These are all the thoughts that go on in my head at any time of the hour. I'll be thinking of random things then it'll go to dark things. I have no clue why....


Why do cats and dogs fight?

Why did my grandpa adopt a small dog from the street and then name it tramp? Seriously, worst name for a dog ever.

Why did my grandpa kill himself?

Why do I sometimes want to follow his footsteps?

Should I stop cutting? Probably. Will I? Probably not...

Why are the prettiest things so fragile? Like butterflys, beautiful, yet so fragile.

My dad says I'm fragile, for some odd reason... yet, i am not beautiful, or attractive. Hell, i dont know how I'm even in a relationship with someone as great as the girl that I have.

Why does my family always judge me, and make fun of me, and shame me? Did i do something?

Once I punched my mom in the face by accident but she scared the hell out of me. Then once I almost elbowed her in the face but I was having some crazy dreams and she woke me up.

Why do people always betray me?
Best friend? Nah, I'll get stabbed instead.
My brain? Nah, I'll think about suicide and death and the people that hate you. Nevermind anything good.
Family? Nah, we'll make fun of you and shame you, and treat you like a worthless dog.

Atleast my pets like me. Most of the time.

Why do dogs lick people?

Why do people, lick people???
" I like this one. I'll lick them to make it clear they're mine. "

Who was the first person to think of sex? " ahh, yes. This person. We should do something to show affection... hah! I got it.... "

Why are people so cruel? People kill people, rape people, steal from people, steal actual people.
Seriously, what is wrong with some people?

What's wrong with me? Why am I like this. What did I do?


I know this is weird, but somehow it helps. Don't judge me, i get enough of that. Anyways. Hope you like my weird thoughts. Please feel free to ask questions but don't expect answers if they're personal. And if you know the answer to any of these I'd like that a lot.
Have a great day, i bid you a due.
* bows *
