Chapter 7: The Scientist

'Why did that feel so final?' Rick questioned. His heart was aching. He didn't know what to do at this point, and that scared him. He always knows what to do. 'What did Beth want? Is Morty okay? Of course he's not okay! He was just assaulted in a bathroom by the same person as before! Jesus Christ Rick! Get it together!' The man's mind raced. Rick decided to go and get the boy out of the situation with his mother to tell him; that was until he heard the door slam shut and the house went silent.

The minute Morty left the room he was shocked to feel nothing. No pain. No hurt. No sadness. No relief. Just nothing. He walked down the stairs to meet his angered mother. "Morty, your father just called me and he's in the driveway and the three of us need to talk in the car!" Beth screamed. "Where are we going?" Morty questioned numbly. "Somewhere!" The mother screamed in her sons face and yanked the boy out the door; slamming it behind the two.

Rick knocked over a few things on the boys desk in anger when he looked down to the trash and saw a crumpled up piece of paper. Rick picked it up, straightened it out and read it. "Hey loser, I'm out tonight so enjoy mom and dad you little shit. See you hopefully never." It was signed by Summer. Rick felt sick when he finished reading. The date was the day he saw the Morty taking pills like it was candy. "Jesus...why...." the man said to himself. Rick finally saw what to do. He took the note as a sign. He made a portal and left.

The two angered parents were fighting in the front until Jerry noticed they needed gas. So he parked and got out to fill the tank up. Morty used this as an opportunity to talk to his mother. "H-he-hey mom?" The kid muttered out. "What is it, Morty?" Beth said sounding exhausted and pissed off. "Has dad-...has dad ever hit you?" Morty shamefully asked. "What?! No he's never hit me! It's not in your fathers nature to engage in any sort of violence." Beth shouted as Jerry got back in the car.

The car pulled up into a shitty run down looking building. "Mom, Dad, where are we?" Morty asked slightly concerned. "This is where your father and I were when we found out that I was pregnant with you." The mother admitted. "Wh-why are we h-here?" The boy asked with even more concern in his voice. "To tell your the truth..." Beth said nervously.  "Okay someone please tell me what's going on." Morty tried to stay calm. "Beth?" Jerry insisted. "I-can't!" She called out. "Oh for the love of Christ! You were conceived by accident and you were a failed abortion and that's most likely why you are such a dumb idiot!" Morty's father yelled. Those words caused Morty to go even more numb. "Wha-what-...." the boy said oh so quietly. The rest of the car ride back was dead silent. No one said a word. My parents didn't even start fighting until Jerry made a comment about Rick while pulling in the driveway.

The boy stumbled his way upstairs and sat down on his bed without any expression. Morty's mind was blank. For once he had no thoughts. No Mr. Jellybean, no nightmares, no worries, just nothing except the sound of a pulse ringing through Morty's ears. The kid didn't know what to do. He was an accident. A failed abortion. A stupid, dumb idiot, and a loser. Morty's emotionless stare was interrupted when he became aware of a feeling of slight moisture on his bottom. He had just remembered the assault earlier that day. Everything became heavier than a bag of rocks on his back. Morty knew what he was to do.

The teen got dressed in new clothes. But this time instead of a hoodie, it was just blue jeans and his signature yellow shirt. Or what used to be his signature shirt. He numbly walked downstairs to grab a bottle of Rick's booze. After he returned upstairs, the boy went to the bathroom instead this time. He heard his parents leave once again after fighting. He was all alone now. But it didn't feel any different than three minutes ago. Ten minutes ago. Just nothing.

Morty walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He put the plug in the bathtub and began to run hot water. Morty placed the bottle of Rick's booze next to the bathtub. The boy then opened the cabinet under the sink and grabbed his bathroom razor. He took the blade, looked at it for a moment and placed it on the bathtubs ledge.

While the tub was running, everything that Morty had been through had began playing in his head. Everything from Morty passing Rick his flask as a small child, to Morty's first adventure that he could lead, and even to the selfie incident with the president. But then the memories from the last few months started flashing through his head. His first cut. His first drink. His first hoodie. His first secret from Rick. And his second sexual assault. The boy stood up frowning at the reflection that glared back at him in the mirror. Morty took a deep breath and gave in.

The tub was not even a quarter of the way full, but he still got in fully clothed. Morty grabbed the liquor and took a swig; as he would need the liquid courage for what he was about to do. The teen took a few more swings of liquor knowing he'd need as much help as possible. Morty looked down at all the tally marks now. Quite a few were an oozy red colour still. He then took one last swig from the liquor bottle and picked up the razor on the ledge of the tub. Seeing every bad thing to happen to him racing through his mind, Morty dug the razor in his arm and dragged it down, in the opposite way of the others. After a small wince of pain, he repeated the same thing in the other arm. He put his arms down in the water and the water and his blood mixed together created a bright red colour. Morty leaned his head back, resting it on the back of the tub. He was panting while bleeding very very deeply. And was still trying to find any feeling whatsoever. But the only thing he could feel, was empty.

Rick made a portal in the garage in which Summer had also came through. "Why did I have to come with you again?" Summer complained. "Because I saw your note to Morty." Rick stated. Summer flushed with embarrassment. "He's your brother Summer! The only one you're ever going to get! So why would say those things to him?" The old man defended. "Oh yeah! Take the high road! You treat him like shit too! So does mom and dad! So why do they get away with it?! And more importantly, why do you?!" The girl screamed. Rick had felt awful. Everyone does treat him like shit. Especially Rick. But he has been trying. Not enough... "Look we all need to get better! We all use him as the punching bag! Cause he is the easiest person to blame for the family's problems! But how would you feel if you were part of the reason why he became miserable? Would you feel good?! No! And I need to work on that too. But make sure that you tell your family you love them. Even if they are the most annoying pieces of shit ever." The man said directed at the girl but mainly himself. Summer understood what Rick was saying. She kinda felt bad but wouldn't say it. "Okay! Fine! The next time I see him I'll let him know I love him." She walked away to her room.

Rick walked upstairs too, to see if the boy had been dropped off. But when he was near the top of the stairs he heard the water running in the bathroom. 'Must be having a bath I guess' Rick thought to himself. Rick walked past the washroom and went to his room for a few minutes before realizing that what he had to say to Morty couldn't wait. The sound of his daughter and her idiot walking in didn't bother him, but it did make him more worried for his grandson.

Rick exited his room and saw water leaking from under the bathroom door. "Morty! Morty! For Christ sake, turn the water off!" Rick knocked on the washroom door. Rick was standing in a small puddle of the water but what made him more concerned was the fact that it was light pink. Rick kicked down the door and what Rick saw haunted his eyes, and his mind. Morty was in the bathtub, whiter than a ghost in water that was stained red. Rick ran to turn the faucet off. That's when he spotted the source of the red stained water. His wrists. Which also was covered in other cut marks. "Morty?!" Rick called out in a panic. He grabbed the boy in the water and screamed "Morty?! Come on little buddy! It's me! It's Grandpa! You're- you're okay!" Rick's eyes swarmed with tears. He felt the boys skin and it was colder than cold. "Morty!!! Wake up! Come on! Grandpa's here!" Rick cried "Grandpa's here and he loves you! You gotta just wake up!!" Rick was drenched at this point. He portaled to the best alien hospital in the multiverse.

"Help!!! Help me!!! My grandson! He- he cut his wrists! I- I don't know how long ago this was but-  it please!!" Rick called out to the nurses. A doctor came out and immediately checked for a pulse. "Why aren't you doing anything?!?! He needs help now!!!" Rick cried out. "I- sir I don't know how to put this... we can't- we can't help you...." the doctor stated. "What?! Why the- why the hell not?! You are the best in the multiverse!!" The old man pleaded. "Yes.... but we can't cure death.. no one can. I'm- I'm so sorry...." The Doctor shamefully admitted. Rick was in shock. 'This can't be it!!!' Rick screamed in his head. "I'm so sorry sir... but.... you're grandson is dead..." those words stopped Rick's heart. "N-no no! He- he can't be dead! No! Help him please!" Rick screamed.

The boy was lifted onto a flat bed while nurses were bandaging his cuts. Everything was a blur to Rick. He then came back to awareness when he heard a doctor yell "Clear!" And a zapping sound followed. The old man held the hand of his cold grandson. The boy didn't respond. The doctor yet again called out "Clear!" Followed by another zap. This process happened two or three more times before the doctors turned to the man. "Sir....your grandson-" the doctor was cutoff. "His name is Morty!" Rick screamed. "Morty, isn't responding to anything we are doing...I'm sorry." The doctor finished. "No please just- one more time! One more time is all I'm asking!" The old man bargained. In agreement, the group of doctors tried one more time. "Clear!" And a zapping sound arose. The doctor once again checked for any kind of pulse. "Wait! Hold- hold on we- we got him! Nurse! Go get this boy a room stat!" The doctor called out.

Rick was so shocked that he forgot that he had even stood up. "He has a pulse sir! A very very very weak one but he has one! You need to wait here!" The doctor said while rushing to the boys aid once again.

While Rick waited in the room he was instructed to stay in, he felt so helpless. His grandson was barely clinging to life and Rick couldn't even be there to hold him. Rick was just reminded of why he drinks and hates on everyone. It's because they will die, and not even he can cure death. Like the doctor said: no one can cure death. 'I'm a scientist! I create poisons with antidotes for fun! Yet I don't even know how to heal cuts! Well...yes I can.... but they have to be new.... bran new.... I- I just.... got there too late...' the man held his head in shame while admitting in his head.

The doctor Rick had been dealing with had finally come out of the room. "Is he okay?!?!" Rick yelled. We have him somewhat stabilized. But-..." the doctor started. "'But' what?! Spit it out!" The man called out in desperation. "But he isn't regaining consciousness. Which in other words, means he is in a coma.." he finished. "I know what it means!!..." Rick stated while trying not to cry. "I wanna see him." The doctor looked at Rick like he had three heads. "He doesn't look like the picture of health at the moment.. I think you should go home and come back when we have more information to give." The doctor suggested. "I said I wanna see my grandson!" The man shouted with tears rolling down his quivering face. The doctor nodded in agreement and took the man half way down the hall until he pointed the room out to the man.

Rick walked in and saw his grandson laying motionlessly, with all these wires and tubes around him. Just seeing him like this broke the man's heart. Rick was choking down a sob. He sat next to the pale boy. His glance turned to the scars that weren't bandaged up. Rick ran his hands over the other scars very gently. He then threw his head on the boys chest in a hug like fashion and began crying. "I'm so sorry Morty! I did this! I should've known! I could've known and asked and hell I could've cared enough to pay attention! I'm so sorry! I- I do care about you! You're just more brave than me, to be able to admit that.." he continued to cry out not letting go of the boy.
