Stay Away Howlivia

At lunch Clawdeen came over and thanked me for saving her brother's butt in Mr.Rotter's class and I told her it wasn't a problem and I had the book the feud is in if either she or he wanted to borrow it to learn more about the subject. Neighthan came over and sat by me laughing. I looked at him "What's so funny?" He looked at me "I tripped with my first tray and dumped the food all over Cleo and when I was walking over with my new tray she was still whining about it" I laughed "Sounds like Cleo, don't worry she'll get over it" I had brought my lunch with me and learned that my dad had made some King Salmon as it was in season in the relem of darkness I offered some to Neighthan so he could try it and once he did he liked it "That's good, not strong like the other fish" I nod and swallow the food in my mouth "My dad knows how to prepare it to bring out the flavor of it" I had met his three friends and they sat with us happy that Neighthan and I were together and Bonita knew me from cooking club. I noticed Aeva scolding Sirena for not paying attention but that was nothing new. I was aware of a ghoul from drama having a crush on Neighthan but I wasn't aware me being his ghoulfriend pissed her off but the other ghouls were aware of her attitude towards me. The ghouls name was Howlivia and like Clawdeen she was a werewolf only a lighter color then what Clawdeen and her siblings were yes I got to meet Clawdeen's younger sister Howleen and she was nice to me and would hang out with me at times and she was the one who tackled Howlivia in the creepateria and told her to back off. Clawdeen hurried over to find out what was going on while Cleo,Deuce, Draculaura, Clawd, Frankie Stein and Jackson Jekyll came over and surrounded our table. I looked at Cleo "What is going on?" She looks at me "That ghoul from drama Howlivia revealed she had a crush on Neighthan and was planning on coming after you to get you away from him, to bad for her that Spectra had heard everything and word got out and we vowed to keep her away from the both of you" Neighthan shook his head "I would of just told her I wasn't interested in her that I have a ghoulfriend" Howlivia wasn't having that and wanted to know what he saw in me and he told her what he saw was a kind, caring and loving ghoul and one that he wants to be with. I looked at Howlivia "And I don't let his freaky flaw bother me, I just help him when he trips or drops something" Cleo smirked "And I think someone is jealous with all the attention you get from the other boys...though I now trust you and Deuce in cooking club. we had long talk the other day and all he asks of me is to trust the two of if Neighthan can trust you then I can trust you" Howlivia looked at me "Yeah what's up with that?" Jackson sat the apple down he was eating "She's a tomboy, meaning she gets along with us guys better then the ghouls but she still has ghoul friends because they let her be herself" Howlivia must of be sastified with that answer as she shut up and left after that. Cleo sat down next to Deuce "I have a feeling we haven't seen or heard the last of her" I look at Cleo "She trys to steal Neighthan from me she's not going to like what I do to her" I seen Clawd messing with his icoffin then he laughed and showed us something he posted. I looked at it "Clawd are you trying to get yourself into trouble....and you stole that from Heath" Cleo looked at her icoffin as it went off alerting her to Clawd's post "Ok now Howlivia has fleas" and with that she lost it laughing.
