deserve this. I was a wallflower. I always sat in the back no one knew me or bothered me and in return I stayed invisible to everyone.

I dazed off and then snapped back to reality when I heard the door open behind me. A man in a white lab coat stood in front of me an examined my vitals. I hadn't even realized I was hooked up to all the machines until now. I looked up at the man and saw that he was fairly good looking, but to me right now all I could see was a kidnapper. He looked down at me with pity in his eyes. I wondered why he would pity me since he is the one who kidnapped me. He was about to leave when I asked,"Where am I and why am I here?"

He looked at me and said, "You are at a lab so the people who hired me can run experiments on you. I am sorry, but that is all I can tell you."

Again the pity was back in his eyes before he walked out the door. I still don't understand why though he could stop this whenever he wanted to. I lay there trying my best to wake up, because I know this has to be a nightmare. Nothing like this happens in real life, right? I squeeze my eyes tight and open them again, but I'm still here. I do it again and again, but finally give up because I know I'm never going to wake up from this nightmare. So I lay there, numb, until the door opens again. The same man comes in followed by some other serious men in business suits. The man in the lab coat starts to talk.

"I believe this candidate will do remarkably better than the others. She is in amazing health, nice vitals, and she has the surviving gene. Her body won't let her give up no matter how much we put her through."

I thought I heard him say under his breath "poor girl", but I must be hearing things. The way he's talking is making me really nervous. I really want this to be a dream, but it's to real. They talk for awhile more, but I can't hear anything over my panic.

Finally, the doctor comes up right next to me with a tray. He looks to the others and then back down to me. He lifts up a syringe and a needle from the tray first he puts the syringe in my arm and injects the gold liquid into my blood. Then he puts the needle withe the tubes attached to a bag of red liquid into my arm and pumps my system full of it. He looks to the others and says, "Now begins experiment 37"

That's all I hear before the pain engulfs me and wraps me in a cocoon of darkness. All I can think is yesterday I was just Ellie Sparrow, a plain wallflower with short blonde hair an blue eyes and now I've been kidnapped and am going to be just some experiment from now on.
