Chapter 15: Taken again

Y/n P.O.V

I said goodbye to the commander and I closed the door behind me. Without wasting a single second I sprinted outside ignoring the fact that people were asking and calling my name.

My eyes searched around the whole field outside but Levi was no where to be seen. Not even Ymir, Reiner, Armin, Petra, Jean and Hange. My eyes saddened and lowered down but then I thought, there is one last place where I haven't looked how stupid of me.

Finally I arriving at the horse stables I paused and panted. My legs were weak now after searching for over 3 hours.


Hearing my name I looked up and saw Armin with the rest of the group. I felt tears rise to my eyes when I saw them all good and well especially one.


Levi P.O.V


Hearing my name being called out instead of Haichou, I looked away from my horse and saw Y/n.

"Y/n?" I whispered under my breath but she could hear it well and before I knew it she sprinted up to me and I felt warmth around my body.

"I'm sorry..." I heard her say with her head resting on my shoulder blades.

"Yeah, you should be!" Petra blurted out, "Everyone knows the captain doesn't like hugs or human skin ship Y/n."

"Well then what about you?" Y/n said staring right into Petra, I felt a bit lost when she stopped hugging me but I looked back At Y/n and Petra now glaring at each other.

"What about me?"

"You're the one that clings onto the captain all day especially when you're saying he doesn't like skin ship. Everyone including you can see the irritated expression on his face when you cling and try to act kawaii."

I could hear the group laugh at Petra when she turned red and tried to find some excuse.

"Well then what about you Miss Zateng? Weren't you just now hugging the captain I have never gone that far."

Hmm, that was true. Petra has never gone far other than cling onto my arm because she knows I don't like it but Y/n. Hah, Y/n, she hugged me.

I saw Y/n look down. She probably was ashamed. No, I don't like that. I don't like it when she becomes weak because of what others think and say, No she shouldn't be doing that.

I walked ahead and snaked my arms around Y/n's waist. I nuzzled my head into her neck and I smirked a bit when I heard the gasps around us especially the shriek from Petra.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Petra shrieked out making everyone come outside. I earned more gasps but a really red flustered Y/n. Seems like she still has feelings for me.

"The definition is that: I love Y/n Zateng and I know she likes me which is why I'm taking her back, isn't that right love?"

Y/n lifted her head up and she looked around, too shy to make eye contact.

"Y-yes, L-Levi."

I smirked at the loud screams and gasps as I turned Y/n around and kissed her. Softly with love. I didn't really think I'd win her back but guess I did. Letting go I watch her look away from me and shift her feet on ground.

The crowd clapped and whistled cheering, "Y/N AND LEVI, WITH HUMANITY'S STRONGEST!"




Then a loud, "SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH!" from Jean.

Hmm, guess the planned worked, I owe you one Erwin and even you Hange.

To be Continued...Very Soon...

602 Words
